Karina -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


Students learn computer skills which include keyboarding, parts of the computer, applications, using the Internet, etc.

by Karina teacher: Mattie Shaw
Class Assignments
Blog Entries


Article posted October 20, 2008 at 08:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

 Halloween is my second favorite holiday because you can be whatever you want to be and you can spend time with your family and friends and get candy. Yay! And also you can be a different

person once every year. I didn't start trick or treating until I was 7. This year I'm going as a cat. Last year I was a Hannah Montana, which I hate now.  Next year I'm going to be an angel, a white angel 

not a black one that is. EEEEEEvvvvvIIIIlllll!



Article posted October 20, 2008 at 08:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

Article posted April 6, 2009 at 08:30 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

 My Spring Break!

My spring break was actually fun this time. Well before spring break i went to California with my older brother Asim Ali. We had soooooooooo much fun! Now when it was Spring Break I went to the park and played frisbee with my dad we had fun.  And the next day we went to the pool!

Article posted April 6, 2009 at 08:30 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Summer Vacation

Article posted June 26, 2009 at 09:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 576

Summer has finally arrived. It's that type of year when birds sing their summer songs and when kids run behind ice cream trucks when it's hot. This summer I am going to a wedding. It's this week. I am so excited. It's a Pakistani wedding. I am so excited because Pakistani weddings are in the night and there's more than one wedding. There is like two or three days of the wedding. The last day is the wedding. The first day is the mendhi. Mendhi means hana you put on your hands and feet.  I am also going to take a three hour drive to Canada to see the Beluga whales and ride my bike. I hope all have a fun and enthusiastic summer.

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Article posted June 26, 2009 at 09:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 576

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About the Blogger

I am a person who likes to read and am really one of a kind person. I like art and music. I am the only one in the entire school who wears a hijab. I am a Muslim. I like to write stories and poems. Poems are mostly my passion. Also, I have a big family. I am the smallest in the whole family compared to my cousins and aunts and uncles. I am 9 years old and I am in third grade.