Hurricane -- Blogmeister
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by Hurricane

teacher: Mr. Elder

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In The News 04/28
Blog Entries

Regina Weather

Article posted April 29, 2008 at 06:27 PM GMT0 • Reads 127

Wednesday, April 30th there is a chance of rain +13 degrees celsius, then on Thursday, May 1st it's also supposed to rain but it will be +10 degrees celsius cloudy with showers. On friday it will hopefully be sunny +9 degrees celsius same on Saturday sunny but 13 degrees celsius. On Sunday its sunny again but with +16 degrees celsius this should be a good day and Monday it will hopefully be +15 degrees celsius with scattered showers.

I think this will be a good week for weather because we will have just a little bit of rain and lots of sun. It will be perfect weather for getting outside and play with friends. I just hope that the week stays like this or else we might have bad weather.

Article posted April 29, 2008 at 06:27 PM GMT0 • Reads 127

Landslide Coulee Slide

Article posted May 9, 2008 at 05:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 44

We went to the Landslide coulee yesterday for a class field trip, it was really fun. My Favourite part was when we got to the top of the hill and we were all up there for about 20 minutes and then the instructor, Mr.C told us to "climb down" of course I knew this wasn't going to happen half way into my "climb down" I realized I would have to slide all the way down. The drop was too steep.

I thought I was going to get hurt but it turned out at the end that it was fun. I was right behind Agent K so I knew that it wouldn't turn out good. So we were both falling down this steep cliffside and I had to push Agent K out of the way because he was too slow and plus Tazzy was behind me so I had to hurry. All in all we had fun falling down.

Article posted May 9, 2008 at 05:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 44

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