sms2008-15 -- Blogmeister
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K-8 Computers

by sms2008-15 teacher: Mrs. Oro
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Making The Monkey

Article posted January 10, 2008 at 07:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 137

When I follow the tutorial to learn Scratch I found it to be easy because it's you doing it not somebody else or the Computer.

We created the Monkey Game in Scratch, I liked doing it that way because it was fun, I felt successful about the outcome because it was coolio.

When you teach Scratch to the sixth grade you should more ideas because they will like it more.

I think it would be good to color them, make your own character, and pick your music or sound.

They might enjoy doing the music and creating your own character.

I wish I didn't have to do it.

Article posted January 10, 2008 at 07:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 137


Article posted January 17, 2008 at 07:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 73

1. Yes because I might want to learn the whole story about the teddy bear and there boy.

2. This was an original story I have never heard anything like that before.

3. Yes it does some people do have 6 fingers and toes. It does satisfy me. Nothing it's perfect how it is.

4. No I would not believe there is a talking teddy bear.

5. Yes I do.

6. This kid is by himself and people were making front of him because he had 6 fingers and toes and he was by himself with a talking teddy bear.

7. Nothing should be thrown out or added it's perfect.

8. When the women dies.

9. The story is really good I think you wrote it perfect it's really funny and weird in a good way so I love it.

10. It was perfect.

Article posted January 17, 2008 at 07:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 73

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