Lindsay J -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Second Block

This blog is a collection of reviews for books found in our school library. We hope that readers will use it to find books that they will enjoy, and to comment on books they have read. Think of it as matchmaking for books and those who love them.

by Lindsay J

teacher: Robin Holleman

Class Assignments
Book Review Q1 11/02
Blog Entries

Book Review: My Sister’s Keeper by Jody Picoult

Article posted November 2, 2007 at 05:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 85

My Sister’s Keeper is an entrancing novel that you will not want to put down. Anna, the main character, exists primarily to help her dying sister Kate. From the moment she was born, Anna began medical donations to save Kate’s life. The first was cord blood, taken from her umbilical cord at the time of her delivery. The latest request of Anna is for her to donate her kidney. Once Anna gets older she begins to question her role in Kate’s treatments. What will happen when Anna makes a decision that will affect her family for the rest of their lives?

All family members are interdependent; it is especially obvious in the case of this family. The author’s writing style captures the thoughts and perspectives of each character through her chapter structure that results in multiple omniscient narrators. Within the family there is Anna and Kate, but also Jessie, who at age 18, is also plagued with Kate’s problems, but like the rest of his family, has some problems of his own. Throughout the years their parents have struggled with what is moral and ethical in terms of Kate’s treatments.

I recommend that anyone who is interested in family dynamics and ethical versus unethical decisions read this book, especially those with siblings who are close in age. With a surprise ending and suspense throughout, this book will not disappoint.

Article posted November 2, 2007 at 05:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 85

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