Kassandra -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Mr. Crosby's Alumni Bloggers

We are a 6th grade class that is piloting a 1:1 laptop program using MacBook computers. We blog, Skype, make Wiki pages, produce digital videos, podcasts and vidcasts.

by Kassandra

teacher: Brian Crosby

Blog Entries

Article posted October 18, 2007 at 10:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 737



Me gusta ir a California y a Disney Land. Porque juego hay comida dela que me gusta. Ay peses de muchos colores de muchas formas. Tambien las tasitas, las ruedas de fortuna. Personas disfrasadas de princess como la Cinderella, la Beauty and the Beast, Snow white, Sleeping Beauty, little mermaid y Jasmin. Tambien como Mickey mouse, Donald duck, Mini, Pluto y muchos personages de Disney. Y muchos juegos mas la playa de California es muy bonita me gusta ir mucho, porque tiene muchas cosas que me gustan. Como la comida y muchas cosas de ay me gustan. Me gusta ver la playa. Me gusta ver a los delfines saltar en el agua. Me gusta subirme a todos los juegos me gustan los circos de alli, me encantan. Tambien me gustan los zoologicos. Me gustan los parques. Me gusta la musica.


Article posted October 18, 2007 at 10:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 737

Article posted October 31, 2007 at 10:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 96



Caundo vinieron a grabar, un señor traia la camara, otro una bara para que se escuche mejor, otro acia preguntas al maestro y alos alumnos, dos muchachas beian para saber si contestabamos bien las preguntas entonses beian como trabajamos en las computadoras. El maestro nos pregunto porque creiamos que el zapato estaba aci nosotros deciamos lo que creiamos. Los hombres binieron ala clase porque una nina que tiene canser no podo venir al escuela y la tenian en la computadora de ay nos comunicabamos con ella. Ella acia los trabajos bien el maestro hacia preguntas y las contestaba bien. Entonses me di cuenta que no nomas porque tenga canser no me boy a juntar con ella yo me junto con todas ella es buena. Tambien los señores nos bieron trabajar con lapiz y papel. Despues se fueron. FIN

Article posted October 31, 2007 at 10:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 96

Article posted November 8, 2007 at 08:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 88



Yo fui a Halloween pero no me disfrase. Yo lo que hice fue que me deble el ojo. Mi hermana la mediana no se disfraso de nada. Mi hermana pequeña se puso la camisa de mi papa y su sombrero. Caminaba chistoso y se veia curiosa fuimos ala casa de enfrente y nos dieron dulces. La señora de enfrente se le quedo mirando a mi hermana por que se veia curiosa. Despues fuimos pidiendo TRICK OR TREAT y si nos daban dulces Despues mi papa le dijo a mi mama en secreto que nos iba a llevar con mi hermana Flor la mayor. Pero a nosotros no. Llegamos y tocamos abrieron y dijimos TRICK OR TREAT y vimos que era mi hermana la mayor.Y nos dio una bolsa de dulces a cada quien. Despues nos enseño las perritas. Una se llama Kyra y la otra Chata. Chata es juguetona y Kyra muy calmada. Despues nos fuimos a casa a dormir. FIN

Article posted November 8, 2007 at 08:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 88


Article posted November 16, 2007 at 07:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 108

Me gusta navidad porque tengo regalos electronicos como computadoras, mp3, mp4, o una tele para mi cuarto. Tambien tengo ropa como blusas, pantalones, faldas, chamarras o sueteres. Hay juguetes como que no me gustan mucho. Tambien hay cosas para mi escuela como libretas, lapiz, goma, sacapuntas, o hojas. Loque ciempre pido es un perro, un gato, un pez, un pajaro o un perico. Tambien pido peliculas como The Princess Diaries, Homeward 2, pero en español. Pido muchas cosas. Espero que me las traiga. FIN

Article posted November 16, 2007 at 07:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 108


Article posted November 21, 2007 at 07:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 124



We celebrated thanksgiving. We ate turkey, duck, fish, corn, beans, bread, berries, cranberries, pumpkin pie. My favorite thing was turkey. I don’t like fish but I tried a little. I liked almost everything. Tomorrow my family will go to my aunt’s house.

Celebramos thanksgiving comimos pavo, pato, pescado, elote, ejotes, pan, moras, arandanos y postre de calabaza. Mi favorito fue pavo. Yo no probe el pescado bueno probe un poco. Casi todo me gusto. Mañana mi familia vamos a ir ala casa de mi tia

Article posted November 21, 2007 at 07:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 124

Cuando Fui A Michoacan

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 173

Hace tiempo mi mama y mi papa nos llebaron Michoacan nos tardamos siete horas en llegar cuando llegamos, llegamos a un hotel de Morelia . Al dia siguiente viajamos media hora hacia Tafetan. En Tafetan tenemos unas tias y tiios. De ai nos fuimos hacia rancho mis hermanas y yo nos fuimos a jugar a muchas partes por que el rancho es muy grande. Despues mi papa nos dejo ir a darles de comer a los peces. Por que en el rancho havia un pozo muy grande y hay estaban los peces. Despues fuimos a darles a otros peces que se encuentran abajo por donde estan las vacas yel caballo nos quedamos viendo las vacas despues subimos ala casa y jugamos en el trapolin un rato mientras estaba la comida. Despues jugamos con el perrito cuando el corria nosotros lo perseguiamos. Despues gritaron que la comida estaba lista. Fuimos acomer despues nos mandaron a dormir.

