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7th and 8th graders' opinions, ideas, questions, and insights about topics we're discussing in BJH English classes.

by Danton McDiffett

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7th graders: Good sports--or bad?

Article posted November 1, 2006 at 08:17 PM GMT • Reads 594

We just finished watching "The Basket," an excellent movie about the early years of basketball.

Write about 75-150 words discussing the value of sports to school. Talk about what sports you have participated in, or plan to participate in. What did you get from them? Were they helpful in your learning? Were they ever a distraction?

If you haven't participated yet, why not? If you haven't participated, you DO still need to discuss your ideas about school sports, because choosing not to take part still has repercussions for you.

Don't forget to proofread! You'll earn no credit for responses which have excessive errors. Who determines what's excessive? Why, I do, of course!

This is due by Nov. 10, for 100 points.

Article posted November 1, 2006 at 08:17 PM GMT • Reads 594

8th graders: The rest of the year

Article posted November 1, 2006 at 08:27 PM GMT • Reads 80

Hey, eighth graders!

You're nearing the end of your junior high years already. What are some goals you have for the rest of the 2006-07 school year? Think about what you want to learn, what grades you hope to earn, what activities you hope to participate in, what personal and team sports goals you have, and so forth.

Don't just list your goals, discuss them a little. Instead of saying, "I want to be ready for Geometry next year," add something like, "I want to be an engineer, but math gives me trouble. I hope I can get ready for Geometry next year by learning as much as possible in Algebra this year."

Don't forget to proofread! You'll get no credit for responses that have errors in them.

This is due by Nov. 10 for 100 points.

Article posted November 1, 2006 at 08:27 PM GMT • Reads 80

7th graders: Fictional characters

Article posted November 15, 2006 at 01:50 PM GMT • Reads 1080

One of the pleasures of reading fiction is to meet new characters. Without fiction, we'd never meet Harry Potter, Black Beauty, Huck Finn, or even The Cat in the Hat. I'd like you to think about the books you've read and enjoyed in the past couple of years. Who were your favorite characters?

Your assignment is to write about 100-150 words telling us the following:

1. Who is your favorite fictional character?

2. What book or series is this character found in? It would be a good idea to mention the author of the book, too.

3. What are two reasons you really enjoyed this character?

4. If you could meet this character in real life, what would the two of you do together for a day?

Please look at other entries, see what your classmates are writing, and maybe aim for some variety, so we don't get 20 entries about the same character!

Thanks! This blog entry is due on Monday, November 20.

Article posted November 15, 2006 at 01:50 PM GMT • Reads 1080

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