Sonny -- Blogmeister
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Room Twelve Alumni

by Sonny

teacher: Mark Ahlness

Blog Entries

Space man

Article posted October 5, 2007 at 07:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 1244

I like to skate board and I like to sing rap music and play basketball and like to go to foot locker to buy the flips and I like to wear hats and I like to play baseball and I like to play P.S.P and I like to play halo3 on Xbox 360 and I like to wear flips and to wear Jordan back packs.

Article posted October 5, 2007 at 07:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 1244


Article posted October 19, 2007 at 11:42 PM GMT0 • Reads 148

Changing Desks

Every three weeks we change desks in room 12. The first thing we do is get every

thing out of our desks and we stay at the stuff on the chair. Then Mr. Ahlness picks out the point slip on our table.

Article posted October 19, 2007 at 11:42 PM GMT0 • Reads 148


Article posted November 7, 2007 at 08:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 262

I went to the Family Fun Center with my mom and dad and my cousin and we rode the

Go-cart and we played games and I beat my cousin at every game. Then we played the Go-cart again because we like to race and he lost again. Then we played a game and my cousin lost again. Then we played again. Then I lost.

Article posted November 7, 2007 at 08:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 262


Article posted November 15, 2007 at 09:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 179


I am thankful at the mall when I say thank you.

At the GameStop I am thankful to my mom and dad and to my cousin and to my uncle and to my friends.

Article posted November 15, 2007 at 09:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 179

My Mind.

Article posted December 6, 2007 at 06:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 133

My mind is on gym and going to the mall and I am going to listen ot my Chris Brown CD.

And I am going to play my PSP.

Article posted December 6, 2007 at 06:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 133


Article posted December 20, 2007 at 10:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 207

On Christmas I’m getting a PS3, and a Xbox 360, and shoes, and a new PSP game, and clothes and Halo3, and Face off CD ,and a Transformer game.

And I’m going to help my mom to buy some clothes for my cousin, and my dad ,and for me and I’m going to the mall to buy some clothes for my mom and my dad.

And I’m going to put the presents on the Christmas tree

Article posted December 20, 2007 at 10:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 207


Article posted February 1, 2008 at 11:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 244

The Xo laptop was fun and cool and you could take a picture and play games and make videos of yourself and you could go to your blog and you could drop it and it won’t break and you could write on it but it won’t save and you could use your Flash Drive to save your writing.

Article posted February 1, 2008 at 11:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 244

The Substitutes

Article posted February 28, 2008 at 08:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 185

Having substitutes is cool and fun and nice and it is Mrs. Luke and I had her last time in Mrs. Wan's class and Mr. Ahlness is going to be gone for 4 days because he is going to a Conference and he is coming back on Monday.

Article posted February 28, 2008 at 08:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 185

Good Luck

Article posted March 17, 2008 at 11:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 194

Good Luck

Getting a Laptop

Getting a I-Pod

And going on the laptop

And doing Art

Playing your PSP

Getting new shoes

And going to the Game Stop

And going to the mall

And going to the Basketball game

And going to the Family Fun Center

Article posted March 17, 2008 at 11:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 194

Earth Day

Article posted April 22, 2008 at 09:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 185

Earth Day

Yesterday the class went to Safeway and we got a cookie and we got a juice and we got to look at the book and we didn’t buy some thing and it was short and I was with Ryder and I was with him 3 times on a different field trip and the other field trip was fun and I did two bags.

Article posted April 22, 2008 at 09:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 185

XO Laptop

Article posted June 5, 2008 at 09:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 370

 Dear Mr. Malone


I like Tami and she is fun and my fun activity is chatting and it is fun and cool.


Mr. Malone we have 4 xos, we got Mr. Ahlness, and Earth day, Lincoln.


                                                    Bye, Sonny



Article posted June 5, 2008 at 09:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 370

My Weekend

Article posted June 9, 2008 at 06:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 181


Journal 26

June 9, 2008



On Saturday I went to my cousin's house and I played Basketball at my house and I shot 20 hoops.


On Sunday I watched Kung Fu Panda at Kent Station and I went to the Cold Stone and I went to a playground next to my house        


Article posted June 9, 2008 at 06:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 181

What's On My Mind

Article posted June 10, 2008 at 06:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 190

June 10, 2008


My mind is on going to ride scooters at gym and some people brought their own scooter.


We are going to have a party at reading group because is the last day of reading group and I brought a Avatar movie and it is short and I didn’t bring any thing, I just brought a movie and it is Book 2 and volume 3.      



Article posted June 10, 2008 at 06:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 190


Article posted June 11, 2008 at 06:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 182

You can enter the text of your blog here!


June 11, 2008


What are my plans for the summer is to skateboard and going to my cousin's house and going to the Family Fun Center  and going to Kent Station.


Today we have the Field day and they have new games and I like my plans and we don’t have music.  

Article posted June 11, 2008 at 06:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 182

On my mind

Article posted June 12, 2008 at 06:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 185

June 12, 2008


What is on my mind is going to the talent show today and the summer birthdays on Monday. My birthday is on August 12.


I’m going to keep my blog for the summer and for my birthday we are going to the FamilyFunCenter for my birthday and my family is coming.       

Article posted June 12, 2008 at 06:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 185

My Summer Blog

Article posted June 13, 2008 at 08:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 234



                                              My Blog

My favorite activity of blog is my plans and my weekend, and in the summer I’m going to keep it. In the summer I’m going to write in the summer. I’m going to write what are my plans and my weekend. My blog is going to be a long password in the summer. Next year I’m going to live in aKent. I could go to my friend’s blog and comment them. Some kids got blog and they should blog more. Some people are keeping their blog for the summer. I’m keeping my blog for the summer.


My blog is cool and I like my blog.  


Article posted June 13, 2008 at 08:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 234

My Summer Plans

Article posted June 16, 2008 at 10:26 PM GMT0 • Reads 935


                                           My Summer Plans

1. Going to watch Hulk

2. Going to the FamilyFunCenter

3. Get the move of The Forbidden Kingdom

4. Get new shoes

5. Go to the mall

6. Get a new house

7. Play my PSP

8. Get new games for my PSP

9. My dad gets a Slim PSP trade it for the black

10. Going to my dad work

11. Going to my birthday

12. Going to watch Transformer 2.  


Article posted June 16, 2008 at 10:26 PM GMT0 • Reads 935

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