Rachel F -- Blogmeister
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8th Grade

by Rachel F

teacher: Bonnie Hall

Blog Entries

Alexa's Big Bash

Article posted September 28, 2005 at 10:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 59

So this weekend was Alexa's party and man, it was fun. We danced the whole time. There were so many people there. I had so much fun! We had a bonfire that ended up exploding though. The DJ played real good music. We won both of our basketball games over the weekend, too. I was so happy because we normally don't win. We beat Saint Agnes and Saint Stans. Almost the whole team scored at our game on Sunday. Linnae is new to the team and she scored 6 pts! Woo! Hoo! Man, my wrist hurts really bad for some reason. It's not helping that my dog keeps itching while I'm trying to write either. Kelly's coming over tomorrow and it is high school recruitment day. We have no school Firday! I am happy. I am going to shadow Andi Caffarini at Marian on Friday. Fun stuff. It stinks because i have a game on my day off Friday. We also have games on Saturday and Sunday. Boo! Well, I have to go get some other homework done. Hopefully we won't get loaded with work to do tomorrow. We probably won't, though. Yay!

Article posted September 28, 2005 at 10:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 59


Article posted October 6, 2005 at 12:32 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

Homecoming is coming up very soon. I am so excited because there are actually some people coming to watch us play. This weekends I am going to Amanda's and I am very excited because I haven't seen her in a very long time. I also haven't seen any of her friends so this will be quite fun. I have a game this Sunday and I am excited because we are playing a very bad team, and we are going to win no doubt. Today was gym and we played flag football. I kind of knocked Melissa out. I felt bad. We didn't have to run the mile because it was too hot, and I am so glad our gym teacher didn't make us run it. Makaela had to borrow margie's shirt is was funny. That's about all that happened. It was a very fun day today. The best part of my day was that I got a 100% on my science test! I brought my grade up big time, and my folks are so proud of me.

Article posted October 6, 2005 at 12:32 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

We're going to the ship!

Article posted November 17, 2005 at 04:57 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

The girl's basketball team had their play off game last weekend against Anunciata. We thought for sure that we were going to have to work very hard at this game because Megan and, supposely Margie, were not going to be able to make our game. Megan had an important party to go to, which is understandable. Margie had gotten very sick prior to the day of our game. Margie showed up to the game and ended up being good. Aubrey, without a doubt, was our best player for that game. She scored most of our points, and luckily, we won our game! Now, this Sunday we have our championship game. We do not know who we are playing yet, unfortunately. It would be so awesome if we could win this game. It would be a good way to end our 8th grade season, our last game wearing the Saint Ann uniform. Well, I really hope we do well. That is it for now.

Article posted November 17, 2005 at 04:57 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

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