Kailee C -- Blogmeister
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Kailee's life!

8th Grade

by Kailee C

teacher: Bonnie Hall

Blog Entries

My Big Brother Kyle!

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 05:10 PM GMT0 • Reads 53

My brohter Kyle is away at college. He is on his third year, but this year is different then others. This year he is not coming home from school every weekend. It is very hard for me, I miss him so much.

Kyle and I are very close. I always used to talk to him. I told him more than I ever told anyone. Some people think that is akward that I'm not as close to my sister Courtney. I always know Kyle is listening, he is my bestfriend.

We used to spend a lot of time together. Now he is older, we are at two different stages in are life, and he has a girlfriend, and is barely ever home. It sometims is hard for me not to here the door creek when he gets home late and comes in to check on me and turns of my TV, he gives me a kiss and slowly shuts the door. When he is away he can obviously not do that, and I miss it. When I think of all the things I miss about him I think of the people who lost a loved one, I think of how lucky I am, to have such a great big brother.

He calls me everyday, and I call him. We talk about our lives, school, tests, I tell him about the guys, he tells me about Trish( his girlfriend). We say our I miss you's and our I love you's and say goodnight. 9:57pm, 9-15-05

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 05:10 PM GMT0 • Reads 53

My Amazing Mom!

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 05:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 52

My mom always knows what to do. When i'm in trouble, when I get a bad grade, when I make a mistake, she forgives me. She knows that everyone makes mistakes.

She is very cool, everyone of my friends loves my mom. She is nice and makes everyone feel at hom.

I can still rememeber the first time Chester came over. We were watching TV on the couch. Itb was Tommy, Ronnie, DJ, Chester, Danny, and I. Everyone was on a couch except for Chester was on my chair. My mom came down stairs and said " Alrught you guys are having way to much fun down here." Everyone, but chester knew my mom and lauged but him. I will never forget his face he was scared of my mom she is 5 feet tall, she is tiny. It was hilarious, Chester is going to kill me for writing this, sorry Chester.

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 05:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 52

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