Tracey G -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Tracey's Book Selections

Second Block

This blog is a collection of reviews for books found in our school library. We hope that readers will use it to find books that they will enjoy, and to comment on books they have read. Think of it as matchmaking for books and those who love them.

by Tracey G

teacher: Robin Holleman

Class Assignments
Book Review Q1 11/02
Blog Entries

101 Questions about Sleep and Dreams that kept you awake nights...until now By: Faith Hickman Brynie

Article posted November 2, 2007 at 05:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 179

101 Questions about Sleep and Dreams is not a book that you would want to curl up by the fire and read at night. This book is more about the information you need to know about sleep and dreams. The thought-provoking questions gathered for this book were ones asked by high school students all across the country. Students of a younger age often enjoy the obscure facts about sleeping and what happens after we close our eyes. The questions range from how and why we sleep, to why we dream, and what area in the brain is functioning. This book really covers the important parts of the downside of sleep like as we get older our REM cycles decrease. That means fewer dreams for adults and less shut eye too. Did you know that the position that you sleep in at night might, reveal something about your daytime behavior? In a study conducted by Chris Idzikowski British, sleep expert 5 percent of people sleep in the starfish position, which is on your back arms spread. The Starfish is supposed to show good friends and good listeners who do not like attention. Seven percent of People who sleep on their stomach are sleeping in the free fall position that shows you are talkative brash and sensitive to criticism. Eight percent of people sleep in the soldier position that is on your back hands down. The soldier is showing a quiet person who is demanding of self and others hence the word soldier, 13 percent sleep in the yearner position that is on your side arms out. The yearner shows someone who is quite suspicious, cynical, stubborn, and slow to make a decision, 15 percent in the log position or on your side hands down, and you could say they are easy going and very sociable, and 41 percent in the fetal position which is the most common among people. Fetal position shows a tough individual on the outside but has a sensitive heart. Overall, you will learn many interesting facts about sleep cycles, dreams nightmares, and the functions of the brain. Sleep well.

Article posted November 2, 2007 at 05:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 179

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