Jaime M -- Blogmeister
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Jaime's Blog

8th Grade

by Jaime M

teacher: Bonnie Hall

Blog Entries

My Trips to Michigan

Article posted September 30, 2005 at 01:55 AM GMT0 • Reads 50

I will always remember going to Michigan, when I was little I went there mostly every weekend, until I was about 6 because my nona (grandma) lived there. Her house was huge and I loved it! Her house was a lake front house, which my uncle had a boat and we would go tubing and fishing on. Fishing was my favorite hobbie to do while I was there, I did not catch anything big or anything but i loved it still! Whenever we would go fishing my dad would take my sister and I up to the Bait and Tackle Shop, to get worms and then once we got the bait we would walk up to the Shell gas station and get ice cream. It was really awesome because everything was within walking distance and I could walk to the park or ride my bike when I got bored.

At the park there were swings, slides, monkey bars, pretend wooden cars, and speakers you could talk through that led to another speaker on the opposite side of the park. In the front of the park is a giant painted lady bug that I will always remember because that is what made me start calling it the "Lady Bug Park." I would also ride my bike up the street to my aunts house and I would watch movies and play board games with my sister because my aunt had mostly every game known to man, but we mostly played Monopoly or Dominos. For Monopoly I was either the dog or the hat.

The air outside my nona's house always smelled like it was about to rain and I love that smell! The inside always smelled like cooking because my nona was always cooking, my favorite food she would make was lasagna and she also baked the best deserts!

Article posted September 30, 2005 at 01:55 AM GMT0 • Reads 50

Part 2 of Michigan

Article posted October 4, 2005 at 02:35 AM GMT0 • Reads 47

Holidays were always the best when we were there! On Fourth of July we would always have a barbeque and blow off some fireworks. But, the best part of it was watching the neighbors across the lake and next door to us compete! They had so many fireworks and always competed to see who had the best and who had the most fireworks; the whole neighborhoof would watch them blow off there fireworks, it was awesome! We also spent Christmas there. On Christmas morning my sister and I would get to open 1 of our gifts but we had to save the rest for when my family got there so they could open their gifts with us. After that we would go eat breakfast and then get ready. Once my whole family got there the adults would talk, and as normal kids would do, we would bug them and ask when we would start opening present. When they where done talking we would all open gifts until it was time to eat dinner.

Summer time was always the best! On summer moring we would eat breakfast on the backporch and then going fishing or go for a boat ride. Sometimes, my nona, mom, and dad would sit and watch the sunset while my sister and I fell asleep on the hammocks that we had. Although, my nona has movied I will never forget this house.

Article posted October 4, 2005 at 02:35 AM GMT0 • Reads 47

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