sms2009-07 -- Blogmeister
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K-8 Computers

by sms2009-07 teacher: Mrs. Oro
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Funky Monkey

Article posted January 7, 2008 at 07:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 152

When I followed the tutorial to learn Scratch I found it to be easy because the tutorial gave the steps needed to follow and broke it down so it was simple to learn.

We created the Monkey Game in Scratch, I liked doing it that way because it was a fun and easy way to learn how to make games.

I felt successful about the outcome because I loved the way my game turned out and how much fun it is to play.

When you teach Scratch to the sixth grade you should give them the tutorial on the big screen and have them do it together so that everyone understands. You should also give them a few smaller projects before working on the monkey game.

Three things I feel that I can do on Scratch are designing my own sprite and a background. I also can make my sprite move left and right and move in circles!

Two things someone else might enjoy about Scratch is that you can design your sprite however you want to. Also if you become really good at drawing on Scratch, you can design a whole background and make different scenes for your sprite.

The one thing that I wish I could do, though, is make a barrier for my sprite so that he has to climb over blocks instead of going through them.

Article posted January 7, 2008 at 07:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 152


Article posted January 23, 2008 at 07:51 PM GMT0 • Reads 67

I read the story by Iqmal and Victor.

1. I would allow the storyteller to live because it very good and held my interest. Also, I liked the alternate endings.

2. The plot was very original and was like nothing I've ever read before.

3.The story has conflict such as when the pirates are chasing the boy which was fun and suspenseful.

4. The characters were very realistic because they each reacted in the way an average person would and showed a little bit of personality which made them seem lifelike.

5. No words need changing. The words were very descriptive and made me feel like I was in the scene.

6. The story tell what kind of culture he has in Malaysia. He helped me understand the culture and the importance of fish.

7. The story showed a lot of insight and helped me picture Malaysia with the words that created a vision of what was going on in the story. I got the pictures of the fish and its importance and the sea. The story was very good and I don't think anything should be added or thrown out.

8. The story was really good and doesn't really need change but if it could be improved it would need a few grammatical changes, but that's all.

9. The theme of the story is to keep going and not give up when the odds are against you, which in the third alternate ending happened. The boy escaped the pirates and found his father.

10. It was good because it was interesting and it taught me a little bit about Malaysia. Also I loved the alternate endings.

Article posted January 23, 2008 at 07:51 PM GMT0 • Reads 67

Ideas Part 2

Article posted January 28, 2008 at 07:30 PM GMT0 • Reads 220

1 times when I've gotten hurt- I've fallen and gotten on nearly every vacation I've been on and everyone seems to think it's funny, so it would make for a good story.

2 vacations that I've been on- I have been on a bunch of vacations, such as to California with my dad where we went to a film festival.

3 my brother- My brother and I always get into trouble like when we ran away from my babysitter after she kicked us out of our own house.

4 things I've done- I have done lots of things such as zip-lined off a cliff over a giant waterfall.

5 my sister- my sister is odd and the topic of her makes for a good story.

6 road trip I went on- I went a road trip with my family this summer that was long.

7 going to New Orleans- I go to New Orleans every year and every year something funny happens.

8 banana incident- A banana caused a lot of havoc in under 4 seconds.

9 when my cousins came to live with us- my 2 cousins came to live with us for 9 months.

10 Meghan G. - The time when we saw a suspicious man and followed him.

Article posted January 28, 2008 at 07:30 PM GMT0 • Reads 220

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