Elisabeth -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Listen to My Blog!-

Students learn computer skills which include keyboarding, parts of the computer, applications, using the Internet, etc.

by Elisabeth teacher: Mattie Shaw
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Super Fun Questions About COMPUTER LAB!

Article posted November 4, 2007 at 05:18 AM GMT0 • Reads 50

Why are these questions super fun? Because for each one you answer, you get a sticker!

1. When you go with your class to the Computer Lab, what do you do there?

2. Do you do assignments or projects there? Like what?

3. Do you go on the internet? What websites do you go to?

4. What websites do you like? Not like?

5. Does the teacher ever have you find things on the internet? Like what? How do you do it? Is this fun/hard/easy?

6. What do you do when you can’t find something on the internet? How do you feel?

7. What do you most like about going to the computer lab? What do you least like? How do you feel when you’re in the computer lab?

Article posted November 4, 2007 at 05:18 AM GMT0 • Reads 50

I'll Be Back

Article posted December 3, 2007 at 09:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 44

The latest attempt with SOUND....

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Article posted December 3, 2007 at 09:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 44

Video Game Sound

Article posted December 3, 2007 at 09:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

If you want to put sound on your blog- just ask! It's easy.

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Article posted December 3, 2007 at 09:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

Do the Chicken Dance!!!

Article posted December 10, 2007 at 10:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

Have you ever done the funky chicken dance? It has three moves: Flap your chicken arms, clap your hands and do the twist. It's hard to resist when you hear the music. Play it and see!

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Article posted December 10, 2007 at 10:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

Star Wars Theme

Article posted December 17, 2007 at 11:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

Great Movies, great music...

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Article posted December 17, 2007 at 11:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

Summer in Europe

Article posted September 8, 2008 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

Hi Everyone!  Want to know what I did this summer?  I went to 3 countries: The Czech Republic, Rome and Germany.  I spent a total of 6 weeks in Europe.  4 of those weeks were in Rome.  I did an internship in an art and architecture library there called Rome Center.  I made a website and video about the things I did there.  If you'd like to see it, click here.  For the other 2 weeks I enjoyed myself traveling in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) and in Bamberg (Germany).  My best friend Stephanie lives in Bamberg and we had fun at a festival there called SANDKERVA.  I had a great summer!  I hope you all did too. 

Article posted September 8, 2008 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

South Park Theme

Article posted September 22, 2008 at 10:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 71

I like this midi file.  Reminds me of the music they played in Germany.

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Article posted September 22, 2008 at 10:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 71

Most Awesome Halloween

Article posted October 17, 2008 at 07:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 39

Does everyone like Halloween?  I sure do!  It's coming soon--just 2 weeks away so I hope you have your costumes picked out.  I've been to a lot of fun Halloween parties/events in my life, but you know what the best (and Scariest!) one was?  In my freshman year of high school a lot of us went to Knots Scary Farm.  Anyone know what Knots Scary Farm is?  It's a big amusement park with rides and games that is usually called Knots BERRY Farm.  But on Halloween they turn it into a GIANT haunted house and, magic, it transforms into Knots SCARY Farm.  

Want to know what Knots Scary Farm is like?  It's dark.  You hear lots of sounds like: rides whooshing and people laughing and screaming. It's also crowded, but you still feel scared.  There is cold creepy mist everywhere, sometimes so much you can hardly see (or breathe, cough cough!).  All the rides have creatures that jump out at you--Boooo! I went with my best friend and we spent most of our time Running From Monsters!  I'm not kidding.  The employees dress up like monsters and chase you if you run from them.  We tried not to run but it was hard because we were both big chickens.  We ran A LOT.  You know what was the scariest?  When my friend and I were talking we felt something hit our ankles.  We looked down and saw a gross-out chopped-off head that a monster had bowled at our legs!!!  He did it on purpose to freak us out.  We watched him do it to other people who weren't paying attention.  That was the most fun Halloween Ever. We had an awesome time. 

Knots Berry/ Scary Farm is in Southern California.  I miss going there.

Animation from J's Magic Halloween Gallery.

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Article posted October 17, 2008 at 07:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 39

Great Riddles from a Great Book

Article posted December 15, 2008 at 10:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 405

When I was 13, I did a book report on The Hobbit.  Some of you may have seen the The Lord of the Rings movies or read the books (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King).  The Hobbit is the book that starts the Lord of the Rings Series.  The Hobbit hasn't been made into a movie yet, but it might be.  All the books were written by J.R.R. Tolkien, a man who loved words and riddles.  In The Hobbit, two characters, Bilbo and Gollum, fight over the Ring of Power.  In one scene, they challenge each other for the ring in a duel of riddles.  I remember some of these riddles because I read those books over and over again.  A riddle that Gollum gave to Bilbo was my favorite:

A round box without locks, key or lid.  But inside, golden treasure is hid.

 And here's another that Bilbo gave to Frodo.  I think this one is really hard:

 30 white horses on red hill.  First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.

 Thanks for reading.  Miss Mattie gave me the idea to give you guys a riddle.  She just did a riddle contest on her blog.  Now I'm going to try to find some music that sounds "Middle-Earth-ish".  Oh, found something!  Very nice piece, one of my favorites by Beethoven.

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Article posted December 15, 2008 at 10:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 405

No way, it worked!!!

