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by Emma K

teacher: Rebecca Reynolds

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How Crazy Cats Act

Article posted October 18, 2005 at 10:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 96

The world is filled with CRAZY CATS!! People think

cats are soooooo cute,sweet,and soooooo fluffy but

I know the TRUTH! They rip up the furniture,they pee on the rug,and they shed on your clothes!! One

day a women had no pets so she got a cat. You

probably know what happened. HE WENT CRAZY!! She went crazy also. It was CRAZY TOWN in her house. It was so crazy the neighbors were crazy. Then there was a party at the ladies house. She locked the cat in the basment.The cat was so strong, he broke the door.It was a DISASTER!! The laides were

running,sceaming,and were tripping over there own feet.The ladies went home with rips in there dreses and had crazy hair styles.The lady cleaned up the messthen fell asleep on the couch.the cat took a nap also.The cat woke up first.He ate all the food in the fridge.He was a magical cat!!He put everything back in its places.Then he went back to bed like nothing happened.


Article posted October 18, 2005 at 10:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 96

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