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 173

El dia que me regalaron un conejo

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 119

Hace tiempo alla en Mexico mi primo Antonio nos regalo un conejo de verdad. Cuando yo yegue de la escuela mi mama y mis hermanas tenian un conejo. Nosotros jugamos mucho con el conejo lo sacamos para afuera donde jugamos hasta la noche pos no se podia irpor que estaba tapado. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela 8:00 am a 1:00 pm yo yegue a mi casa y otra vez nos pusimos a jugar con el. Y despues dijo mi mama quelo dejaramos libre pero en la casa. Bueno lo dejamos ir cuando lo vimos que se metio abajo dela cama y lo fuimos a sacar . Despues dijo mi mama que lo llebaramos adormir. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela , cuando llegue a casa me dijieron que avia muerto nosabiamos que haser y lo tiramos.

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 119

Cuandoo se metieron a robar

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 112

Hace tiempo alla en Mexico mi primo Antonio nos regalo un conejo de verdad. Cuando yo yegue de la escuela mi mama y mis hermanas tenian un conejo. Nosotros jugamos mucho con el conejo lo sacamos para afuera donde jugamos hasta la noche pos no se podia irpor que estaba tapado. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela 8:00 am a 1:00 pm yo yegue a mi casa y otra vez nos pusimos a jugar con el. Y despues dijo mi mama quelo dejaramos libre pero en la casa. Bueno lo dejamos ir cuando lo vimos que se metio abajo dela cama y lo fuimos a sacar . Despues dijo mi mama que lo llebaramos adormir. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela , cuando llegue a casa me dijieron que avia muerto nosabiamos que haser y lo tiramos.

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 112

La estrella que podia volar

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 125

Hace tiempo alla en Mexico mi primo Antonio nos regalo un conejo de verdad. Cuando yo yegue de la escuela mi mama y mis hermanas tenian un conejo. Nosotros jugamos mucho con el conejo lo sacamos para afuera donde jugamos hasta la noche pos no se podia irpor que estaba tapado. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela 8:00 am a 1:00 pm yo yegue a mi casa y otra vez nos pusimos a jugar con el. Y despues dijo mi mama quelo dejaramos libre pero en la casa. Bueno lo dejamos ir cuando lo vimos que se metio abajo dela cama y lo fuimos a sacar . Despues dijo mi mama que lo llebaramos adormir. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela , cuando llegue a casa me dijieron que avia muerto nosabiamos que haser y lo tiramos.

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 125

Respetar y ayudar

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 122

Hace tiempo alla en Mexico mi primo Antonio nos regalo un conejo de verdad. Cuando yo yegue de la escuela mi mama y mis hermanas tenian un conejo. Nosotros jugamos mucho con el conejo lo sacamos para afuera donde jugamos hasta la noche pos no se podia irpor que estaba tapado. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela 8:00 am a 1:00 pm yo yegue a mi casa y otra vez nos pusimos a jugar con el. Y despues dijo mi mama quelo dejaramos libre pero en la casa. Bueno lo dejamos ir cuando lo vimos que se metio abajo dela cama y lo fuimos a sacar . Despues dijo mi mama que lo llebaramos adormir. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela , cuando llegue a casa me dijieron que avia muerto nosabiamos que haser y lo tiramos.

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 122

La ventana rota

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:57 PM GMT0 • Reads 109

Hace tiempo alla en Mexico mi primo Antonio nos regalo un conejo de verdad. Cuando yo yegue de la escuela mi mama y mis hermanas tenian un conejo. Nosotros jugamos mucho con el conejo lo sacamos para afuera donde jugamos hasta la noche pos no se podia irpor que estaba tapado. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela 8:00 am a 1:00 pm yo yegue a mi casa y otra vez nos pusimos a jugar con el. Y despues dijo mi mama quelo dejaramos libre pero en la casa. Bueno lo dejamos ir cuando lo vimos que se metio abajo dela cama y lo fuimos a sacar . Despues dijo mi mama que lo llebaramos adormir. Al dia siguiente fui ala escuela , cuando llegue a casa me dijieron que avia muerto nosabiamos que haser y lo tiramos.

Article posted December 21, 2007 at 06:57 PM GMT0 • Reads 109

La Nieve

Article posted January 16, 2008 at 11:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 141


La niene a mi me gusta porque en la nieve se hacen angeles, bolas de nieve y monos de nieve. La nieve es peligrosa porque la agua se hace hielo y porque los carros se resbalan o un humano se resbala por que el hielo es liso.La nieve es divertida por que se puede jugar. Un dia fuimos a la casa de mi tio y cuando mi prima yego gritando y mi tia le dijo que tienes y dijo esque me cai en el hielo por que afuera habia mucho hielo. Despues nos fuimos a nuestra casa y despues de un rato estubo nevando.