Article posted December 27, 2008 at 10:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

Miss Mattie just learned that we can put images on our blog articles.  WOW!  Way to go, Miss Mattie.  Here's my first try..


Article posted December 27, 2008 at 10:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

I Can Haz Slide Show?

Article posted January 3, 2009 at 11:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 79

BubbleShare: Share photos - Easy Photo Sharing

 These are my favorite baby animals from the web.  Mostly from icanhascheezburger.com


Article posted January 3, 2009 at 11:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 79

Write, Direct and Publish Your Own Animated Movie from xtranormal.com

Article posted January 12, 2009 at 07:12 AM GMT0 • Reads 62

One Digi-Bear asks another Digi-Bear:

"How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb?"


Article posted January 12, 2009 at 07:12 AM GMT0 • Reads 62

Valentine's Day

Article posted February 23, 2009 at 01:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 356

Miss Mattie made a comment on her blog about Valentine's Day so I think I will respond.  Here is her comment:

"It's getting close.  I wonder why kids like this holiday so much.  So I have made it an assignment to write why you think this is."      by Miss Mattie

I think it has to do with candy and mystery and hope.  All three are very nice things.  But most of us don't have access to all 3 all the time!  So Valentine's Day tends to underscore what we lack and I think that's why people don't like it.  But why do some people like it?  I think when you have an abundance of all 3, you tend to enjoy the shower of attention and fun and CANDY that Valentine's Day brings.

Usually,  I don't like or dislike it.  I am often lacking one of those three magical things but I still like the silly cartoons and pretty colors, nonsense and pageantry that holidays bring.  But I must admit, I usually don't even know when the actual day of the holiday is and am reminded the next day or the day after that, that it had even passed.   

But I do have to say.  The only 2 holidays I REALLY like are Halloween and Dias de los Muertos.  They contain only one thing: Awesomeness.


Article posted February 23, 2009 at 01:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 356

Scary things and Spring Break

Article posted April 6, 2009 at 07:11 AM GMT0 • Reads 57

You know what the first thing I did for Spring Break was?  I watched a movie.  But not just ANY movie.  This was a documentary- a movie about something that is True, not made up.  And it was great because it was about my favorite Scary Subject: SHARKS.

If you know me, you know that I like things that most people think are scary: spiders and insects, motorcycles, snakes, roller coasters, heights, dare devil stunts and of course, sharks.

The documentary I watched was called "Great White Shark: Truth Behind the Legend".  It was mostly about the great white sharks that live (during some seasons) off the Farallon Islands in California. 

The Farallon Islands by themself are sort of scary.  The rocks around them are jagged and triangular, like teeth. So they were given a nickname- "The Devil's Teeth".  There is also a book about the Farallon's and sharks called "The Devil's Teeth" (great book, by the way!). 

It it is off these sharp rocks that the great white sharks like to hang out and snack on seals and sea lions.  The biggest great whites, which are female, can be about 20 feet in length!  Scared yet?  Well, even if you're not, don't go surfing off the Farallon Islands.  Surf boards are the "bait" that the Farallon shark scientists use to draw the sharks to the surface! 

But really, even though great white sharks scare me, I love them.  I think they are beautiful and mystical.  If you saw this documentary, I think you would too!  If you are allowed to watch the documentary on Hulu, here is the link:


Article posted April 6, 2009 at 07:11 AM GMT0 • Reads 57

Haiku about Shadow's shadow

Article posted May 17, 2009 at 07:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 61

My sister got a new cat from the animal shelter.  She picked him because he kept climbing on her lap.  He's a black cat with orange eyes and she named him Shadow. 

I wrote a Haiku about Shadow seeing his shadow.  This haiku is 5/7/5 rhythm.  The first line has 5 syllables, the second has 7, the third has 5.

Haiku about Shadow's shadow:

A grey shaped oval

Dark fur in the golden sun

Being two and one

Article posted May 17, 2009 at 07:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 61

Find the Shadow

Article posted June 1, 2009 at 01:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 61

OK, you won't be able to see this picture at school, you will see a red X.  But if you can go on the Internet at home, you will see this:

A picture of my sister's dog and cat, curled up on a chair together.  They are friends.  Shadow is the cat and LouLou is the dog.  Shadow blends right into the chair.  I am told he is also a ninja.

It's almost summer, good job, happy (soon) vacation to you all!

Article posted June 1, 2009 at 01:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 61

Stray Kittens!

Article posted June 14, 2009 at 12:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 119

My sister now has 4 kitties!  At JSIS, because of filtering, you won't see the pictures.  But check from home, and you will see them:

Aren't they cuties?  They are 6 weeks old.  Someone abandoned them.  They are very friendly and playful and even like dogs!  Here's another picture:

Notice how the little guy on the right has an extra thumb?  He's called a Polydactyl.  Ernest Hemmingway was famous for having many extra-toed, Polydactyl cats.  They make wonderful friends!

Article posted June 14, 2009 at 12:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 119

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About the Blogger

I named this "Listen to My Blog" because that's what I hope you will do! There are lots of podcast songs and sounds for you to check out. Also, I like to find ways to add new technology like animated videos, slide shows, and generated images- like my Obamicon. Please comment to me if you have any technology ideas for my blog OR if you need any help trying some new technology on your blog. :D