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YA Book Club for Teachers

YA Book Group

Enter the exciting world of Young Adult Literature! The goal of our group is to aquaint teachers with contemporary YA literature and to discover ways to engage students in reading.

by Kathy Doherty


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Welcome/Son of the Mob

Article posted June 23, 2005 at 06:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 482

Thank you all for participating in our summer YA reading blog. We will be reading 4 titles this year that represent a variety of contemporary YA literature- from edgy to funny!

Article posted June 23, 2005 at 06:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 482

Freaky Green Eyes

Article posted July 19, 2005 at 05:03 AM GMT0 • Reads 32

I thought by doing a separate article we could keep the comments for each book separate. This would avoid a looooong list of comments to review each time you want to blog...and we wouldn't have to delete anything! We'll see how it goes...it is a learning process.

It seems like most folks have gotten into, or finished Freaky Green Eyes. I have to admit, I had it in my pile to read for months before I picked it up. To me it looked too dark (check out the cover of the hardback edition!) Once I was convinced to give it a try I could not put it down. My first thought was that kids would love this book! Girls esp. are drawn to this edgy subject material. My second thought was that I wanted to shake Franky and tell her to wake up and smell the coffee! Oates created and developed one of those characters that really involved me. I saw in her an inner strength, but got very frustrated with how slow she was to accept and deal with the truth!

But I digress...this is supposed to be a discussion starter section! I'm just very anxious to share my thoughts on this book, and the character of Franky...I got ahead of myself. Anyone else find themselves getting attached to this character and her struggles? I also liked the aunt. The father of course reminded me of OJ!

One review I read called this a "fast paced pyschological thriller." I agree...but not the kind of blood/guts thriller that might scare off some readers. I thought this would be a good book for students ready for a step up from Lois Duncan-type mysteries. I felt it would be a very appropriate book for middle school readers up through high school. Also, I see it as a very good choice for literature circles. What about as a class novel? Anxious to hear your thoughts.

Article posted July 19, 2005 at 05:03 AM GMT0 • Reads 32


Article posted July 29, 2005 at 04:21 AM GMT0 • Reads 32

I don't want to give anything away for those who haven't read this whole book yet...but let me say that I'm sure the ending will merit much discussion! I believe Colleen actually threw her book across the room!?

This book made a huge impact on me for several reasons- I loved the alternating story lines; I was intrigued with the two main characters and how their lives were so different but still they faced many of the same challenges and had the same drive and determination; I thought the view into the HS wrestling world was especially eye opening...what they do to "make weight" was frightening; and it fits a bill that is difficult to fill...a captivating book for YA boys.

I gave this book to a wrestler in the high school...one of Colleen's students as a matter of fact...and we couldn't stop talking about it. Every time I saw him in the hall or in the library we'd have to go over just one more thing...

In hindsight there are parts of this book that are a bit raw...and I probably wouldn't recommend it to 6th or 7th grade students. But if you had a mature MS student...who wrestled...this would be a great hook. Certainly eighth graders could handle it. I always tell the kids that there is no such thing as a person who doesn't like to read- just a person who hasn't found the right book yet. I predict THIS will be the right book for many boys.

Not being an athlete myself I was mesmerized by the dedication and determination of these boys to win. I was even more enthralled with their lives outside of wrestling and how the author intertwined the two portrayals and unfolded the characters' lives. I think he did an especially fine job unfolding the story and developing the two main characters. I was disappointed in the development of the parents however...maybe as a parent I just wanted to know more about them. Kids probably won't care!

Anxious to see what everyone thought...


Article posted July 29, 2005 at 04:21 AM GMT0 • Reads 32

Light Years

Article posted August 9, 2005 at 02:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 32

Well- we made it to the last book! I apologize to you middle school folks- after reviewing Light Years again, since I read it back in June, I realized that it too is more geared for older readers...8th grade and up. Because of Maya's love affair it would limit the audience to the more mature middle school readers. If we do this again we definately need to keep this in mind when selecting titles- or perhaps have two separate groups?

That being said, the reason I choose this book for our group was because I liked the multicultural aspect. I think it gave a very real glimpse into life as a teenagers in the Middle East. The whole concept of mandatory military service and living with day-to-day violence is something our students can't begin to realize. I also felt that given the situation in the Middle East this would be a timely book to read. I would perhaps pair it with other books that also offer diverse view

points of young Arabs and Jews caught in this violence. However, I like that this is from the perspective of a young woman.

I also liked how the author's alternates the chapters between Maya's present in Virginia and her past in Israel...reminds me somewhat of the alternating chapters in Pinned. I like how the title plays off of this- the two cultures being "lights years" apart.

In addition to the "multicultural aspects" of this book I also think it works very well as a book that deals with grief and recovery.

Anxious to hear from you!

Article posted August 9, 2005 at 02:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 32

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