Article posted January 16, 2008 at 11:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 141


Article posted January 30, 2008 at 11:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 131


by Kasandra

Cuando quieres escribir una historia lo primero que nesecitas es que la primera letra es mayuscula donde hay un nombre de persona o ciudad. Despues cuando acabes lo lees para que sepas que esta todo muy bien. Y tambien ay que ponerle puntos como punto y aparte, punto y seguido y punto y final. Cuando no sabes como se escribe una palabra puedes utilizar un diccionario. Despues que acabes le tienes que poner en print para que salga la hoja ya escrita. Tienes que dejar espacio en las palabras. Tienes que mirar tus errores. Tienes que tener mayusculas cuando tengas un nombre de personas. Tambien tienes que tener titulo para saber como se llama tu historia. Y tienes que saber correctar el español o tu idioma.


Article posted January 30, 2008 at 11:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 131


Article posted February 8, 2008 at 08:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 118

los alumnos de Canada


Ayer estuvimos hablando con unos alumnos de secundaria. Los alumnos con los que hablamos estan en Canada . Ellos estuvieron haciendo preguntas y nosotros tambien les hisimos preguntas a ellos. Y ellos contestaban las preguntas. Nosotros estubimos biendolos como se reian ellos. Nosotros los beiamos por un pizarron que esta conectado a una computadora. Nosotros estubimos hablando despues de desayunar y despues entramos al salon y Mr. Crosby prendio la computadora para que se mirara lo que pasaba en la otra clase. Despues de un rato dijieron adios.


Article posted February 8, 2008 at 08:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 118

Article posted February 26, 2008 at 11:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 110



Los planetas estan en el espacio las estrellas estan en el espacio al igual que el sol. Tu sabes cual es el planeta mas alejado de el sol y cual es el mas pequeño de todos los planetas ese planeta se llama Pluton.

Existe una estrella que se llama Alpha Centauri esa estrella esta muy cerca a la tierra despues de el sol.

El sol es redondo y puedes quemarte los ojos si quedas mucho rato mirando a el sol. El sol tambien es una estrella de color amarillo y es el unico que tiene luz natural.

Los focos tienen que estar conectados a cables de electricidad. Las estrellas no tienen cinco pies nos decian cuando eramos bebes. En verdad las estrellas son redondas y blancas. El señor Crosby nos enseño una peliccula corta donde se puede ver los planetas desde pluton hasta jupiter. El sol y la luna que se pueden ver desde el espacio hasta la tierra igual que las estrellas.


Article posted February 26, 2008 at 11:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 110

Article posted February 28, 2008 at 11:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 116



El eclipse lunar es cuando la luna esta blanca despues se ponepoco roja. despues mas roja. Existe un eclipse que no se puede ver porque te puedes quedar ciego(a) ese eclipse llama eclipse solar.

Tu sabes cual es mas grande la luna o la tierra la luna es mas grande que la tierra porque si fuera como una naranja no se pudiera ver. En cambio la luna es mas grande que la tierra es sol es mas grande que todos los planetas.

Las estrellas no son como noslo dician cuando eramos bebes.

Bien hablemos de el eclipse. Cuando yo sali para afuera la luna estaba toda de su color normal despues se puso un poco roja despues mas roja y cuando por fin se esta llenando unas nubes la taporon eso fue lo que yo mire en este eclipse.


Article posted February 28, 2008 at 11:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 116

Lasa estrellas

Article posted March 4, 2008 at 07:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 119



Abia una vez muchas personas que, se cansaban de ver la luna, pero una familia, intento poner unos floreros al rededor de la luna pero no funcionaron, porque se calleron. Al dia siguiente dibujaron alas princess y las decoraron con brillos fueron al espacio las acomodaron llegaron a casa pero no brillaban mucho y se calleron. Despues barios dias fueron ala jolleria y compraron diamantes, y los acomodaron al rededor da la luna pero no funciono se calleron. Despues fueron otra vez ala joyeria y compraron plata, fueron al espasio la acomodaron como todas las veces bajaron asu casa y dijieron aber si esto no se cae pero si se callo. Fueron otro dia y compraron oro fueron al espacio lo acomodaron pero se calleron un dia fueron a ver la luna para saber porque no aceptaba esas cosas que le daban entonses perdieron el control del coete y chocaron con la luna, la luna era grande pero perdio pedasos y quedo chica los pedasos que quedaron en el espacio dicen que se llaman estrellas. Por eso ciempre se ven estrellas con la luna del mismo color. y estan hechas de lo que esta hecha la luna. La luna es color como amarillo las estrellas tambien Desde ese dia los que vivimos ciempre en la noche vemos la luna con las hermosas. ESTRELLAS


Article posted March 4, 2008 at 07:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 119

Article posted March 4, 2008 at 08:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 114



Yo fui a Halloween pero no me disfrase. Yo lo que hice fue que me deble el ojo. Mi hermana la mediana no se disfraso de nada. Mi hermana pequeña se puso la camisa de mi papa y su sombrero. Caminaba chistoso y se veia curiosa fuimos ala casa de enfrente y nos dieron dulces. La señora de enfrente se le quedo mirando a mi hermana por que se veia curiosa. Despues fuimos pidiendo TRICK OR TREAT y si nos daban dulces Despues mi papa le dijo a mi mama en secreto que nos iba a llevar con mi hermana Flor la mayor. Pero a nosotros no. Llegamos y tocamos abrieron y dijimos TRICK OR TREAT y vimos que era mi hermana la mayor.Y nos dio una puño de dulces a cada quien. Despues nos enseño las perritas. Una se llama Kyra y la otra Chata. Chata es juguetona y Kyra muy calmada. Despues nos fuimos a casa a dormir. FIN

