tmann -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016

Don't You Dare Read This...

The reviews presented here are the opinions and ideas of the reviewer. The reviewers welcome comments from their fellow classmates, making the ideas and opinions presented here the starting point for dialogue, not the ending point.

by tmann

teacher: Tonisha Walden

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Book Club Rocks

Article posted May 8, 2008 at 07:42 PM GMT0 • Reads 59

I have really enjoyed book club because you get to talk and work at the same time.Instead of sitten at your desk doing all the work by yourself and not conversating and realizing what your reading about.All that reading you would have to do by yourself and I think my group did pretty good with it because we were one of the first ones to finish our book.We had got left behind for a while but we caught up to the right place where we were suppose to be and finished before some people who were way ahead of us.We actually finished before everybody which I think was very important.

I didn't like when people wasn't here and they would fall behind and we wouldn't be able to read and discuss all together.I liked how the work sheets worked out because we got to try every one of them.That was very experiencing and interesting because we learned new words and found the definitions of them and some of us found alot of connections relating to our family and friends.I also liked how we got to choose how we wanted to read like by ourself or as a group or break off into groups.I didnt like how every time I would start reading people would be having conversations in my group.

I'm not going to talk as much and focus more on working.I would get more interested in the book but i was interested in it but not as much as I should of been.I didn't read to myself like I could of so I could of finished quicker then I did because I wasn't reading like I should.If I focused on another book club I would definitly pay more attention and try harder.I would also try to participate more then I did this time.

Article posted May 8, 2008 at 07:42 PM GMT0 • Reads 59

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