-- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

by Mrs. Collazo

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How to Blog!!

Article posted September 6, 2008 at 05:04 PM GMT • Reads 181

How to Blog!!

1.Our “blog” appears with a message from Mrs. Collazo.

You have two choices:

a. You can click on our class names or our individual names, on the right hand side of the screen, to read our individual entries.

b. You can click on the Teacher Entries and or the Student Entries column on the left hand side of the screen and read the entries we have entered.

2. After reading an entry, you can chose to write a response by clicking on the word ‘comment’ . Now click on ‘Add a Comment.’

3.Please enter your name and your comment. You DO NOT need an email address or a URL address.

4.Please type to computer generated code at the bottom of your comment. This helps to ensure that you are a person, not a computer trying to post advertisements in our blog. Now, push submit!

5.Your comment will be forwarded to Mrs. Collazo’s email account for her to approve to be posted for everyone to read.

6.Check back later to see your comment posted!

7.Enjoy this blog!

We hope to keep it updated with some of our work journal entries, projects, and personal reflection of life and lessons.

Article posted September 6, 2008 at 05:04 PM GMT • Reads 181

Welcome to the World of Technology

Article posted September 6, 2008 at 05:10 PM GMT • Reads 32

Hello Everyone!   

This is an outstanding opportunity for you to read various comments from us throughout the year. You can actually respond to what we have written! Mrs. Collazo will be providing us time to update our blog throughout the year. Sometimes we will just be writing our thoughts about what we are learning, while other times we may share a piece of class work with you! Have fun reviewing our work and we look forward to "hearing" from you! Mrs. Collazo and the Spanish and Reading and Writing Bloggers

Article posted September 6, 2008 at 05:10 PM GMT • Reads 32

All Entries       All Titles

My Classes & Students

Blue Tears
Reading and Writing 3rd period
Reading and Writing 6th Period
Spanish 1