Emma -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016

2008-2009 Students

by Emma

teacher: Tom Ryan

Blog Entries

Emma-2008 Presidential Election

Article posted October 16, 2008 at 07:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 93

The most important issue to me in the upcoming presidential election is the environment. This issue is important to me because if workers keep cutting down trees, animals like birds won't have a place to live. Another issue that is important to me is global warming. Global warming concerns me because I want to see a polar bear. More importantly, I want my kids to see a polar bear.

The person I want for President is Barack Obama. I want this person because he will try to make alternative fuels. He also wants to take the troops out of Iraq. I think that is a good idea because lots of people die in Iraq every day. I also think Barack Obama is a more upper class President for the United States of America.

That's why I want Barack Obama for President.

Article posted October 16, 2008 at 07:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 93

Emma- The First Dog

Article posted January 16, 2009 at 03:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

I think the best choice for the Obama's "First Dog" is.... the soft coated wheaton terrier. I think they should choose this kind of dog because the soft coated wheaton terrier is hypoallergenic. I also think it is the best choice because they make a great companion. They are also very playful and have a gentle nature. Although they have a gentle nature they need to be handled firmly, fairly, and with consistency. I've actually had the experience of having a wheaton terrier as a pet. They are really fun to have around. I think a great name for a dog would be D.J. That is my opinion on what the Obama's "First Dog" should be.

Article posted January 16, 2009 at 03:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

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