Tazzy -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


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by Tazzy

teacher: Mr. Elder

Class Assignments
In The News 04/28
Blog Entries

Elderly Man Traps and Abuses Daughter

Article posted April 29, 2008 at 06:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

A 73-year-old man has been taken into custody in Austria on charges of serious sexual abuse and abuse. The man has kept his daughter confined in a cellar for 24 years, during this time he sexually abused her. The Austrian media are reporting that he is believed to have fathered seven children by her.

One of the seven died shortly after being born, three were kept in the basement and three lived a relatively normal life. The case came to police attention when a seriously ill 19-year-old woman, apparently, one of the six surviving children of the captive daughter, was admitted to a hospital in Amstetten.

My thoughts: Wow! That is terrible, how could anyone ever do that, I think the man should be locked up for life. When I first heard the story it was on the news, it sounded not even believable, the guy is sick! I feel so bad for the women and her 7 children it must have been so hard for her, it is going to be hard to go on, too.

Date: (put in the paper- April. 27 /08) (made into my blog- April 28/ 08)

Article posted April 29, 2008 at 06:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

Church and Graves

Article posted May 9, 2008 at 05:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

The class was going on a trip to Landslide Coulee, but first we stopped to visit the beautiful Anglican church. The church was small with a red roof and blue building. Inside was also quite small with cute pews and with bibles and song books. There was a pump organ and small windows. At the entrance of the building was very steep stairs that went up to the top of church where there was a bell and a rope. We weren't able to go up their but the top above the stairs was open and you could see. When Mr. C was telling us all about the church the door swung open, nobody was near the door to open it, and no one was outside the door to open it. People started freaking out. To me it was so cool, honestly this church made me never want to leave it. (Even though it was freezing)

After we got a few minutes to look around, I was able to play the pump organ, it was a lot harder than it looked. After all that we went outside to the graveyard and heard a speech from Mr. C. The cemetary was also beautiful, I loved looking at the headstones and seeing how old and what these peoples stories were, we had lots of time to look around outside too and we heard a story about people who were burried their sometimes "haunt" the area, like ring the bell, or like we experienced, open the door.

Happened (May. 6 2008) Wrote (May. 7 2008)

Article posted May 9, 2008 at 05:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

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