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We are a Year 3/4 class. We have been learning about bugs and decided to combine this with Palmy Rocks.

by Julie Moor

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Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:37 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 2185

!Amazing grasshoppers! Ethan

A grasshopper’s colour is brown, grey and green. Grasshoppers can move around in three different ways by jumping, walking and flying. Grasshoppers can grow up to 12.7cm that is 2 inches long. The grasshoppers scientific name is Orthoptera.

The grasshopper lives in jungles forest and fields. It likes to stay in leafy or grassy areas it will never leave that place. Grasshoppers are found in every continent except Antartica.

The grasshoppers life cycle has three stages. The fist stage is a little egg. The second stage is a nymph this looks like a grasshopper without wings. The third stage happens after 5-6 moths. It is an adult grasshopper this takes about 1 month after the last moult for the grasshopper to grow wings.

Grasshoppers eat crops like wheat, corn, barley, alfalfa and rye. They can also eat other plants and small insects. Their predators are rodents, mice, mantis, spiders, seagulls, reptiles and frogs.

Grasshoppers jump by using their big back legs to catapult themselves up in-to the sky. When a grasshopper wants to spring up high in the air they contract its large flexor muscles, bending its hind legs at its knee joint and take off.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:37 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 2185

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 976

Earthworm Shakariyah

A worm can grow to 7 or 8 centimetres a worm is a tube shaped. Each segment on a worm body has a number of of bristly hair.

An earthworm lives on land and water. They are found in virtually every habitat. They live underground and in the water like ponds, oceans and the rivers.

A worm spends it’s day eating dirt. An earthworms predators are ants, mites, centipedes, earwigs, springtails, snails, slugs, spiders, birds, rats, mice, moles, toads, turtles and snakes.

After a male worm mates with a female worm the female worm lays 8 cocoons. Each cocoon holds 21 baby worms that makes altogether 168 baby worms. After three weeks to 5 months the baby worms hatch out of its cocoon and it’s a hatchling now. It takes a few days for a hatchling to grow and then when the hatchling is all grown the life cycle starts all over again.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 976

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 966


A Dragonfly's Habitat is in and near fresh water which helps them grow. A dragonfly lives in America which gives them warmth and nice weather.

Before a dragonfly becomes an adult it has to begin its life in a little egg. After 2-5 weeks it hatches to be a larva. In 3 months the larva will emerge to be an adult dragonfly.

A dragonflies prey is mainly other insects that can fly. They like to eat mosquitos and flies. As an adult dragonfly it has to be more aware of spiders, ducks, fish and species of birds.

A dragonfly is different from other insects because of its big eyes and beautiful legs. A dragonfly is larger than most flying insects. It also has much better eyesight than others too. A dragonfly can fly at great speed between 30 and 60 km/h.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 966

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1315

Earthworm Report Rico

The colour of a worm is reddish pink and it slithers to get around. It doesn’t have legs and it also has no wings. Their are little ones across it’s body. Worms range in size from 10mm to 3 ms long.

Earthworms live in dirt and soggy mud. They are found all around the world. They live in all continents apart from Antartica.

Earthworms eat dirt vegetables and fruit. They are eaten by rats, birds and frogs. There are also some types ants, beetles and snails that eat them.

Earthworms breath through their skin if there skin dries out they will die. Worms can grow back part of their bodies. Worms have special hairs on their body that helps them to move through the dirt.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1315

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 973

Earthworms Litien

Earthworms can live anywhere. They prefer to live in around dead plants and in soil they can find most on fresh water.

Worms take about 3 months to become an adult. Baby worms hatch from one end of the cocoon after about 3 weeks. The cocoon is a pear shaped. When the earthworm hatches they look very skinny and small they grow from juvenile into mature adults.

Earthworms can get eaten by birds, snails, ants, snakes, frogs and moles. They feed on organic matter in the soil and plant matter which it drags down their borrows.