Article posted March 4, 2008 at 08:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 114

El skype

Article posted March 27, 2008 at 09:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 114

El skype


Hoy nos toco hablar con un niño de New York atravez de el skype. El niño dijo que tenia que haber monstruos a mi no me gusto esa idea pero estabamos en equipo y teniamos que ponernos de acuerdo. Despues de un rato el dijo que los hombres tenian que pelear tampoco me gusto esa indea. Para un monstruo se quedo un pulpo y el decia que el pulpo tenia que tener cuchillos y no sus patas normales despues el nos pregunto que cual seria la solucion de el problema y Maricarmen e dijo que llegarian a tierra y el monstruo no los podia atrpar porque los pulpos estan en el agua


Article posted March 27, 2008 at 09:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 114


Article posted May 16, 2008 at 09:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 117



El miercoles en la mañana hice mi lonche primero lo que. hice fue buscar lo que necesitaba (galletas,jugo, algo para comer y una snack aparte).

Despues puse todo mi lonche en una bolsa para llevarlo a la escuela. Cuando llegue a la escuela lo pese junto con la snack (aparte) y pesaba 2 libras.Despues le quite la snack (aperte) y faltaba poco para 22oz

Despues le puse otras galletas y pesaba bien las 22oz. Despues nos dieron unos cuadernos verdes para escribir. Despues nos subimos a el autobus cuando llegamos havia muchos niños extraños que yo estaba nerviosa. Despues Mr.Bryant nos dijo que nos sentaramos y se oia muy fuerte lo que decia por las vocinas y tambien cuando todos los niños empezaban a gritar. Despues Mr.Bryant nos dijo que nos fueramos a constrir la casa de plastico eso era lo que a mi se me hacia mas dificil contruir una casa de plastico. Cuando empezamos a construir la casa de plastico tardamos mucho rato construyandola y cuando acabamos nos metimos adentro con la libreta verde y escribimos de como se nos hacia construir una casa de plastico si dificil o facil. Despues nos dijieron que comieramos afuera de la casa de plastico. Despues nos dijieron que presentaramos nuestros systemas a todo nuestro grupo. Entonces yo tenia verguenza de presentar lo que yo tenia que presentar pero lo presente. Y otros niños tambien presentaron lo que ellos tenian que presentar. Despues nos enseñaron unos videos. Despues nos salimos a jugar a afuera, jugamos a el telefono despues jugamos a correr y despues jugamos a pato ganso pero despues nos metimos y vimos todas las casas de plastico estaban juntas que parecian como tuneles y el maestro nos dijo que hicieramos una linea para poder entrar a las casas de plastico eran un poco grandes y muchos niños se empujaban unos a otros y cuando yo entre a las casas de plastico. Holia un poco mal pero cuando acabe de pasar las casas de plastico despues de un rato el maestro le quito un tunel. Despues de un rato estubimos sentados en un lugar despues estubieron hablando a las escuelas que su autobus escolar estaba aqui. Antes de que nos llamaran a nosotros un niño se callo y se le hiso una bola grande. Despues de un rato llego el autobus que nos lleva de regreso a la escuela Despues nos subimos a el autobus cuando yegamos a la escuela agarramos lo que teniamos en la mochila de el grupo y despues agarramos nuestras mochilas y nos fuimos a nuestras casas.


Article posted May 16, 2008 at 09:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 117


Article posted May 29, 2008 at 10:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 111



I had nothing to do one day and was really kind of bored, so I went outside and started to walk around the neighborhood. I spotted the friendly dog from next door in his yard playing with a ball. The ball squirted out of his mouth and shot into the street. The dog ran after it just as a car came along and BAM! the car hit the dog. My heart was pounding in my chest as I watched the dog land in the street and the car sped away! I knew I had to do something to help! I ran to the dog and saw that she was still alive and breathing. Her eyes opened and looked up at me. I could tell by the look on her face that she was scared, in pain and wanted help. So I …

went to the hospital and the doctor said he will live. I went to my house with the dog. After I ask to my mom.Can take care of the dog? then my mom said yes. I put my dog on the sofa. And he sleep when I go for a dish then I put water in the dish after he wake up and he drink water. He’s sleep again. The next morning he wake up It was saturday and my dog play whith me with a ball.After the hours passed. And my mom said came to eat. Then I ask to my mom the dod too? yes said my mom. Then my dad came then my dad said is time to clean the dog. And the dog ran outside then my dad clean the the dog then he sleep.


Article posted May 29, 2008 at 10:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 111


Article posted May 29, 2008 at 10:10 PM GMT0 • Reads 118


A mi me gusta tener blogging porque es donde ponemos nuestras historias y mucha gente las lee y yo aprendi a leer mas mejor en la computadora.

I like blogging because we put our stories and a lot of people can read it. I also think blogging is fun because I can leave comments. Also I learned how to read and spell. I like to blog.=http://=http://! So maybe if other people in the world use blogging then maybe it will help them.

