sparkles -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016

Swallowing Stones

The reviews presented here are the opinions and ideas of the reviewer. The reviewers welcome comments from their fellow classmates, making the ideas and opinions presented here the starting point for dialogue, not the ending point.

by sparkles

teacher: Tonisha Walden

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Article posted May 8, 2008 at 06:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

My experience has been very good in book club. I really enjoyed it because I was reading a book with my friends. Plus the book that I read was a good book. Swallowing Stones was my main experience because it was so good.

I liked book club because I was with my friends. I also liked it because we got to choose what book we wanted. I disliked it because we had to complete them role sheets. I'd rather write a paragraph instead. But overal it was really fun!

I would increase my leval of engagement by reading my book a little more like in reading it in MIRP and taking it home. I would also increase my leval by doing my role sheets even though I dont like doing it.Most of all I would increase my leval by really focusing on the book.

Article posted May 8, 2008 at 06:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 54


Article posted May 9, 2008 at 05:57 PM GMT0 • Reads 32

I recommend my book to everyone because this is a very good book. In this book you will learn to tell the truth because you wouldn't want to end up in a very bad situation. This boy in the story had a very bad proublem and he thaught lying about it would just make things go away. He came to found out that it wouldn't all just go away.

You can also learn to watch out for who you think you can trust,because they can end up to be your wrost enimy. You just don't learn about

Article posted May 9, 2008 at 05:57 PM GMT0 • Reads 32

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