Maddie F -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


8th Grade

by Maddie F

teacher: Bonnie Hall

Blog Entries

My B-Day

Article posted October 6, 2005 at 11:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

Today, September 19th is my birthday! I woke up and went down stairs for breakfast. I was surprised when my Uncle Peter gave me a card with money and my mom gave me jewelry and a pillow shaped as a hawaiin flower. When I arrived at school my best friends,Rachel, Sam, Therese, and Gabby decorated my locker an desk. I had tons of balloons, posters, and candy. The day went by fast. Being fourteen felt fun because I was one of the oldest poeple in my class. When I arrived home gabby came over and gave me my present. She gave me a Bath and Body Works fragerance, a Kohls gift card, and a I-Tunes card. Getting the I-Tunes card made my day because I needed more money to download songs on my I-Pod. Spending time with my family and friends was all I needed for my birthday present.

Article posted October 6, 2005 at 11:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

Freaky Friday

Article posted October 7, 2005 at 12:16 AM GMT0 • Reads 34

Friday, September 16th started out as a regular day, until all of a sudden the schools power went out. There were a mixture of sreaming and rejoicing people in my classroom. We were all surprised that the lights went out when it was a nice day outside. I thought for sure we all would get out of school. Unfortunetly, it did not happen. Instead, we had to go to our classes in the dark. One of our classes included music which happened to be downstairs in the basement. while walking down the staircase there was light shinning in from the windows. Once we arrived in the basement all I could see were candles. It reminded me of halloween because the candles were glowing. In music class we shared scary stories and started to freak each other out. Throw a tiny window we saw lights flickering. Then all of a sudden the door opened and all we saw was a dark hallway. Gabby and I were sitting by the door and were frightened. After a while, everything was ok. It was one freaky friday.

Article posted October 7, 2005 at 12:16 AM GMT0 • Reads 34

My Nicknames

Article posted November 29, 2005 at 09:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 46

My full name is Madeline Rose Fumi. No one ever calls me that,besides my mom (when im in trouble). Most people refer to me as Maddie, but some of my best friends give me special nisknames. Lets start with Amber. She calls me "ProV girl". She started caliing me this when I wore my hair down and straight. Amber says I will be in a Pantene commercial when im older. My other good friend Gabby calls me "Madz". I guess it's just short for maddie. It also could be because my screename has that word in it. Now comes Margie, who is the funniest girl ever. This is because at recess we were all playing this game called 'sidekick' and margie accidently kicked my thumb. All of a sudden my hand got swollen and i could not move it. I went to the hospital and the docter told me my thumb was sprained and contusioned(a big word for badly bruised). When I came back to school the next day I told Margie and she started calling me "Crypple". That is the funniest nickname I ever recieved. Now its time to talk about Rachel. In sixth grade everyone said I looked like Pochahontas so they started calling me that. Then Rachel made it shorter by calling me "Poki"(LOL)! I'ts rad but now Margie is starting to call me that. Out of all these nicknames the one I enjoy is Maddie. All my friends call me something different evryday so now I answer to about anything!

Article posted November 29, 2005 at 09:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 46

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