sms2008-12 -- Blogmeister
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K-8 Computers

by sms2008-12 teacher: Mrs. Oro
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Making the Monkey

Article posted January 10, 2008 at 07:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 140

i didn't get to follow tutorial.

We created the monkey game in Scratch, I liked doing it that way because it was easy to follow. I felt successful very successful at the end of the Scratch project. It was like a real computer game and it was fun to be able to play something that you created.

When you teach scratch to the sixth grade I think you should do it the exact same way you taught us. It was easy to understand.

In scratch you can make different settings such as sounds, movements, and you can choose a different character to use. There are many other things you can do in Scratch.

Someone might enjoy putting sounds on their project or looking at all the different characters and choosing the one you want.

I wish that I could have done it a little bit faster than I did.

Article posted January 10, 2008 at 07:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 140


Article posted January 17, 2008 at 07:49 PM GMT0 • Reads 92

Yes, I would let her live because I like the story. I thought it was different from any story I have ever read. I think the plot was very original. I have never read a story like it before. Yes because she was born short so it was a natural conflict. Yes I think there was tension and interest. It was exiting to see who the voice would turn out to be, and were she would end up going. Yes I think that the characters were original. I have never read a story with God in it before. Yes the story explained everything very well. Even though some of the words were kind of big I was still able understand it very well. It told what the people of this culture wear and the kind of environment they live in. I think that she could have talked about God a little less. It got annoying after a while. The story tells that you should always believe in God because he will always be there for you to help you. The story was good because it was very original. I think that talking about God the whole time ruined some of it, but otherwise it was very original and exiting.

Article posted January 17, 2008 at 07:49 PM GMT0 • Reads 92

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