David Christensen -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Dancing with the Pen

Mr. C's Fifth Grade Class

I nudge, encourage, and exhort year 5 students to grow mentally, physically and emotionally as critically literate readers and writers of both verbal and nonverbal texts, scientists, historians, and mathematicians so that they can become visible, proactive members of the world society.

by David Christensen

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Water Quality Reflection

Article posted April 21, 2006 at 12:30 AM GMT0 • Reads 688

Greetings from Great Falls! I am eating bakery delicacies and sipping coffee made with beans picked carefully from bushes in New Guinea. Mmmmm.... It is almost lunch time isn't it? The icing on this cinnamon roll is sooo good. Well, anyway, enough about me. It's all about you now.

Ok. I want to know everything you can tell me about water quality. But, let me break it down into manageable chunks.

pH: What is it? How does it change? What does it mean for the quality of a creek?

Dissolved Oxygen: What is it? How does it change? What does it mean for the quality of a creek?

Temperature: What is it? How does it change? What does it mean for the quality of a creek?

Biodiversity: What is it? How does it change? What does it mean for the quality of a creek?

REMEMBER: Think back to all you have done, the testing, the talking, the making of your concept map, the creation of maps, brochures, movie, and graphs.

Proof through for capitals, punctuation, check spelling. Others across the world will be reading. Ms. H and Mrs. S can help you clean things up if you wish.

Enjoy, work hard. If you don't finish, we'll take care of it on Monday.

Mr. C.

Article posted April 21, 2006 at 12:30 AM GMT0 • Reads 688

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Mr. C\'s Fifth Grade Class

About the Blogger

Teaching for almost 20 years in years 5,6,7, and 8 has given me the opportunity to live, laugh, play, and cry with and for many young people. Literacy education drives my professional development - doctoral studies and summer work as Co-Director of the Montana Writing Project. I am currently investigating the relationship between verbal literacy and visual literacy as a means to deepen understanding in both realms. My family of wife and four little ones 11, 9, 7, and almost 5 fulfill my life. I look forward to using this blogging tool in ways my other cannot allow. Dave