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We are a Year 3/4 class. We have been learning about bugs and decided to combine this with Palmy Rocks.

by Julie Moor

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Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:37 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 2181

!Amazing grasshoppers! Ethan

A grasshopper’s colour is brown, grey and green. Grasshoppers can move around in three different ways by jumping, walking and flying. Grasshoppers can grow up to 12.7cm that is 2 inches long. The grasshoppers scientific name is Orthoptera.

The grasshopper lives in jungles forest and fields. It likes to stay in leafy or grassy areas it will never leave that place. Grasshoppers are found in every continent except Antartica.

The grasshoppers life cycle has three stages. The fist stage is a little egg. The second stage is a nymph this looks like a grasshopper without wings. The third stage happens after 5-6 moths. It is an adult grasshopper this takes about 1 month after the last moult for the grasshopper to grow wings.

Grasshoppers eat crops like wheat, corn, barley, alfalfa and rye. They can also eat other plants and small insects. Their predators are rodents, mice, mantis, spiders, seagulls, reptiles and frogs.

Grasshoppers jump by using their big back legs to catapult themselves up in-to the sky. When a grasshopper wants to spring up high in the air they contract its large flexor muscles, bending its hind legs at its knee joint and take off.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:37 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 2181

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 974

Earthworm Shakariyah

A worm can grow to 7 or 8 centimetres a worm is a tube shaped. Each segment on a worm body has a number of of bristly hair.

An earthworm lives on land and water. They are found in virtually every habitat. They live underground and in the water like ponds, oceans and the rivers.

A worm spends it’s day eating dirt. An earthworms predators are ants, mites, centipedes, earwigs, springtails, snails, slugs, spiders, birds, rats, mice, moles, toads, turtles and snakes.

After a male worm mates with a female worm the female worm lays 8 cocoons. Each cocoon holds 21 baby worms that makes altogether 168 baby worms. After three weeks to 5 months the baby worms hatch out of its cocoon and it’s a hatchling now. It takes a few days for a hatchling to grow and then when the hatchling is all grown the life cycle starts all over again.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 974

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 963


A Dragonfly's Habitat is in and near fresh water which helps them grow. A dragonfly lives in America which gives them warmth and nice weather.

Before a dragonfly becomes an adult it has to begin its life in a little egg. After 2-5 weeks it hatches to be a larva. In 3 months the larva will emerge to be an adult dragonfly.

A dragonflies prey is mainly other insects that can fly. They like to eat mosquitos and flies. As an adult dragonfly it has to be more aware of spiders, ducks, fish and species of birds.

A dragonfly is different from other insects because of its big eyes and beautiful legs. A dragonfly is larger than most flying insects. It also has much better eyesight than others too. A dragonfly can fly at great speed between 30 and 60 km/h.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 963

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1313

Earthworm Report Rico

The colour of a worm is reddish pink and it slithers to get around. It doesn’t have legs and it also has no wings. Their are little ones across it’s body. Worms range in size from 10mm to 3 ms long.

Earthworms live in dirt and soggy mud. They are found all around the world. They live in all continents apart from Antartica.

Earthworms eat dirt vegetables and fruit. They are eaten by rats, birds and frogs. There are also some types ants, beetles and snails that eat them.

Earthworms breath through their skin if there skin dries out they will die. Worms can grow back part of their bodies. Worms have special hairs on their body that helps them to move through the dirt.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1313

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 971

Earthworms Litien

Earthworms can live anywhere. They prefer to live in around dead plants and in soil they can find most on fresh water.

Worms take about 3 months to become an adult. Baby worms hatch from one end of the cocoon after about 3 weeks. The cocoon is a pear shaped. When the earthworm hatches they look very skinny and small they grow from juvenile into mature adults.

Earthworms can get eaten by birds, snails, ants, snakes, frogs and moles. They feed on organic matter in the soil and plant matter which it drags down their borrows.

Earthworm have no fewer than 5 hearts. The earthworm breathes through its moist skin. If they dry out they will die.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 971

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 935

🕷🕷Haydon's spider report🕷🕷

Spiders can be many colours.They have 8 legs, fangs an abdomen, two or four eyes and a mouth with strong jaws. Spiders are small, medium, and large sizes.

Spiders are found in every part of the world except Antarctica. Spiders can live in almost any place on edges of the ocean, on plants, in caves, under rocks, in trees and even over the water.

