-- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Room 16

Class description.. We are a Year 2 class at Omanu School. Children are all enthusiastic uses of our Interactive Whiteboard and many are quite comfortable surfing the net on their home computers with Mum and Dad. The teacher is the diffident one......

by Annette Carruthers

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China Study

Article posted October 9, 2008 at 03:44 AM GMT • Reads 137

In the third term we studied the Olympics and China. We did lots of different learning and were lucky enough to have a visitor from China to talk to us. Gao Qing had only been in New Zealand for a few days so we were interested to hear her talk. We had some questions to ask about things we wanted to learn so we asked her about her school in China, what foods she liked to eat and to show us her home town on a map. She also showed us how to use chop sticks and how to do some Chinese writing. Some of us wanted to learn to say some Chinese words so Gao Qing taught us how to say "boy," "girl," and some other words. We were sorry to see her go and wished we could have more time with her.  When Mrs C learns how there will be a photo of Gao Qing talking to us to go with this article.

Article posted October 9, 2008 at 03:44 AM GMT • Reads 137

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Room 16

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Personal.. I have been teaching for years and still enjoy it......most days! I am enjoying having an IWB in my classroom and love to hear the technical terms dropping off the tongues of the little techies. We are learning together and discovering the wonderful ways this tool can be used to enhance learning.....