Article posted May 29, 2008 at 10:10 PM GMT0 • Reads 118


Article posted May 29, 2008 at 10:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 124



El eclipse lunar es cuando la luna esta blanca despues se ponepoco roja. despues mas roja. Existe un eclipse que no se puede ver porque te puedes quedar ciego(a) ese eclipse llama eclipse solar.

Tu sabes cual es mas grande la luna o la tierra la luna es mas grande que la tierra porque si fuera como una naranja no se pudiera ver. En cambio la luna es mas grande que la tierra es sol es mas grande que todos los planetas.

Las estrellas no son como noslo dician cuando eramos bebes.

Bien hablemos de el eclipse. Cuando yo sali para afuera la luna estaba toda de su color normal despues se puso un poco roja despues mas roja y cuando por fin se esta llenando unas nubes la taporon eso fue lo que yo mire en este eclipse.


Article posted May 29, 2008 at 10:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 124


Article posted September 12, 2008 at 11:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 113



Mulan was a girl. She had courage because she took her father’s armour to fight. And she disguised herself as a men named Pink.

One day some men were trying to destroy China.

Mulan fought with them. She ended up with a victory but they cut her on her stomach. It was bleeding.

She knew that if she fought with them she was going to get hurt but she didn’t care. She just wanted to save China. After Shane took her to the tent and they went to get the doctor. The doctor came and told Shane to come to see Pink. When he saw her he got mad because she was a girl.

They left without Mulan then Mulan and the little dragon went up to the mountain. Then they heard a scream. It was the man who was trying to destroy China. They were going to her village. Then she went to tell the people that the men was coming to the village. Then people didn’t care. They kept the party on.

Then the men came and the people started screaming, crying and running. Mulan was mad at them. The bad guys took the king and went inside.

Then Shane and some good guys were trying to save the king then Mulan went inside and they started fighting with each other. After Mulan finished the guys she went with the king. The king told her everything that she had done. Then he said you saved us.

Mulan went home with her father. Her father was happy with her for saving their village.


Article posted September 12, 2008 at 11:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 113


Article posted September 16, 2008 at 10:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 132



One day my friend, her brother, my sisters, and I were playing hide and go seek. My friend and I counted first. My sisters and my friend’s brother hid under the bed and we found them.

Then we went to hide in the garage under the truck. They came to the garage and they turned on t

the light and they didn't see us. They went outside. They were looking for us and they didn't find us. They went inside to look for us and they didn't find us so then they went to the garage again. They checked inside the truck and they didn't find us. Then they checked under the red truck and they didn't find us. Then they checked under the green truck and they found us. Then they went to hide. We counted to 50 and then we went to look for them. They were under the table. We went to hide again and we saw a closet. We went into it. We put blankets on us. After a few minutes we couldn’t breathe. Then the kids came and opened the closet. We took off the blankets and got out. We started breathing fast then we all hung out and after one hour she and her brother went home.


Article posted September 16, 2008 at 10:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 132


Article posted September 26, 2008 at 07:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 130



Today we drink some tea. The teacher make the tea with a machine. He make tea because he went to China and he want us to learn about China so he bring some tea for us.

When we drink the tea It wasn't good because It was sour and the color was brown. We got to drink It with a cookie. The cookie was good and more good with the tea because It was like when you are little and you drink special milk for babys.

Like I remember that when I was1 year old I use to drink that kind of milk.

Then he gave us another cookie with a paper inside when we eat the cookie with the milk It was good too.

After we finish our tea and our cookie Mr.Crosby told us to write notes about what happened after I finish my notes I stared writing this story.


Article posted September 26, 2008 at 07:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 130


Article posted October 2, 2008 at 07:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 111


I like little puppies because they are cute and they play with you. I also like the colors red, yellow, blue and white because some of them are the colors of the United states flag.

I like the continent Africa because there are some animals that I like. Like lions, hippos, giraffes. I also like Egypt because Egypt has those kind of animals that I like.

I also like the letter and g because g is for girl and I’m a girl that’s why I like the word girl. I like math because the math looks fun and hard for me and some times I like the hard work and some times I hate hard work. I also like December because christmas is in december. I like christmas because on christmas you get a lot of presents. those are the 7 random of me.

Article posted October 2, 2008 at 07:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 111


Article posted October 8, 2008 at 06:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 92

Internet Safety


Your phone number is not safe to have on the internet. Strangers can call you and lie to you so you give them your address. They can tell you that your mom fell at work so you get in the car and nobody will see you again. People you don’t know can contact you.

Bad people know your phone number and they can search for information. When they find the information they can try to get you. And that’s why it is dangerous to have your phone number on the internet.

Your address is also dangerous to have on the internet. People know where you live. People can go to your house and knock on the door. When you open it they can kidnap you. That is why it is dangerous to have your address on the internet.


Article posted October 8, 2008 at 06:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 92

My Message To The Presidential Candidates

Article posted October 10, 2008 at 08:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 87

Dear Senator McCain and Senator Obama,

We do not have a lot of jobs. Some people need a job. Some people have lost their homes because they do not have jobs or money to pay for their homes.

Also, some people spend all their time looking for a job

because the company they were working for didn't have money to pay the workers. Consequently, many people are becoming very poor. Also a lot of people live in the streets because they don't have a job to get money. They don't have money to have somewhere to live. Please make more jobs because we need them.

