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We are a Year 3/4 class. We have been learning about bugs and decided to combine this with Palmy Rocks.

by Julie Moor

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Tessa's bee report

The colour of a bee is black with yellow stripes. It's size can be 2.5 to 5 cm long depending on where they work in the hive. A bee has a head, thorax and abdomen; 6 legs and a set of antennae. It has a set of wings that helps it fly from flower to flower collecting nectar.

A bees main habitat is in a hive or in the woodlands. They prefer to live in a warm climate. They are found every in the world except Alaska and Antartica. The shape of a hive is a hexagonal shape.

The life cycle of a bee starts with an egg. It is an egg for up to 6 days. After this it turns into larva for about 10 days. Then after this time being a larva it turns into a pupa. After 4-5 days they are a adult. They reproduce with a mate.

A bee does not have any prey but they eat honey and nectar and collect pollen for the little bees to eat. They get there nectar and pollen from the flowers. A bees predators are known to be small mammals such as hedgehogs, tree shrews and shrews. Also birds such as hummingbirds, swifts and thrushes also eat bees.

Worker bees gather pollen that they carry with their back legs. Worker bees are female bees but do not lay eggs. A worker bee lives no less than 40 days. If it stings something it will die because it cannot pull its barbed stinger back out.
Article posted November 7, 2016 at 02:22 PM • comment • Reads 911 • Return to Blog List
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