Earthworm have no fewer than 5 hearts. The earthworm breathes through its moist skin. If they dry out they will die.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 973

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 936

🕷🕷Haydon's spider report🕷🕷

Spiders can be many colours.They have 8 legs, fangs an abdomen, two or four eyes and a mouth with strong jaws. Spiders are small, medium, and large sizes.

Spiders are found in every part of the world except Antarctica. Spiders can live in almost any place on edges of the ocean, on plants, in caves, under rocks, in trees and even over the water.

The spiders life cycle starts with an egg sack where the eggs are laid. Then the hatch into baby spiderlings. They then grow into spiderlings who can’t reproduce at this stage. After this the grow into adult spiders who are able to reproduce.

A spiders prey are insects and other spiders. Their predators are scorpions, birds, frogs, toads, snakes, lizards, centipedes and some wasps

Spiders special features are eight joined legs, no wings or antennae, simple eyes and a exoskeleton. Spiders produce silk threads to build their webs and catch their food. Spiders are able to move nimbly over their webs so they don’t get stuck.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 936

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 959


The scientific name for Slaters is Oniscoidea. Their colours are usually shades of grey from dark to light. They can grow up to 2 cms but most are 1 - 1.5 cms long. Their bodies are made up of 7 pairs of legs, 2 eyes, 3 body parts. their body has many segments.

Slaters live in wood piles and branches and on leaves. Slaters are found in all parts of the world including Antartica. There are 36 species in New Zealand which is there favourite place to live in.

Slaters reproduce at warm times, they hatch from their eggs after 44 days. They moult many times after they hatch. A female lays and carries the eggs on her back.

Slaters can live for up to 4 years but most die while still young. Slaters eat decaying dead organisms, poo! and vegetables. They are eaten by spiders.

Slaters can roll up in to a ball. Because of this they are also known as pill bugs and woodlice.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 959

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 937

LADYBUGS Abbygayle

Most ladybugs are red with black spots. Some ladybugs are the coloured red, black, orange, yellow and pink. A ladybug has 2 antenna a head 2 eyes 6 legs 2 wings and 2 elytra that keep the wings safe.

Ladybugs are found all over the world all over the world. In North America there are more than 450 types of ladybugs. Ladybugs live in most people's gardens, other ladybugs can live in fields or near woods.

A male and female mate, then the female lays the eggs. The eggs hatch into larva. The larvae eat aphids then they form a pupa. The pupae develop into adult ladybugs.

Ladybugs are eaten by swifts and swallows. They need to be immune to their chemicals. Some spiders and beetles can also eat ladybugs. Ladybugs eat aphids or scale insects. This helps plants to grow better.

Ladybugs defend themselves by playing dead or releasing a stinky yellow liquid. Some ladybugs are coloured to warn that they taste bad or are poisonous. Some ladybugs have no spots and some can have up to 20.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 937

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:57 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 945

Serena’s Spider Report

Spider can be many colours. Spiders have two body parts 8 legs, a brain, stomach, eyes and mouth. Most spiders have spinnerets and fangs. The size of a spider 2.5 cm to 30 cm.

Spider favourite places to live are on the edges of the ocean, on plant, under rocks and in caves spiders live almost everywhere on earth. Most spiders live on a webs. Webs are made of spider’s silk.

The life cycle of a spider starts with an egg. After 4 weeks a spider hatches from the egg sac and is a spiderling. Then the spiderling is carried by their mother until they are ready to jump off their mother. In autumn females mate lay their eggs before winter.

Spiders predators are wasps, ants, praying mantis, snakes, birds, lizards, scorpions and small mammals. They eat small mammals and other insects such as ants, slaters, flies and millipedes.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:57 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 945

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:57 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 965

Snails Lily

A snail has a soft slimy body. It has 4 tentacles two eyes and one big foot. The size of a snail shell is 2.54 cm wide and 2.54 cm high. A snail has 1 shell, 1 head, 2 eyes, 1 mouth and 1 big foot. The colour of a snail can be brown, orange yellow or pink.

