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Lawrence Elementary Grade 6

Learning, Living, Laughing

by Mr. Kotchorek
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Firing Up New Blog For New Year

Article posted September 30, 2008 at 12:26 AM GMT • Reads 599

I find it interesting as I sit here trying to get my new blog going - changing one's method of thinking is difficult. WOW! What a realization. The same goes through the head of each of my students as they become bombarded with new technology. It is exciting, yet at the same time an overwhelming time for all of us. The next week will see challenges and new revelations - hopefully of the Eureka! type.

Cheers for now.

Article posted September 30, 2008 at 12:26 AM GMT • Reads 599

Tech Committee Moves Forward

Article posted October 16, 2008 at 11:05 PM GMT • Reads 32

Today's meeting of the Tech Committee was again very productive. Through these face to face meetings, we are able to hash out problems, face the problems of tomorrow, and generally enable the support we need to be successful.

Commonalities run abound - mostly to do with a lack of time and how can we can work with fellow teachers who also need the help to be successful.

Solutions are out there - but not all are realistic - where does our Admin Council sit with all this info? They try to help, but as it sits now, educators are required to give more of themselves for the betterment of our students.

Article posted October 16, 2008 at 11:05 PM GMT • Reads 32

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Grade 6

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Father, Husband, Friend. Oh yeah, Habs Fan!