Amanda R -- Blogmeister
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Amanda's World

8th Grade

by Amanda R

teacher: Bonnie Hall

Blog Entries

My Moving Eperience

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 12:54 AM GMT0 • Reads 54

Moving has had a huge impact on my life. All the boxes are so overwheling! I never knew how much junk i had. When I was packing my clothes, I found things I never knew I owned or stuff I had been looking for. My old room is cleared out and my new room is not ready so I have to stay in the guest bedroom which has my old furniture until my dad gets back from Houston so we can go to Ikea for new furniture. My cat is so freaked out by the new house. She hides under the guest bed and in my closet. The new house is kind of large. It has a two car garage, a large back yard, an office, a dinning room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, three bedrooms, and a full basment. My room is light blue. My parents room is a dark purplish color. My dad wanted the color because it used to be my grandmother's room color. I really like the new house. It feels like I should have moved in a long time ago. What I think is really cool about the house is that in the living room, the there is wall to wall windows. More to clean, but a better view. I am glad we are almost all settled in and ready to just live the normal life instead of seeiong unpacked boxes every where you go.

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 12:54 AM GMT0 • Reads 54

What one of my best friends and I have in common/Six Flags/Birthday

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 01:58 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

One of my best friends are Gabbie Mokol. We practically do everything together. When we go shopping, we could be at seperate racks and then go to try the clothes on and when we some out to show eachother, we have the same thing on! We also have the same taste in food and guys. At camp, we liked the same guys, but I liked a few more. We did a Fashion Bug Fashion Show together. We loved eachothers outfits. We also like the same tv shows and radio stations. How cool is that?!

On my birthday, Gabbie, Maddie, Kelli Marx, and I went to Six Flags. We went to Hurricane Harbor which i thought was ok, but it could have been better. The first roller coaster we went on was the Raging Bull. We also went on the American Eagle. We went onmy first upsidedown roller coaster, it was fun, but I felt like I was going to fall out! When we got back to the hotel, we went to the excercise room and I did not expect a thing. I even forgot it was my birthday! When we went back upstairs, they surprised me with cake, presents, and ice cream! How thoughtful. I recieved clothes from my mom, money, and a Guess purse with a matching wallet from Maddie and Gabbie! It was the coolest birthday I ever had!

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 01:58 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

The day I went to see Jesse McCartney in concert

Article posted October 6, 2005 at 05:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 51

When I got home from camp, my friends surprised me with tickets to a Jesse McCartney concert at a county fair. Magie's brother and sister in law took us. We has so much fun. We were walking around the amusment park and this guy that was sitting at one of the booths said, "Who is this Jesse McCartney guy everyone is here to see?" Magie and I said at the same time, "Oh my god, you have got to be joking!" "No," the man said, "I am not joking, I am serious. This Jesse McCartney guy must be really weird. I would not waste my time to go to his concert!" We stormed off angerly. The concert was so cool! No one was supposed to stand on the chairs but the girls infront of us did and we could not see, so we stood on our chairs as well. The girls in back of us got really mad and started yelling at us, but we did not pay attention. As long as we got to see Jesse, we were good.

Article posted October 6, 2005 at 05:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 51

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