sms2008-18 -- Blogmeister
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K-8 Computers

by sms2008-18 teacher: Mrs. Oro
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Making the Monkey

Article posted January 10, 2008 at 07:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 197

I didn't take the Scratch tutorial.

When we created the Monkey game in Scratch, I liked doing it that way because we learned it step by step together so it was easier to learn.

I felt successful about the outcome because I made my own game.

When you teach Scratch to the 6th grade you should do the same thing because it was easy to learn when we did it all together.

Three things I can do in Scratch are make my own Sprite, add sounds, and have my sprite do an action.

Two things someone else might enjoy about Scratch are that they can make their own game and make their own characters.

I wish that it took less time to make the game because it took a while.

Article posted January 10, 2008 at 07:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 197

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