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Hi, Welcome to the blog of the BEST 5th grade classroom on EARTH!! We're located in the very middle of the grand state of Maine, USA!

by Julie Knowlton
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Why Blog?

Article posted October 31, 2008 at 03:44 AM GMT • Reads 227

Would you believe this is my third try at posting this blog? The learning curve is steep and perilous for a techie wanna-be like me!

So why would a blog-challenged 5th grade teacher like me want to start a classroom blog? Because Bob Sprankle can really close a sale! I attended his workshop, "Blogging in the Elementary Classroom" at the ACTEM conference a couple of weeks ago and I was not just convinced of about the benefits of blogging, I was excited about podcasting, too!

(Hi Bob! If you really google yourself like you said you do then thanks for dropping by!)

I hope you will all drop in and check out some of my students' work -- be sure to comment and let them know you care!

Article posted October 31, 2008 at 03:44 AM GMT • Reads 227

Letter to Santa

Article posted December 9, 2008 at 03:58 PM GMT • Reads 39

I have asked my students to write a letter to Santa -- whether they believe or not. I would like them to think about the things that are really important in the world, in their nation, in their community and in their lives. I think that I would like to answer this assignment as well.

Dear Santa,

I think your job is going to be more difficult than ever this year. While a few toys and electronic devices will certainly make a few children happy, I don't think they will make any positive changes in our world.

People around the world are struggling with a recession, with wars and poverty, with terrorism and global warming. Children are hungry and living in fear. Parents are worried and anxious about the future.

I have written letters to you before asking for world peace -- and we can see how well that worked out. I have asked for an end to world hunger and you haven't delivered, I even asked for you to clean up the pollution in the world, but alas, you don't seem to have that gift.

So, Santa, I am going to ask for something different this year. It's not very big, or costly, but I think if we work together it could make the world a better place to live.

I would like you to bring an act of kindness to every person in the world. I would also like a moment of peace for everyone, everywhere. Do you think these are gifts that are within your power to deliver? If we all help you carry the load, could you get the job done?

I think if everyone delivered just one act of kindness to another person -- and asked for that act to be passed along to someone else we could eventually reach everyone in the world, don't you think? If I cleaned the snow off a stranger's car while they were shopping wouldn't they feel a little brighter, a little more kindly towards others? If that person delivered a home-cooked meal to a family who had lost a loved one this year wouldn't that brighten someone's day?

And that moment of peace -- think what we could do with that! If someone gave themselves the gift of sitting with a friend for 30 minutes having a cup of coffee, wouldn't that be a gift of peace for both of them? If a busy mom was given 30 minutes to curl up with a favorite book, wouldn't she be more likely to give the gift of herself to someone else? If one were to stop in the middle of this busy season and meditate or say a prayer for someone, couldn't that make a difference in the world?

Dear Saint Nicholas, more than anything at all right now, this old world needs a little hope. I think that is a gift that you can bring. If we help by delivering a little peace and kindness to our family, friends, neighbors, yes, and even strangers, do you think you could bring hope to the world? Just think about it, please, if you would. Please bring hope back to our world.


Mrs. Knowlton

Article posted December 9, 2008 at 03:58 PM GMT • Reads 39

The January Grumpy-Blahs

Article posted January 15, 2009 at 09:15 PM GMT • Reads 51

Are there any other teachers out there who get the January grumpy-blahs? I have said the same things to the same students for 5 months and I'm getting a little grumpy that they still don't listen. Does anyone have any remedies for this?

As for the blahs -- it's too cold to go out and play (the high today was 0ºF), the days are short -- I arrive before daylight and usually leave after nightfall and there aren't any 'exciting' things to look forward too right now -- just MOTS.

Okay -- I'm done whining. Thanks for listing. If you have any good antidotes for this, please pass them along.

Article posted January 15, 2009 at 09:15 PM GMT • Reads 51

Point of View

Article posted May 12, 2009 at 05:40 PM GMT • Reads 44

We have been working on point of view and perspective in our class. The students just finished writing some terrific stories from the point of view of a BASEBALL!!

Be sure to watch for onamatopoeia, similies, specific nouns and lively verbs in their writing, too!

Article posted May 12, 2009 at 05:40 PM GMT • Reads 44

Getting Started

Article posted September 3, 2009 at 08:55 PM GMT • Reads 48

Well, here I am at year two of my classroom blog! I am very excited for the students to bring their permission slips back in so that they can start posting to their own blogs.

I think I learned a lot in year one and I hope to make this an even better learning experience for year 2!

It's exciting the way students get feedback from one another -- and post feedback to friend's blogs. They are so much more willing to comment on the blog than in person!

The first time they get feedback from an 'outsider' -- someone they know from another school - or someone they don't know - they get so excited, they can't wait to post some more!

Article posted September 3, 2009 at 08:55 PM GMT • Reads 48

Year 3

Article posted February 9, 2011 at 06:02 PM GMT • Reads 47

Here I am in the third year of blogging with my students. I'm rather slow getting started this year, it just seems like there is way too much to do!

I hope the students will enjoy posting their thoughts for others to read and comment on.

Article posted February 9, 2011 at 06:02 PM GMT • Reads 47

My Class

Article posted February 10, 2011 at 04:01 PM GMT • Reads 53

"Blogs are cool," says one of my students. "Blogs are cool because they let you write what you want to say about the class," says another student. "This site is awesome," says one more of my students.

This is the first day that I have introduced blogging to the kids and as you can see, they are pretty excited! I can't wait until this afternoon when they start posting!

Article posted February 10, 2011 at 04:01 PM GMT • Reads 53

Snow Day -- April Fools!

Article posted March 31, 2011 at 09:19 PM GMT • Reads 989

Well, the local forecaster says that we are in for a 'classic Nor'easter.' For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a storm that travels across the state from south to north. It is always accompanied by high winds and usually it brings snow.

So...all the kids wanted to know... "Are we having school tomorrow, Mrs. Knowlton?"

I don't have a crystal ball, so I don't know whether we are having school or not, but I think that it will be a terrific April Fool's joke whether we are here or not!

April Fool's to all the students and teachers who are expecting to stay home tomorrow if the storm doesn't measure up and April Fool's to the entire state if we end up with 12" or more of snow!

Either way, enjoy your first day of April everyone!

Article posted March 31, 2011 at 09:19 PM GMT • Reads 989

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About the Blogger

I have been teaching 5th grade for 6 years in this school and I have been a teacher for 24 years. Locations of visitors to this page