sms2008-03 -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016


K-8 Computers

by sms2008-03

teacher: Mrs. Oro

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Making the Monkey

Article posted January 15, 2008 at 07:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 601

When I followed the tutorial to learn Scratch I found it to be easy because the instructions were very helpful.

When we created the Monkey Game in Scratch, I liked doing that way because i felt successful about the outcome because my game works very well.

When you teach Scratch to the sixth grade you should do this project again because it was very entertaining.

In Scratch, I can create short stories and games. I can also keep myself entertained by controlling the sprites on the screen.

I think that other people would also enjoy playing around with the sprites and games.

I would like to have been able to make more complex games but it might have gotten a little confusing.

Article posted January 15, 2008 at 07:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 601

The Boy With 12 Toes

Article posted January 17, 2008 at 07:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 90

If i were the lead alien, I would have allowed the story teller to live. Their plot was very original and interesting. The story was not very suspenseful but it kept my attention the whole time i was reading. Each character in this story is unique but not realistic. Their writing was very easy to understand and I could picture mental images in my head. I think that the culture they belong to must not use a lot of technology or might be from the past. This story does not give a lot of information about the author's culture but it gives a vague idea of the food they eat. I think that this story was decent and does not need anything added or taken away. This story shows that no matter what you look like, every1 should all get the same treatment. This story was entertaining and I would not mind reading another story written by the same author.

Article posted January 17, 2008 at 07:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 90

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