sms2009-25 -- Blogmeister
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K-8 Computers

by sms2009-25

teacher: Mrs. Oro

Making The Monkey

Article posted January 7, 2008 at 03:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 149

I did not follow the tutorial.

When we created the Monkey Game in Scratch. I liked doing it that way because we did it together and if someone made a mistake, the person could come to a classmate and ask for help. I felt successful about the outcome because I did something and was successful with it.

When you teach Scratch to the sixth grade you should give more ideas on how to do more cool functions in making a game because it is hard to do simple functions, like jumping.

I feel I can do so many things in Scratch.

Someone else might enjoy Scratch because there are many cool things and samples to try out and you can share your project over the web.

I wish that in Scratch there could be better graphics for the characters.

Article posted January 7, 2008 at 03:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 149


Article posted January 14, 2008 at 03:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 71

1. Alien race attacking Earth

2. Stories of the Great White

3. A Biography of Avenged Sevenfold

4. Monkeys rule the world.

5. Halo games become real and I am a marine.

6. Cloverfield but in Cranford.

7. Half the world population goes to Mars to train soldiers.

8. We go back to 10,000 B.C.

9. The Boy Scouts save the President.

10. The Warriors team go to the NBA.

Article posted January 14, 2008 at 03:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 71


Article posted January 15, 2008 at 03:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 126

I read "The Boy With Twelve Toes".

1. If I were the king, I wouldn't let the story-teller live another day, because the story is not entertaining at all.

2. I have to say, the plot was original.

3. I simply do not think there was a conflict in the story. There really was no suspense in the story. The story could have been so much better.

4. Not really.

5. Other than spelling, the words were good.

6. I really couldn't understand what culture this person was from.

7. No, not really, I didn't get much insight from other cultures at all.

8. The ending, mostly.

9. This story says that people with disabilities are just like you and me.

10. This was a bad story because to me it had no point.

Article posted January 15, 2008 at 03:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 126

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