Rosie -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


We are a small country school in Northern New South Wales Australia. We are a class of Yr 3 to Yr 6 children

by Rosie teacher: Mike Reynolds
Blog Entries

The Ware Rabbit Strikes Again

Article posted June 20, 2008 at 01:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 143

Ellangowan School started up a garden but lately a mysterious stranger was attacking the garden

One day we were having a healthy lunch we had to get some things from the

garden. When we got there all the vegies were GONE

We saw a huge footstep in a half eaten cabbage. We decide to build a trap.

We all went to work. We came back with rope, tin, a rotten piece of carrot, net

and nails.

Then Laura, a very good drawer, came back with a plan and we set to work to build the trap.

That night we all came back and waited

Jade saw that a monstrous, murderous bunny was the culprit. The bunny was fifty feet tall with drooling

fangs and horrible hairy breath. Its eyes were like staring into a volcano.

I was just about to give the signal to attack when Jade felt something slimy and wet. It stank to high heaven.

"Yuk giant rabbit drool."

I laughed to myself giant rabbit drool sounded funny. Suddenly a scream alerted me back out of my thoughts

I turned around a saw the rabbit was just about to eat my two best friends!!

I quickly grabbed the thing nearest to me, which was a sausage sandwich.

Wait a minute.What the heck is a sausage sandwich doing here I mused. A thought struck me bunny rabbits don’t like tomato sauce Now where is some tomato sauce?

"Here I am said the tomato sauce."

"Wait a minute you can’t speak."

This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder”

I grabbed the tomato sauce and said “Eat tomato sauce bunny" I let off a powerful spell and it knocked the bad bunny off its feet and went over to being a lifeless monster.

As I did it was engulfed in a purple light. When the light went away I saw it was Fluffy the school rabbit

Article posted June 20, 2008 at 01:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 143

The Killer Chair

Article posted June 23, 2008 at 02:53 AM GMT0 • Reads 40

Long ago, at the beginning of time, before the dinosaurs, in a galaxy far away, there was a planet. But not just any planet, the planet was Chairaveil.

Chairaveil was home to some of the most evil chairs, super masterminds of all time.

One day during a horrific battle between the chairaveillans and the humorotterners, a very stupid chair blew up the entire planet and none survived...dum…dum…dum…. Or did they?

The sole survivor of that horrible day was chairmanic. She was a beautifully carved chair that was a mixture of the darkest browns and the lightest browns. She had a soft, luxurious, blue velvet cushion, deep purple eyes and deep red crimson lips that were moist with the sap of her fellow chairs as she floated through space for over 20,000000 years.

By that time, she had floated through meteorite showers and ice comets and had been encrusted with rock and bits of debris. She was now enclosed in a ball of rock and ice.

One day while she was encased in that ball, it got caught in the earth's orbit. It was pulled around and around the earth for a hundred years until it entered earth's atmosphere.

Suddenly, it caught on fire and plummeted down towards earth, gaining tremendous speed until it made impact.

Crash, Boom, Bang=http://!

It made such an impact that it shook the ground within a one hundred metre radius.

Inside that ball of rock, Chairmanica was getting ready.Soon a little female earthling would find her and take her back to the place they called their home. Then Chairmanica would make her a slave and start her reign of terror.


Article posted June 23, 2008 at 02:53 AM GMT0 • Reads 40

Prehistoric Beast

Article posted June 25, 2008 at 01:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 36


Andrewsarchus is the largest meat-eating mammal

discovered so far. It looks like a cross between a

Tiger and a wolf but is neither cat nor dog. It is

more closely related to the toothed whales.


It is a lot bigger than a

polar bear. Andrewsarchus

is 5 metres in length(excluding the tail) and weighs about 1,000 kilograms.


Andrewsarchus has a

massive skull. It is

100centimetres in length. Wow!

That’s some big head!


Andrewsarchus is not a

very efficient hunter and

if it eats large animals

they are probably carrion.

It mainly hunts turtles and other small animals that it finds near riverbanks.

Article posted June 25, 2008 at 01:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

Scary Quiz

Article posted October 30, 2008 at 02:57 AM GMT0 • Reads 68

He was murky and vomit brown, with breath like a one thousand year old rotting, decomposing sewage plant: teeth as jagged and bloodstained as an executioner's axe and as yellow as cheese with mould and fungi in it. He was twenty metres long and thirty metres wide, with poison spikes all down to his flabby tail. Green bulbous warts, purple pimples and rotting flesh covered his body. Bloodshot eyes and twelve snotty noses were dribbling foul saliva everywhere.

Guess my monster. You have three choices

(A) Swamp monster

(B) Sea monster

(C) Fluffy Bunny

Article posted October 30, 2008 at 02:57 AM GMT0 • Reads 68

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