Natalie Brown -- Blogmeister
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Sharing Our Writing

Language Arts Grade 6

by Natalie Brown

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Bio Poem Directions

Article posted October 20, 2005 at 07:16 AM GMT+14 • Reads 368

Complete the following lines:

Your first name

4 adjectives that describe your appearance

4 adjectives that describe your personality

_________ son/daughter of ________________

Who believes..(list 3 things you believe).

Who believes..(list 3 ways you feel about current topics/ideas/controversies.

Who hopes to ...(list 3 hopes for your future).

Who would like to see...(list 3 places/events/happenings you would like to see).

Resident of (insert your city and state here).

Your last name

Article posted October 20, 2005 at 07:16 AM GMT+14 • Reads 368

Acrostic Poem

Article posted November 11, 2005 at 03:20 PM GMT+14 • Reads 32

Create an Acrostic Poems in your blog:

Acrostics are easy to write and simple in format. The name of the person, object, place and so on is written vertically down the left hand side of the page. Each letter is capitalized and becomes the first letter of the word beginning each line. The words used should describe the person, object or place in a positive way. Each line may comprise a word, a phrase or a thought that is continued on to the next line. Acrostics require writers to choose the best words and the best sentence construction within the limitations imposed by the form.

Here is an example:


Around in the



And eating,


Over paddocks


Sleeping after jumping.

Article posted November 11, 2005 at 03:20 PM GMT+14 • Reads 32

Write a Haiku

Article posted January 5, 2006 at 05:10 PM GMT+14 • Reads 33

Haiku is a three-line verse from which originated in thirteenth-century Japan. This type of poetry consistes of only three lines totaling 17 syllables.

Line 1 - 5 syllables

Line 2 - 7 syllables

Line 3 - 5 syllables

These poems usually talk about seasons, location or nature. Please use these topics.


All sky disappears.

The earth's land has gone away;

Still the snowflakes fall.

Article posted January 5, 2006 at 05:10 PM GMT+14 • Reads 33

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Language Arts Gr. 6