Snails favourite places to live in the world is New Zealand. Snails are found in mountain areas gardens and rocks. Snails live in their own shell . It is dark and slimy but it still likes living in its shell. They are native to Mediterranean and Western Europe. However now they are found in Australia, New Zealand, North and South America and Southern Africa.

Snails lay about 85 eggs. In the soil snail hatch after 1-14 days the baby snails start to grow for 15-25 days. Become adults with a shell after 45-59 days they can reproduce again.

A snails predators are beetles' birds and sometimes cats and dogs but not usually. Frogs and ducks are predators of a snail as well. A snail eats vegetables and fruit and assorted things from where they live all.

A snail’s shell has a swirly pattern on it. Different snails have different patterns and different sized shells. A baby snail gets it’s first food by eating the egg it hatched from. The snails shell grows with the snail.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:57 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 965

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:49 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1054

SLATERS Gracelyn

Slaters are small hard shelled bugs. They have 14 legs and 2 antennae and they shed their skin often.

A slater lives about 2-4 years, in this time a slater goes through their life cycle. The life cycle starts with an egg, in 6-7 weeks the egg hatches into a nymph, about 9-13 months it moults 8 times and then it turns into an adult.

Slaters are common in New Zealand. They love to live in tree stumps, cracks and wood piles.They also live in Australia, Africa and America.

Slaters mostly eat dead plants and rotten vegetables. They are eaten by slater spiders, millipedes and centipedes.

Slaters are nocturnal crustaceans that means they sleep though the day, and are active in the night. Slaters are not insects. Slaters do not have lungs they have GILLS!

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:49 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1054

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:49 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 902

Caterpillars Hazel

A caterpillar walks on 16 little legs. Caterpillars can be any colour even black or brown. Caterpillars are up to 17 cm long. Caterpillars have three body parts the head, the abdomen and the thorax. A caterpillar has 4 legs on the front left and 4 legs on the right and that is repeated on the back.

Caterpillars live in hedges and bushes. Caterpillars also can live in trees. They can also be found in your gardens or back yards they live on the under side of plants to hide from predators. Caterpillars can also be found in dark places like long grass.

A caterpillar starts its life as a small round egg. A caterpillar is usually lays the eggs on the leaf of a plant. When the egg hatches a little caterpillar comes out. The caterpillar likes to eat the same type of leaf it was laid on. The third stage of the caterpillars life is the cocoon. A caterpillar eats until it is big enough to make a cocoon. The forth stage of a caterpillars life is when the caterpillar emerges out of its cocoon. When it emerges it has turned into a butterfly. This is called a metamorphosis.

A caterpillars predators are humans, birds, cats and dogs. Most caterpillars eat leaves and plants. Caterpillars have strong jaws so they can chew on plants and leaves. Caterpillars eat so much because they need to make a cocoon.

Some caterpillars can change colours to hide from their predators. A caterpillar has 12 eyes 6 on each side of their body. A caterpillar has 4,000 muscles in it's body which allows it to move around quickly when required.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:49 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 902

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:48 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 934

Grasshoppers Ben

Scientific name for a grasshopper is Caelifera. The size of a grasshopper is 2-5 cms long. The colour of grasshoppers are mostly light colours. The grasshopper has three body parts thorax, abdomen and head. They also have a mouth full of jaws they also to very large eyes and long antennae

The grasshopper can move three ways jump, fly and walk. A grasshopper jumps when it uses it’s hind legs as catapults. There is a part in it’s knee that acts like a spring releasing energy when it jumps.

A grasshopper eats some small insects. It also eats flowers, grass and leaves. Grasshoppers are prey to birds and small mammals.

