DL -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Woodruff's Writers

This year our class will be taking the North Carolina writing test. Each of us will have to follow a prompt and write a personal narrative. We have come a long way and this blog is our chance to show off our writing.

by DL

teacher: Kim Woodruff

Blog Entries

Writing tips

Article posted December 2, 2005 at 03:27 PM GMT0 • Reads 108

First, chose a title. Once you've done that start typing about you're story. Next,go over the story make sure there are no gaps,incorrect spelling and NO MESSY HAND WRITING!!! Make sure there are periods, commas,and you're punctuation is correct.Then, type it, draw it and give it to you're teacher and YOU JUST BECAME A WRITER!

Article posted December 2, 2005 at 03:27 PM GMT0 • Reads 108

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