Article posted October 10, 2008 at 08:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 87


Article posted October 20, 2008 at 06:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 126



Today we Skyped with Mr. Mayo’s class in Maryland. They are in middle school. We tried to connect with them like five times but the video didn’t work real well. Then we tried to connect with them another time and it worked. Finally we saw them. We told them our stories. Our table was the first table to tell the story. When we finished, a table from over there told their story. Then we lost communication. Then Mr. Mayo called Mr. Crosby. When Mr. Crosby answered, Mr. Mayo told him that his camera was turning on and off. Then they said good bye. Then Mr. Crosby said that we were going to Skype with them on Monday.


Article posted October 20, 2008 at 06:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 126


Article posted October 24, 2008 at 07:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 109



The book My Mom The Frog was about a boy named Jason. He got a wart. His mom kissed the wart. Then his sister told him that if somebody touched the wart they would turn into a frog. He got scared.

Then he ran to the kitchen. His father asked him if he wanted some breakfast. He said no because he needed to find his mom who turned into a frog. Then he looked to the floor and saw a frog and a purse. The frog was panting like his mother. Then his dad took a broom and opened the back door. With a swipe of the broom he pushed the frog toward the back door.

Jason went to the window and he saw the frog. He went outside. The frog wasn't there anymore. A friend came over and helped Jason look for his mom the frog.

Jason’s sister went with them. She found the frog. She told them someone should kiss the frog. Their dad came and told them to start working. At the end of the book they heard a voice. It was his mom who was back from the store. She just went to get something for Jason’s wart.

Article posted October 24, 2008 at 07:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 109


Article posted October 24, 2008 at 07:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 134



It is almost Halloween. I want to go trick or treating but I don’t think I will be able to go. I might be going to Disneyland because my sisters have not gone there yet. So they want to go trick or treating and they also want to go to Disneyland.

Maybe I will go trick or treating with my friends and cousins. When I go trick or treating I always stay out for five hours. Last year I stayed out five hours. Two years ago I also stayed out five hours trick or treating. This year I don’t know how many hours I’m going to stay out.

This Halloween I want to go trick or treating in Reno, not Sparks or Sun Valley like last year. I want to go to big mansions to trick or treat. They give you big pieces of candy. I also want to go somewhere I can see scary things like scary movies, scary toys and scary houses. After trick or treating I will go home tired. I will not eat the candy yet, because I’m not allowed to eat the candy on the night. We can only eat the candy the next day.

I also want to go trick or treating with my big sister’s

daughter. She is four years old. She is going to be a policewoman. I saw her costume. My little sister is going to be so happy about it. My sister will be a butterfly. My other sister will be a skeleton bride. I don’t want to dress up, I just want to paint my face like a vampire. I already have the kind of paint that I need.

My little cousin is maybe going to come for Halloween. If she comes for Halloween she will stay for Thanksgiving. I really hope Halloween is fun this year.

Article posted October 24, 2008 at 07:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 134


Article posted December 3, 2008 at 10:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 104



On Tuesday 11/25/08 we Skyped with Alan Levine in Iceland.

Iceland is next to Greenland.

Alan Levine was in Iceland because a lady asked him if he could take care of a house, a dog and some horses (he said yes).

In Iceland the horses are short and they have long hair that keeps them warm in the winter.

Alan Levine told us that the people in Iceland race horses, cows and sheep.

Iceland is a land with a lot of volcanoes.

He told us that Krohners are money that is worth less than a penny. On one side of the Krohner it has a picture of a shark or a fish.

Alan Levine told us that the people in Iceland speak Icelandic, Takk is an icelandic word which means thank you.

Alan Levine also said that in Iceland is not as cold, it’s just like 32 to 40 ˚F and there is more rain then snow in Iceland.


Article posted December 3, 2008 at 10:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 104

When I truned into a reindeer

Article posted December 19, 2008 at 09:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 156



Over the years more people celebrate Christmas.

Santa Claus is a man who loves children, he gives them presents on Christmas day. Santa Claus lives in the North Pole with the reindeer, the elves and Mrs. Claus (Santa’s wife). The reindeer pull the sleigh. The elves work for Santa making toys.

One night when I was sleeping in a dream Santa came to me and asked me if I wanted to go with him I said yes then he took me to a place where the elves were working making toys.

Santa said follow me, so I followed him, He took me to a kitchen I saw Mrs. Claus with a glass of juice.

Mrs. Claus told me to drank it, I drink it and I fell a sleep, while I was sleeping I was turning into a reindeer.

When I woke up the elves took me to a place where I was supposed to learned how to fly and how to pull the sleigh.

They taught me for two days I learned but I wasn't as good as the other reindeer.

The elves took me to santa.

Santa told me to go with all the other reindeer the other reindeer asked me if I was the new reindeer I said yes, they told me that Nelly the reindeer got seek, they also told me that it was fun to fly with Santa in the air.

The reindeer told me that after the trip Santa will give them presents.

The elves asked me if I wanted to see how they make presents. I said yes.

The elves took me to a storage where hundreds and hundreds of elves where working by making toys.

Next day was December 24 all the elves where running here and there making shore that the sleigh was in good conditions.

They also make shore that the reindeer were good.

