sms2008-06 -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016


K-8 Computers

by sms2008-06

teacher: Mrs. Oro

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Making the monkey

Article posted January 15, 2008 at 07:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 146

When I followed the tutorial to learn Scratch I found it to be very easy because the instructions were very detailed and after it was all done it was so FUN!

When we created the monkey game in scratch I liked doing it that way because it was very entertaining. I DID feel very successful.

When you teach Scratch to the 6th grade you should leave things the same.

In Scratch you can... 1. learn about how to design a game. 2) function a game. 3) and completely make it great.

People might enjoy how you can do numerous things with different avatars.

I wish we could save the game and be able to play it at home.

Article posted January 15, 2008 at 07:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 146

The boy with 12 toes

Article posted January 17, 2008 at 07:41 PM GMT0 • Reads 104

1. Yes I would let the storyteller live. I really DID enjoy reading this story!

2. I'm pretty sure it was an original and it had a good plot.

3. The only thing I would say is that it could be longer, but it is good the way it is.

4. Good characters!

5. Yes it was described well.

6. Maybe a rejecting place.

7. Yes and nothing should be removed.

8. When the boy in is the whole.

9. A boy has 12-toes and fingers and is rejected and eventually finds happiness.

10. Good ideas and it really made you think. It touched a number of topics!

Article posted January 17, 2008 at 07:41 PM GMT0 • Reads 104

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