Sarah Martinuk -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

An International Connection-

English- M1, M2/1, M2/2

by Sarah Martinuk
Related Links

Lertlah- Kaset Nawamin School
Ms. Straub's Class Blog
Ms. Saas and the Epic Eights
Ms. Deneiko and The Spectacular 6's

Teacher Assignments
Teacher Entries
Student Entries

Welcome to Blogging!!

Article posted October 21, 2009 at 08:46 AM GMT0 • Reads 365

Maybe some of you have never had a blog, but I guarantee all of you have your own site of some kind, whether it's on Facebook, Friendster, MySpace, or anything else. Well, now each of you will have your own blog on here as well, just click on your name at the right, and change your settings to look how you like, etc. You can post on eachother's walls, on your own walls, but best of all... some of your assignments will be required to be posted on here!! ( I're all cheering inside!! ) So, the assignment and due date will be posted on my homepage (here!), and you will be marked on them. However, before any of your postings can be shown on your site, they will be sent to my email so that I can approve them first.. So, keep in mind that I, and the rest of the world will be able to see them. Your work reflects both yourself and our school. So...have fun! We will be meeting up with some other classrooms of students from Canada, so you will be able to write back and forth between them too!! :D

Miss Sarah

Article posted October 21, 2009 at 08:46 AM GMT0 • Reads 365

Assignment #1 (M1, M2)

Article posted October 22, 2009 at 10:51 AM GMT0 • Reads 292

Hey Bloggers!!  Here is your first Assignment!! :D It has 3 different parts..

1.  Customize your homepage! 
Click on the 'select template' at the top of the screen, and click until you see one you like. 

2.  Write a paragraph(5-6 sentences) about yourself...  (I will explain how in the next entry...see above!)  Explain your interests, hobbies, physical characteristics(what you look like)... But please do not include your real names, or any contact information(phone numbers, email addresses, etc). 

3.  Create an Animoto video!  Go to, and create an account.  You can then create free 30 second 'music videos' using pictures.  Include pictures of things (or words of things ex: family) that are important to you, or that show your interests.  You do not need to include a picture of yourself.  You can use cartoons, clip art, etc.  But when I watch the video, I should get a good idea of what is important to you.  Then.... EMBED this into your blog!! 

Ok Bloggers, that's it!  This assignment will be due November 9th.  Good luck, have fun!  Email me, or ask me in class if you have any questions!!  :D

Article posted October 22, 2009 at 10:51 AM GMT0 • Reads 292

How to write a post on your blog

Article posted October 27, 2009 at 09:36 AM GMT0 • Reads 199 you want to write/paste something on your blog wall...  It's very important you do ALL of these steps...

  • Ensure that you are in 'Edit Mode'

  • Click on the 'Article' button on the top

  • Fill in the 'Article Title' box

  • Click on 'Graphical'on the right(this will let you change the font, color, put in pictures, etc)

  • Type your blog post in the box.


  • Click save(you should see your post show up at the bottom of the screen...then if you ever want to edit it, you click on it there...)

  • WILL NOT show up immidiately on your blog...remember, I have to approve it.  When I do this, THEN it will appear on your blog.


IF you want to EMBED(put onto your wall) a video, slideshow, or anything else that is on the internet, you need to :

  • Find the EMBED CODE (it is a URL address) of the media.  It looks like this:

  • Copy the code

  • In your blog, create a new 'article'

  • Click on 'text' at the top right beside graphical

  • Paste the embed code in the box, and then save and publish like normal.


Article posted October 27, 2009 at 09:36 AM GMT0 • Reads 199

Yay for Blog Buddies!!! Welcome to Our Canadian Friends!

Article posted November 5, 2009 at 06:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 277


Welcome to Thailand!!!

Well... almost!  But it's probably as close as you're going to get for now!  Hopefully the M1's, M2/1's and M2/2's will be able to give you a better idea about what it's like anyways...  All of us on this side of the world are SUPER excited that you all have decided to join us in our blogging! Post lots!  Chat lots! (and if you use SLANG or SHORTFORMS...PLEASE explain it!!!)

All of the students links are located on the right side of this page!  Please feel free to comment on anyone's blogs, but also try to get to know your partner(s)! 

Here are our partnered classes (the links are also on the left side of the page...)

M1- Ms. Straub! 