The egg is laid underground with only the tip sticking out of the ground it takes about 2 to 5 weeks for it to hatch.The nymph is the second stage of a grasshopper it is getting ready to be an adult by moulting. It takes about 2 to 5 weeks for it to turn into an adult. Adult is the last stage of a grasshopper life. They usually only live for about 10 months then it will die.

A grasshopper useful body parts are the wings. The wings help the grasshoppers escape from it’s predators like spiders. When a grasshopper flies there is less chance of it getting stuck in a web because of it’s big eyes. They are made for seeing almost invisible things like spider webs.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:48 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 934

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:48 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1131

Olivia's awesome bee report!!!

A bees size is about 4 cm long. A bee is covered in black and yellow stripes. Bees have 6 legs, a stinger, 2 compound eyes, a little eye, 2 wings, a head, a thorax and an abdomen.

Most bees are found in the countries in Africa, Northern Europe, Eastern India, China and America. Bees live in a hive. A bee hive is goldy/yellowish type of colour. Bees hives have little hexagons all over them. The bees put honey and nectar in the hive.

A bees life cycle is this: first a queen bee lays a egg and starts a nest. In about 3 days the worker bee egg should have hatched and become a larva. After about 9 days the larva should have become a pupa, after about 10-12 days the pupa will become a full grown worker bee. Bees reproduce by mating.

Bees like to eat honey, nectar and pollen. Queen bees eat royal jelly. Royal jelly is a yellow liquid. The bee eaters are birds, badgers, foxes, weasels and bears.

There are 3 types of bees they are the queen bee, worker bee and the drone bee. They all have different jobs depending on there type. Worker bees do all the work for the colony, queen bees have the babies and male drones look after the queen bee and the eggs. Bees make hives to store their food.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:48 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1131

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 902


Grasshoppers colours are red, green, grey and brown. A grasshopper is around 2.5cm long. Grasshoppers body parts are head, abdomen, mouth parts and thorax. Grasshoppers also use their jumping to give themselves a boost when flying.

Grasshoppers are in every continent except Antartica. They live in grassy places with low plants. Grasshoppers legs are special because they are strong and they help it to get away from predators.

A grasshopper has a 3-stage life cycle. The first stage is an egg. The grasshoppers lays their egg in a hole in the ground for protection. The second stage is the nymph. The nymph looks like an adult but it has no wings. They shed their skin several times and after they shed for the last time they grow wings and are an adult.

Grasshoppers predators are bird, spiders, rodents and ground beetles. Grasshoppers eat leaves, corn, wheat, barely, alfalfa and small bugs such as flies, sandflies and fleas.

A Grasshopper can leap 20 times the length of it's own body. Grasshoppers do not jump they use their legs as a catapults. It can also eat 16 times it's own weight. Grasshoppers who gather in large swarms and can destroy fields of crops.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 902

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 936

😀💗Madison's💗😀 Bumblebee report

The size of a bumblebee is from to 2cm to 4cm long. The bumblebee has fur, the colour of the fur is yellow and black. Bumblebees have 2 antennae, 2 pairs of wings, 1 thorax, 1 abdomen, 1 head and 6 pairs of legs. The scientific name for a bumblebee is Apis.

Bumblebees favourite places to live in the world are Africa , Northern Europe , Eastern India, China, America and New Zealand. Bumblebees live in underground rodent holes. Most underground rodent holes are made out of thick grass and some are made in bird boxes.

The lifecycle for a bumblebee starts off as a queen egg being laid. Its an egg for 2-3 days. After 2-3 days the egg hatches into a larvae. It stays a larvae for 4-5 weeks. Next it turns into a pupa. The pupa is the stage before adult. The pupa stays a pupa for 16 weeks. Then the last stage is an adult bumblebee. The male bumblebees come together to find a mate. The males fly over areas marking flowers and trees.

Bumblebees eat nectar, pollen and honey. Bumblebees predators are badgers which use their strong claws to dig up up nests and eat their food stores. Spiders are also their enemies as well, they wait on a flower for a bumblebee to come along and then the spider eats it. Wasps are also very nasty because they lay their eggs in bumblebees nests.