I saw Santa eating cookies with milk and I also saw a bag full of toys.

The elves told me to go where the sleigh was they put ropes on me and then we went to give presents to little kids.

When we got to a house we parked on the roof of the house I almost fell from the roof the two other reindeer Susi and Snowy get to hold me so I won’t fall.

Then I saw Santa going down the chimney.

I looked through the window I saw him delivering presents.

We went to another house roof but that time I didn’t fell like last time. This time I also looked through the window, I saw Santa again delivering gives I saw that he opened a bag with a lot of presents. I saw a kid looking at Santa I was hopping that the kid wont make any noise but he did make a noise. When Santa heard the noise, he run to the chimney and he came back, then we left.

We went to another house and the kids were awake waiting for Santa because every girl and boy want to see Santa but Santa saw them and he quickly left the presents and came then we left. When I was flying it looks like you are running but you are not, you are flying.

When I was flying it was fun because I never fly and I was the first human flying. We went to another house we land on the roof again there was not a lot of space so I almost fell like last time. Again I saw Santa going down the chimney and I looked through the window like last time. When Santa was delivering presents, but then somebody turned on the lights. It was a kid who wanted to see Santa, Santa quickly left the presents and came back. The kid quickly opened the presents. We fly to the next house and then the next house and we keep flying around the world delivering presents for the kids.

We finally finished. We went home where Mrs. Claus and the elves were, the North Pole. Mrs. Claus gave me more of the same juice and I fall to sleep, again and wile I was sleeping I turned back into a human.

When I woke up I was in my bed I quickly went to check if it was real or I was dreaming. I wasn’t dreaming. My trip with Santa and the other reindeer was real.

I went to looked at my presents.

One of my presents had a cart on it, it said

Dear: Kasandra

Thank you for helping me to give presents to kids if you woden't came I couldn’t give presents.

You did a great job, only next time don’t fall from the roof. Thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS=http://=http://!!!!

From: Santa

I saw my mom looking for me when she saw me she said, where were you I said with Santa she didn’t belive me. That was the best christmas ever.


Article posted December 19, 2008 at 09:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 156

Juan's visit

Article posted January 27, 2009 at 11:01 PM GMT0 • Reads 101

Juan’s visit


    On Friday January, 9, 2009,  one of my classmate’s brother Juan, came to visit us, he goes to the UNR college, he studies biology.

    He said that if you want to be a doctor you have to study 8 years of college. Juan also said that college is really expensive, this year he paid about $14,000.

Books are also expensive  in college he has to pay for the books about $450. The expensive book was cytology book it was $140. High School designed cricket.

    Teachers choose the best people to go to Hawaii, they choose him.

    When he was in this class he always got C’s. This year he got four A’s and two B’s.

     Juan came to this school ( Agnes Risley School) in fourth grade. Juan said that is good to ask questions and you learn better. Juan said that it is not hard to go to college, you just need good grades. That was Juan’s visit.

Article posted January 27, 2009 at 11:01 PM GMT0 • Reads 101


Article posted February 3, 2009 at 07:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 172



The important thing about kittens is that they have fur. They drink milk, some are yellow, they are cute, they are small. But the important thing about kittens is that they have fur.

Article posted February 3, 2009 at 07:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 172

Abraham Lincoln

Article posted February 4, 2009 at 06:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 97

Abraham Lincoln


The most important thing about Abraham Lincoln is that he was the 16th President of the United States. He was born in Kentucky, February 12, 1809, he loved to read, he was borrowing books from his neighbors. But the important thing about Abraham Lincoln is that he was the 16th president of the United States.

Article posted February 4, 2009 at 06:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 97

The Dog (Remix)

Article posted February 10, 2009 at 08:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 144

I had nothing to do one day and was really kind of bored, so I went outside and started to walk around the neighborhood. I spotted the friendly dog from next door in his yard playing with a ball. The ball squirted out of his mouth and shot into the street. The dog ran after it just as a car came along and BAM! the car hit the dog. My heart was pounding in my chest as I watched the dog land in the street and the car sped away! I knew I had to do something to help! I ran to the dog and saw that she was still alive and breathing. Her eyes opened and looked up at me. I could tell by the look on her face that she was scared, in pain and wanted help. So I …

Went to the hospital, the doctor said the dog will be alive. I went to my house with the dog. Then I asked my mom. Can I take care of the dog? then my mom said yes. I put my dog on the sofa. And the dog fall asleep then I went to get a dish to put water on the dish so the dog could drink water. After he woke up and he drank water. He fall asleep again.

The next morning he woke up, It was saturday morning and my dog played with me and with a ball. After the hours passed. And my mom said it was time to eat. Then I asked to my mom Does the dog has to eat too? yes said my mom. Then my dad came in and he said it was time to clean the dog. And the dog ran outside, then my dad went and cleaned the dog then the dog went to sleep.

Article posted February 10, 2009 at 08:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 144

The Amazing Softball game

Article posted February 27, 2009 at 09:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 132

The Amazing Softball Game


Today ( February, 2, 2009,) we watch a video about a girl that tore her knee. Sara was the girl that tore her knee by playing a softball game. There was two teams one was called Western Oregon and the other team was called Central Washington. They were two teams from college. She was going to turn around when her

knee didn’t turned around so she tore her knee. Two girls from the other team carried her, and let her put one foot down on each of the bases, that’s how she touch all the bases and got a point, Sara’s team didn’t win but hey could almost win. After she tore her knee she couldn’t play softball no more. Because she couldn’t run.

