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by N

teacher: John Schwartz

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Article posted December 12, 2005 at 03:26 AM GMT0 • Reads 96

On Thursday, December 8 my Ejounalist group went to the Personal Care Home. Mr. Schwartz took all of us. We walked there on a cold windy day. We listened to Kay talk to us about the dirty thirties. She had 11 kids in her family. She had to feed the animals on the farm. She had lots of chores to do. She had to feed the horses. All the kids had chores to do. She had to bring the radio to the shop in Lac du Bonnet because she lived 3 miles away. She had to walk a long way to get to the shop. The next day she had to go back into Lac du Bonnet to get the radio.

The another lady named Sonja also talked to us. She had to take a jigger to school. A jigger is rail hand car. Other people came on the trolly to help pump. It would be fun if I could go to school on a jigger. She went to school on First Street. She babysat for 25 cents a night. Pop was 5 cents and a handful of candy was 5 -10 cents.

The dirty thirties were dry and dusty and the crops were very bad. The crops were not very good to sell. There was not a lot of money and people were very hungry. It would be very hard to live during the dirty thirties. There was a very bad flu going around and thousands of people died.

I enjoyed learning about life during the dirty thirties. It was very interesting to listen to the ladies' stories. I would like to learn more about Lac du Bonnet's past history.

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Article posted December 12, 2005 at 03:26 AM GMT0 • Reads 96

group talents by Nelson

Article posted January 18, 2006 at 08:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 60

I went to interview the japan club and I wanted to go because the people kept looking at us so we left early that's why we din't get much done.

Article posted January 18, 2006 at 08:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 60

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