The spiders life cycle starts with an egg sack where the eggs are laid. Then the hatch into baby spiderlings. They then grow into spiderlings who can’t reproduce at this stage. After this the grow into adult spiders who are able to reproduce.

A spiders prey are insects and other spiders. Their predators are scorpions, birds, frogs, toads, snakes, lizards, centipedes and some wasps

Spiders special features are eight joined legs, no wings or antennae, simple eyes and a exoskeleton. Spiders produce silk threads to build their webs and catch their food. Spiders are able to move nimbly over their webs so they don’t get stuck.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 935

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 956


The scientific name for Slaters is Oniscoidea. Their colours are usually shades of grey from dark to light. They can grow up to 2 cms but most are 1 - 1.5 cms long. Their bodies are made up of 7 pairs of legs, 2 eyes, 3 body parts. their body has many segments.

Slaters live in wood piles and branches and on leaves. Slaters are found in all parts of the world including Antartica. There are 36 species in New Zealand which is there favourite place to live in.

Slaters reproduce at warm times, they hatch from their eggs after 44 days. They moult many times after they hatch. A female lays and carries the eggs on her back.

Slaters can live for up to 4 years but most die while still young. Slaters eat decaying dead organisms, poo! and vegetables. They are eaten by spiders.

Slaters can roll up in to a ball. Because of this they are also known as pill bugs and woodlice.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 956

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 934

LADYBUGS Abbygayle

Most ladybugs are red with black spots. Some ladybugs are the coloured red, black, orange, yellow and pink. A ladybug has 2 antenna a head 2 eyes 6 legs 2 wings and 2 elytra that keep the wings safe.

Ladybugs are found all over the world all over the world. In North America there are more than 450 types of ladybugs. Ladybugs live in most people's gardens, other ladybugs can live in fields or near woods.

A male and female mate, then the female lays the eggs. The eggs hatch into larva. The larvae eat aphids then they form a pupa. The pupae develop into adult ladybugs.

Ladybugs are eaten by swifts and swallows. They need to be immune to their chemicals. Some spiders and beetles can also eat ladybugs. Ladybugs eat aphids or scale insects. This helps plants to grow better.

Ladybugs defend themselves by playing dead or releasing a stinky yellow liquid. Some ladybugs are coloured to warn that they taste bad or are poisonous. Some ladybugs have no spots and some can have up to 20.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 934

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:57 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 942

Serena’s Spider Report

Spider can be many colours. Spiders have two body parts 8 legs, a brain, stomach, eyes and mouth. Most spiders have spinnerets and fangs. The size of a spider 2.5 cm to 30 cm.

Spider favourite places to live are on the edges of the ocean, on plant, under rocks and in caves spiders live almost everywhere on earth. Most spiders live on a webs. Webs are made of spider’s silk.

The life cycle of a spider starts with an egg. After 4 weeks a spider hatches from the egg sac and is a spiderling. Then the spiderling is carried by their mother until they are ready to jump off their mother. In autumn females mate lay their eggs before winter.

Spiders predators are wasps, ants, praying mantis, snakes, birds, lizards, scorpions and small mammals. They eat small mammals and other insects such as ants, slaters, flies and millipedes.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:57 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 942

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:57 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 962

Snails Lily

A snail has a soft slimy body. It has 4 tentacles two eyes and one big foot. The size of a snail shell is 2.54 cm wide and 2.54 cm high. A snail has 1 shell, 1 head, 2 eyes, 1 mouth and 1 big foot. The colour of a snail can be brown, orange yellow or pink.

Snails favourite places to live in the world is New Zealand. Snails are found in mountain areas gardens and rocks. Snails live in their own shell . It is dark and slimy but it still likes living in its shell. They are native to Mediterranean and Western Europe. However now they are found in Australia, New Zealand, North and South America and Southern Africa.

Snails lay about 85 eggs. In the soil snail hatch after 1-14 days the baby snails start to grow for 15-25 days. Become adults with a shell after 45-59 days they can reproduce again.

A snails predators are beetles' birds and sometimes cats and dogs but not usually. Frogs and ducks are predators of a snail as well. A snail eats vegetables and fruit and assorted things from where they live all.

A snail’s shell has a swirly pattern on it. Different snails have different patterns and different sized shells. A baby snail gets it’s first food by eating the egg it hatched from. The snails shell grows with the snail.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:57 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 962

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