Bumblebees are special because they're one of the insects that can collect nectar and pollen. There are 275 different kinds of bumblebees. Bumblebees have smelly feet because there covered in oily film. So when they land on a flower they leave a smelly footprint behind. The other bumblebees can smell the oil and that makes them not to land on the same flower.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 936

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 872

Grasshoppers Report Sophie

Grasshoppers are brown, grey or green coloured. Grasshoppers are between 5-7 cm long. Their body is made up of 3 main parts - head, thorax and abdomen. They also have a mouth with strong jaws, 2 large eyes, 3 smaller eyes and 2 antennae. They have 6 legs and their 2 back legs are very muscular.

Grasshoppers prefer their habitats to be dry with lots of grass. Some grasshoppers like living in the jungle and some in forests. They live all over the world except Antarctica.

Grasshoppers stay in their egg for about 5-10 weeks. Grasshoppers hatch they turn into a nymphs. When grasshoppers are little they look like an adult grasshopper but smaller and after the egg and the nymph comes the adult stage where they grow wings.

A grasshopper eats wheat, corn, plants and leaves. Grasshoppers’ predators are some birds, rodents and moles.

There are around 11,000 species of grasshopper found around the world, living in grassy fields, meadows and forest areas. Some grasshoppers make noises by either rubbing their back legs against their wings or body, or by snapping their wings when flying.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 872

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 880

Grasshopper Mac

Grasshoppers can be green, brown, grey or reddish green this is dependant on where they live or where they were born. Grasshopper babies are up to 5 cms and an adult is up to 12 cms in length. Only adults grasshoppers have wings, not immature nymphs. Grasshoppers have three main body parts head, thorax, and abdomen. They have 6 legs and special hairs on their legs to help make noise.

Grasshoppers are found in all contents apart from Antarctica. They live in dry open places. These places need to be grassy, they also need low plants to provide shade.

Grasshoppers mate to reproduce. Grasshoppers lifecycle starts as an egg. After about two weeks it is born to become a wingless nymph. Then after another two or five weeks and numerous moults it becomes an adult that will then go on to grow wings.

Grasshoppers eat plants such as corn, wheat, barley and alfalfa. They also eat small insects like aphids, ants and spiders. Their predators are beetles, praying mantis, rodents and amphibians.

Grasshoppers special features are that they have special legs that let them jump super high. They use there hind legs as catapults and bend them down there like rubber so it's easier to pounce high with. They can make a chirping sound with there hind legs. To chirp male grasshoppers rub its hind leg against it's fore wing and the wing vibrates to make a cello sound. When they’re an adult they can fly up to eat crops this is when they become known as locusts.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 880

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:41 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 917


The colour of a normal butterfly are bright colours. The size of a butterfly is from 6cm to 30cm. A butterflies body is made up of six joined legs, 3 body parts, a pair of antennae, compound eyes and an exoskeleton.

Butterflies live all over the world except Antarctica and the harshest deserts. Many butterflies live in tropical climate in like Hawaii and Mexico.

Butterflies start their life as an egg. Then it hatches into a caterpillar/larva. Before they turn into a pupa/chrysalis. Then they emerge as an adult butterfly.

Butterflies do not eat at all. They just drink nectar from any old flower. A butterfly's enemies are wasps, ants, parasitic flies, birds, snakes, toads, rats, lizards, dragonflies and even spiders eat butterflies.

Butterflies are different than moths because they fly during the day. Moths fly during the night in the darkness. Depending on the type of butterfly they can live between a week and a year before dying. They estimate that there are around 20,000 different types of butterflies.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:41 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 917

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:40 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 912

Emily's worm report

Worms are not just pink they are other colours like brown red and black. Worms do live underground because they don't have legs.

A worm can live it can live everywhere but Antarctica. They also live mainly underground in tunnels and in a worm farm.

