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K-8 Computers

by sms2009-17 teacher: Mrs. Oro
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Making the Monkey

Article posted January 7, 2008 at 07:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 164

When I followed the tutorial to learn Scratch I found it very difficult because you have to follow directions that are not very explicit and explanatory.

We created the Monkey Game in Scratch, I disliked doing it that way because the directions were hard to follow. I felt unsuccessful about the outcome because I felt like I did not understand the program.

When you teach the sixth graders Scratch you should be more explicit in the directions.

I could paint something, create a costume, and make a sprite move.

Someone might enjoy Scratch because it is fun and it requires attention.

I wish I could be a pro baseball player.

Article posted January 7, 2008 at 07:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 164


Article posted January 14, 2008 at 07:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

1. When I went on vacation to Paris.

2. When I went on vacation to Alaska

3. I love Sneakers

4.Music Helps me express myself

5.Basketball A great sport

6.Football My favorite sport

7.Friends my friends are great

8.Computers Are fun

9.Hats I love baseball caps

10.Guitars are great

Article posted January 14, 2008 at 07:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

Peer Review

Article posted January 23, 2008 at 07:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 113

I read Cik Rohoya Ismail

1. On the level of story-telling: if you were the King (or the aliens), would you allow this story-teller to live another day? If no,why not?

Yes the story was told skillfully.

2. Think of plot—is it original? (If an adaptation, is it creative or interesting to you?)

I think that it is an adaptation but it was creative and interesting because it was a good adaptation.

3. Think about conflict. Does the story have a natural conflict? Are there complications that add enough suspense, tension, or interest? Is there a climax that satisfies you? Is the resolution satisfying? What could be added or changed?

I think that the story could have used more suspense but there was a good amount of tension.

4. Think of characterization—are the characters realistic? Individual? Do we get a good sense of character from many of these: description, dialog, narrator's opinion, discussion from other characters, the character’s own actions?

The characters are realistic, they are good the description is good but I think that there should be more narrator's opinion.

5. Think of word choice, imagery, and details. Do they help you see and hear and experience the story? Do any word choices need changing?

The word choices are clear and good.

6. On the level of "culture"--what do you think this writer is trying to reveal about the culture he/she lives in? Summarize what this story tells/shows about its culture in a sentence or


The author is revealing the culture by saying that the nobility and general population is somewhat prejudice to short people and do not accept them.

7. Does this revelation of culture possess much insight or show you something unique? Do you get a picture of cultural practices? Of gender roles, love relationships, family roles, habits, religious practices, beliefs, food, social expectations, etc.? Should anything be thrown out? Added?

It possesses insight and is unique because the girl is 2 feet tall. The girl's family relationship was unhealthy because her parents thought that she was embarrassing until she ran away.

8. What areas of the story need the most improvement?

The story needs improvement in the word usage area because the word selections are clear but also quite primary.

9. Summarize the theme of the story in a sentence or two. Don't just summarize the story, or say what its topic is--that's not theme. "Theme" is what the story reveals about the topic. So put your theme statement in this sort of pattern: "This story reveals that (topic) is (message about the topic)." Do your best here. You'll show the writer what his/her story DOES say, as opposed to what the writer WANTS it to say.

This story is about an extremely short girl who runs away from home, speaks to God,and returns home to be loved and accepted.

10. Be specific, try not to merely write, " this was good", instead explain what was good about it and why.

I thought that the manner the story was told in was good, I also thought that it was simple and easy to understand.

Article posted January 23, 2008 at 07:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 113

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