The End

Article posted February 27, 2009 at 09:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 132

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”

Article posted March 11, 2009 at 11:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 134

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”


In class we are reading a book called “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” there were two families one was the Dursleys who had a baby called Dudley and the other family was the Potter family who also had a baby called Harry. Mrs. Dursley was Mrs. Potter’s sister but she pretend she didn’t had a sister.

Mrs. Dursley hated Mrs. Potter because Mrs. Potter was a witch. Mrs. Dursley hated Harry because she knew Harry was a wizard.

And she also knows that Harry was the one who vanished the glass from the boa constructor at the zoo. That is why Harry got in trouble.

Another time his aunt Petunia cut his hair very short he was embarrassed to go to school, and the next morning his hair grew back so fast, he also got in trouble for that. Another time when he got in trouble was when he was trying to escape from Dudley’s gang and he ended up on the roof.

Article posted March 11, 2009 at 11:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 134

Skype With Buenos Aires Argentina

Article posted March 17, 2009 at 09:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 142

Skype With Buenos Aires Argentina


Today March, 17, 2009, we skyped with kids in Buenos Aires Argentina.

We couldn’t hear them pretty well. Then group one went first. When it was my turn I felt kind of embarrassed. We weren’t that perfect either.

The kids in Buenos Aires Argentina were so exited. After we finished we sang the song “Home Means Nevada”.

They asked some questions and we answered them. The kids in Buenos Aires Argentina are 10 years old they are in fifth grade. Their favorite sport is soccer, then we lost connection. When the connection got back in we asked them for their favorite food.

Their favorite food is pizza.

12 kids from that class speak English, 25 of them speak spanish and 25 of the kids speak German. The name of the school is Goethe Schule (Goethe School).


Article posted March 17, 2009 at 09:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 142

Skype with Nelson, New Zealand

Article posted March 19, 2009 at 08:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 130

Skype with Nelson, New Zealand


On March, 17, 2009, we Skyped with a class in Nelson, New Zealand we could hear them pretty well. We could also hear our echo. When it was my turn I was embarrassed, after we were done we sang the song “Home Means Nevada”. Then they sang their song.

Moari was the language they were singing. At that school they have over 100 kids. They have 1st to 6 th grade. Their favorite food is chicken, their favorite sport is soccer and their favorite TV show is Sponge Bob. They go to school for 200 days. That was our Skype with kids at Nelson, New Zealand.

Article posted March 19, 2009 at 08:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 130

Cat Story

Article posted March 27, 2009 at 06:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 144

The Cat Story


When Mr. Crosby was in China he took a picture of a cat, the cat was supposed to be looking at the camera, but something else got it’s attention. We though of different things. I keep thinking of someone else, what if it was Mr. Crosby’s new friend, or what if it was someone who didn’t like Mr. Crosby and wanted him to go away from China. It seems to be that someone else got the cat’s attention, because it could also be a boy (or girl) who usually plays with the cat. But I don’t think a kid would like to be in a place like that, because when I saw the picture that was a really old place, it was like from 50 years ago. When Mr. Crosby took the picture he said that the cat was looking at the camera but then something made the cat look somewhere else, or someone else. We are not sure what was the cat looking at, but I know it was something or someone.

And then out from the shadows someone came out.

It was another person the one that distract the cat, the person said that she was trying to feed the cat. That was why the cat turned because someone was giving him food. That was my “Cat Story”.


Article posted March 27, 2009 at 06:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 144


Article posted March 31, 2009 at 10:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 156



The most interesting thing I found about Pluto is, the planet moves very slowly that it takes 248 years to complete its orbit around the sun. Another exciting thing about Pluto is that it is 3,666,000,000 miles away from the sun. Pluto is 93,00,00 miles away from Earth. Pluto is made out of primarily rock and ice and is relatively small. Pluto was found in the year 1930 February 18th. Some scientists belive that pluto once was one of Neptune’s moons. Pluto’s temperature is -370ºF.

Article posted March 31, 2009 at 10:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 156


Article posted April 1, 2009 at 10:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 150



The most interesting fact that I found about the moon is that is not the only moon in the solar system because there are 240 moons in th solar system and 166 are orbiting around the planets. The distance from Earth to the moon is 250,000 miles. The weight of the moon is 73,600,000,000,000,000,000 kg. The Planet with the most moons is Jupiter.

Article posted April 1, 2009 at 10:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 150

The Sojourner

Article posted May 11, 2009 at 08:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 955


Today May, 5, 2009, we read a story about Mars from our reading books. The story was about a rover that landed on Mars, and studied rocks from Mars. The rover was named as the Sojourner and it moved on the red planet. The rover took a lot of pictures on Mars. This book explained a lot of things.

The rover was created to move on Mars, example if a rock was on it’s way it would know what it was and skip it. It was a smart rover. And then I had to go to another class so I didn’t get to finish reading the book, but the parts that I read were interesting.

That was my story about the rover.

The End

Article posted May 11, 2009 at 08:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 955

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