The are many things that eat worms these are things like moles and birds, almost all types of wild birds like the black birds. Worms spend their days eating dirt and plant based things such as paper and fruit.

The worms life cycle is unique. Because it starts in a cocoon like a caterpillar. Then it turns into a hatchling like duckling. Then they turn into an adult worm.

The Earthworms are made up of lots of little segments, up to as many as 150. An earthworm has no eyes, legs or arms. They breathe through their skin, so if they dry out they will die.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 09:40 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 912

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 08:38 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1012

Ladybugs Marion

The ladybug is 1mm to 10mm long. It's body has 3 parts and they are head, thorax and abdomen. The head is where it can see. Ladybugs can be red, yellow, orange, grey, black, brown or pink with black dots.

Ladybugs live in gardens, forests, fields and grass lands. They can be found almost worldwide but especially in warmer countries.

Female ladybugs lay yellow tiny eggs. After 3 to 5 days they hatch in to larva. After another 20 to 30 days they turn into a pupa. 3 to 12 days later they turn into an adult ladybug.

Ladybugs are eaten by birds, spiders and beetles that can stand their smelly spray. They eat aphids, mites and white flies.

Ladybugs can eat 50 aphids a day. Ladybugs can live for up to one year. You can tell how a ladybug is by counting the spots on their back. Ladybugs are named after Mary because the farmers in the middle ages prayed for a miracle to protect their crops from pests. Ladybugs appeared and began to eat the pests.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 08:38 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 1012

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 08:38 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 891

Praying Mantis Kerian

The scientific name for a praying mantis is mantis religliosa. Their size is between 5-13 cms long. The colour of a praying mantis is mainly green or brown but this depends on its habitat.

Praying mantises live all around the world, especially Africa, Asia, N.Z., Europe and the United States of America. They choose the places they live in, these are mainly forests, tropical forests and there are even some who live in orchids too.

The life cycle of a praying mantis starts with an egg the eggs are laid by a female Praying mantis just before winter. They need to be hidden from predators. It takes the eggs take until summer to hatch. When they hatch they are nymphs, they look like little adults they moult 6-7 times. At the end of summer they are fully grown and ready to mate. After mating the female rips the males head off.

Mantises love to eat live insects like moths, roaches and bees. The bugs that love to eat this Praying Mantis are female praying mantises and sometimes spiders. They are also eaten by frogs and birds.

The praying mantis gets its name from its front legs looks like it's legs are praying. After mating the female rips the males head off. There are more than 100 different species of mantis. It catches it's prey with it’s front legs, it is an ambush predator.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 08:38 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 891

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 08:22 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 913

Tessa's bee report

The colour of a bee is black with yellow stripes. It's size can be 2.5 to 5 cm long depending on where they work in the hive. A bee has a head, thorax and abdomen; 6 legs and a set of antennae. It has a set of wings that helps it fly from flower to flower collecting nectar.

A bees main habitat is in a hive or in the woodlands. They prefer to live in a warm climate. They are found every in the world except Alaska and Antartica. The shape of a hive is a hexagonal shape.

The life cycle of a bee starts with an egg. It is an egg for up to 6 days. After this it turns into larva for about 10 days. Then after this time being a larva it turns into a pupa. After 4-5 days they are a adult. They reproduce with a mate.

A bee does not have any prey but they eat honey and nectar and collect pollen for the little bees to eat. They get there nectar and pollen from the flowers. A bees predators are known to be small mammals such as hedgehogs, tree shrews and shrews. Also birds such as hummingbirds, swifts and thrushes also eat bees.

Worker bees gather pollen that they carry with their back legs. Worker bees are female bees but do not lay eggs. A worker bee lives no less than 40 days. If it stings something it will die because it cannot pull its barbed stinger back out.

Article posted November 7, 2016 at 08:22 PM GMT0 • comment • Reads 913

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