M2/1- Ms. Deneiko and the Spectacular 6's

M2/2- Ms. Saas and the Epic Eights

Please feel free to comment on anyone's blogs, but also remember to focus on your partners!

Some things you could talk about or ask questions about:

  • Where you live

  • Your family

  • Your hobbies/interests

  • Your favorite food(give details, since they might not have it where they live)

  • TV shows or movies you watch

  • Video Games you play

  • Sports you have/participate in

  • What you are studying in school

  • How do you get to school

  • Where have you ever travelled to

  • What you like to do in your spare time/with friends(give details!!!)

  • What music/musicians you listen to

  • What religion(if any) you consider yourself to be

  • Cool websites you like to go on

  • Share pictures, and tell stories about what are happening in them

  • What the weather is like right now

Article posted November 5, 2009 at 06:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 277

Assignment #2

Article posted November 9, 2009 at 07:11 AM GMT0 • Reads 264

Hey M's! 

Here's your new assignment!  Time to teach your partners all about Thailand!  Here are 9 new words(they will be your spelling/vocabulary words for this week:

  • government

  • religion

  • favorite pastime - (things you like to do to 'pass your time')

  • population- how many people live here

  • weather- hot, cold, rainy, snowy, etc.

  • vendors- people who sell things ex: in the market

  • sites of interests- places you might want to visit

  • current events-news stories that are going on right now (in Thailand)

You must use 6 of these words in your NEW ASSIGNMENT.

SOOO....Heres what you do.

  1. Go to

  2. Create an account.

  3. Create a new 'glog' (an online poster!!)

  4. Create a glog ALL ABOUT THAILAND!!

  5. Use 6 of the words from the list above, and explain about it in Thailand.  ex:  using the word 'vendor', describe what markets in Thailand are like, what you can buy there, etc.

  6. Put in Text(words), pictures or maps of Thailand, videos, etc.

  7. Make it look CREATIVE!!

  8. Save and Publish

  9. EMBED into an article in your blog.

** Check out some other Glogs here

Article posted November 9, 2009 at 07:11 AM GMT0 • Reads 264

Blog Partners!!

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 07:01 AM GMT0 • Reads 205

Hey M's!!!  Please make sure you do TWO things each week.

  1. Leave a message to your partners on YOUR BLOG

  2. Go to your partners blog, comment on theirs.

Here are the list of partners:


Jean - fireburnin

TJ - smikle19

Porsche - 9by6is42

Golf - Poncho

Hope - halo223

Beam - Stroodle

Winner - cat584

Gap - Zombie

Ice - countrygirl

Boom - itsover9000

Keow - Drums

Sai - Puffle

Oma - basketball

Tangkwa - Ginger

Fah - thepurplelover

JJ - Elmo

Jin - potatoman

Mam - Bowgirl

Tog - 12345

Fluck - fridaythe13th

Mix - Farmboy

Nat - smile298

Bill - Baley

Dear - bowgirl

Mind - poncho



Clayton – Mine

Reily - Putter

Colleen - Sandra

Tyler - Mark

Hunter - Knight

Mia - Pry

Courtney - Tong

Emily - Meen

Alexa - Noon

Robyn - Nuey

Ethan - New

Brendan - Bilan

Devyn - Jojo

Madi - Noon

Roberta - Muay

Dayton - Pooh

Laura - Jessica

Jared - Leo

Kylah - Sai

Issabelle - Mine

Kyle - Win

Deanna - Mew

Spencer - Jam

Jamie - Sandra

Blaze - Tong

Branden - Yeen

Hassan - Nai

Preston - Em



Denis and Dusty – Ai, Bonus

Ashley and Jolie – Boom, Carrot, Shake

Jaden and Tyler H. – Cheetah, James

Ali and Tyler C. – Karn, Mark

Theo and Chris – Kratae, Yim

Erica and Sabrina S. – Mai, Seen, June

Justice and Harley – Milk, Mummin

Jessica H. and Merrisa – Ploy, Pookie, Louis

Jessica F, Courtney and Sabrina L. – Praew, Prin, Som


Article posted November 10, 2009 at 07:01 AM GMT0 • Reads 205

Reading A-Z

Article posted November 18, 2009 at 06:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 169

Hey M's...

