Sarah H -- Blogmeister
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Let's Say An Eagle Swoops Down and Gives You a Dollar...

8th Grade

by Sarah H

teacher: Bonnie Hall

Blog Entries

Things I Like In Alphabet Form

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 05:09 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

A Alex, Always

B Blink 182, Bahamas, black, blue, basses

C Coldplay, Colorado, Converse, camping

D dogs, Dashboard Confessional, Death Cab For

Cutie, DC

E Evan

F Fall Out Boy, Float On, Franz Ferdinand,

Fender guitars, frisbee

G Green Day, guitars

H hot guys, Hot Hot Heat

I ice cream, ice, "I" as in me, Interpol

J Jerk it Out, Jimmy Eat World, Just the Girl

K kites?

L little Jack (aww), language arts

M Missouri, Mae, My Chemical Romance, Michigan,


N not rap!

O Ocean Avenue

P ponies!, parents

Q Queens Of The Stoneage

R resturaunts, Ross

S Sarah (friend), Seattle, South Holland, Save

Me, Stephanie Seles, Schererville, Suspension,

Spencer, S'mores, Sum 41

T The Killers, The Postal Service,

The Dying Moment

U Untitled

V Vans (shoes, not cars), Volcom

W Weezer, walking around, Wake Me Up When

September Ends


Y Yellowcard

Z Zach (lil tiny Zach)

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 05:09 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

My Inside Jokes

Article posted October 1, 2005 at 06:45 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

1. The Jessica story

2. Musty the rat

3. Amiyashu

4. Katie

5. Timmy

6. Zach and his friend

7. Volleyball story

8. "Dear Diary"

9. Lowell Vande Berg

10. It's not Carla or Courtney

11. Things Charlie said

12. Marmot

13. Chippy

14. Pike's Peak story

15. A dollar and an eagle

16. Billy's hair in pigtails

17. Eric and flute

18. "Hi"

19. My dad's tent

20. "Did y'all have fun playin' tennis?"

21. The escapee

22. Waitress

23. Llama lady

24. Beaver lady

25. Airport girl

26. Dude waiter

27. Lil Jason

28. Bitsy (Pebbles)

29. My ponies

30. The Sarah grandma thing

31. Pray for Johnny

32. Straight hair kid

33. Baby potato

34. "Tacos"

35. drinks

36. Baller baby

37. *smacks lips*

38. Chess related stuff

39. "Is that what you want?"

40. It's pony time!

41. "Is this your jam?"

42. Miracles happen

43. Jessica swing

44. "Buy me it!"

45. Itchy face

46. Quoting Homestarrunner and Teen Girl Squad

47. Crazy Go Nuts

48. "Hey, there's Spencer!"

49. "Hey, there's a couple of hotties across the street!"

50. That reminds me of Ross

51. Corn nut

52. Water chestnuts

53. Chubby

54. "shh.", "psst.", and "aw."

55. Burning things

Article posted October 1, 2005 at 06:45 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

The Worst Day of My Life

Article posted October 4, 2005 at 08:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

The worst day of my life is last summer when my mom had a kidney transplant and it failed. Before that day, everyone was so happy for my mom to get a new kidney, so she could live her life like a normal person.

For a long time now, my mom is not able to swim, vacation as often, sit in the sun very long, or just anything that requires a lot of work. The new kidney failing broke my heart and everyone around us' heart.

We are still waiting for a doctor to call and say that there is an organ donar available. The doctors said that the new transplant will not fail again because they know what caused the failure and they could treat it.

A lot of people I know are still praying for her and do whatever they can when she needs it the most.

Article posted October 4, 2005 at 08:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

1, 2, 3, Switch!

Article posted December 1, 2005 at 05:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 60

This took place about two months ago, but I decided to put the story in a blog entry.

On Saturday, the first of October, My friend Sarah and I went to the zoo. It was really fun and we saw many animals. We also came across a lot of hot guys.

On our way home, we saw two girls and a guy driving in a car. The funny part was was that at every stop light, they got out of the car and crcled it about two times. It was fun to watch. One day, I want to do the same with my friends.

Article posted December 1, 2005 at 05:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 60

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