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2nd ESO A, B, C , D

2nd ESO A, B, C and D are classes of grade 8 . They are students at "IES Vil·la Romana", a secondary school in La Garriga (Barcelona, Spain). They are learning English as a foreing language. They will practice their speaking and writing. They'd like to communicate to students around the world. This is the first year they're going to use this blog.

by Mercè Barrull
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Article posted October 17, 2008 at 07:03 PM GMT • Reads 5554

  1. Watch this video

  2. Comment on it with your partner.

  3. Now copy and answer these questions in your article:

    a. which animals can you see?

    b. What is the cat doing?

    c. What is the fish doing?

    d. Can the cat speak?

    e. Can the fish speak?

    f. Why does the cat go away?

  4. Read these words. Look up their meaning in a dictionary. How do we say them in Catalan?

    mew - swim - hungry - frighten - bark - fish bowl

  5. Complete the following text with these words

    The fish is ______ing in the __________. The cat is ______ and wants to eat the fish. The cat cannot speak, but it can _____. The fish cannot speak but he wants to survive. It has learnt another language. He has learn to ________ as a dog. He barks because he wants to _________ the cat. The cat thinks the fish is a dog and goes away.

  6. Go to wordreference and complete this table

    English Catalan Spanish French Italian
    bark_______ _______ _______ _______
    fish bowl____________________________

  7. Now comment on your answers with your classmates.

  8. How many languages can you speak?

(Activity created by Dolors Permanyer)

Article posted October 17, 2008 at 07:03 PM GMT • Reads 5554

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About the Blogger

Mercè Barrull is a teacher of English at Vil·la Romana Secondary School, in La Garriga (Spain). Locations of visitors to this page