This class we're learning about KEY WORDS.  Key words are important words that can show you what a piece of writing is about.  For example:  if I would say the words little yellowed-hair girl, oatmeal, bears, breaking-and-entering, you would think of the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 

So with your A-Z book this week, find 15 key words and create a WORDLE (

I should be able to read your words and get a good idea of what your book is about.  

The most important words make the biggest ( by writing the same word on one line  ex:  purple purple purple)

Then when you are finished, SAVE, and get the EMBED Code, and put on your blog!!!

Wordle: harry wordle

Article posted November 18, 2009 at 06:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 169

Assignment #3 Holidays!!

Article posted November 27, 2009 at 02:17 AM GMT0 • Reads 231


Choose one of your favorite holidays and explain:

a) why do we celebrate it?

b) who celebrates it?

c) what's special about it? Games, food, decorations, games, music.

d) what's your favourite part?

e) put some pictures in!

**At least 6 sentences long!


Article posted November 27, 2009 at 02:17 AM GMT0 • Reads 231

Merry Christmas!!

Article posted December 24, 2009 at 08:18 AM GMT0 • Reads 171

Hey Everyone!!  Great job with exams!  Now that they're finished, enjoy your Christmas weekend!  For all of our friends in Canada, Merry Christmas, enjoy your (cough cough...sigh) Christmas vacation....and the snow!  Happy Holidays!

Article posted December 24, 2009 at 08:18 AM GMT0 • Reads 171

Funny Story!!

Article posted January 11, 2010 at 07:46 AM GMT0 • Reads 281

OK...this assignment should be pretty fun ( and hopefully funny!!)  I want you to choose one of the photos from below, and write a short story about what is happening(  at least 10 sentences ).  Then copy and paste the picture at the end of your story so your Canadian buddies can see it.  Make sure to use lots of description and at least ONE DIRECT QUOTE. 




Article posted January 11, 2010 at 07:46 AM GMT0 • Reads 281

Lets Get Cooking!

Article posted January 25, 2010 at 02:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 225

A Recipe is a set of directions for how to make a type of food.

To Write a Recipe you need two parts:

  • Ingredients: Everything you need to put into the food

  • Directions:  How to prepare the food 

Ingredients:  You need to say what and the amount.

Ex:  2 eggs

1 cup of sugar

  • Some common types of measurement are:

Cup ( 250 ml )- c

Tablespoon - Tbsp.

Teaspoon - tsp.


Directions:  You need to say how, in what order and what type of temperature to use

***Use a verb at the beginning of the sentence

  • Some common verbs to use with cooking are:

Mix, Stir, Blend, Chop, Pour, Bake, Boil, Fry, Slice, Grill,

Toast, Cook, Chill, Grease, Melt, Spread, Sprinkle, Drain, Freeze, Grind

ex:  Melt the butter in the pan at medium temperature and then mix it with the sugar.

  • Some time indicators are:

First, Then, Afterwards, Next

  • Temperature:

High, Low, Medium, Specific Numbers ex: 400° C



1 cup sugar

1 egg

1 cup crunchy peanut butter

Preheat oven to 400°F.

Combine ingredients and mix well. Roll into 1 inch balls. Place on ungreased an cookie pan. Press with back of a fork. Press again in the opposite direction to make criss-cross marks.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes at 400°F. (Another easy recipe for the kids.)

Article posted January 25, 2010 at 02:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 225

Emoticons and Abbreviations!

Article posted February 9, 2010 at 08:01 AM GMT0 • Reads 1502

Hey M1's!

HAY(How are you) today?  I'm OK.  JK.  I'm Great!  LOL. (^_^) 

Do you ever write like this?  Of course you do!  In the electronic world we live in today we use texting, email, and chat programs on a daily basis!  And sometimes either to quickly show our emotions or thoughts, we use small pictures(emoticons) or abbreviations (ex: LOL, brb) 

Is this a good thing?  Think in your partners, and write down a list of all the ones you use on a daily basis, and then try to think up some new ones on your own.  Then answer the next two questions:

When / Why is it good to use Emoticons or Abbreveiations?

When / Why is it bad to use Emoticons or Abbreveiations?

Article posted February 9, 2010 at 08:01 AM GMT0 • Reads 1502

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About the Blogger

I am a former University of Regina graduate from the Middle Years program, and am currently teaching in Bankok, Thailand. Locations of visitors to this page