Thomas -- Blogmeister
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2008-2009 Students

by Thomas

teacher: Tom Ryan

Blog Entries

Thomas-2008 Presidential Election

Article posted October 15, 2008 at 05:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 92

The most important issues to me in the next election are the war in Iraq and the economy. In the war many people are dying but we are fighting to get the Iraqi people on track. Iraq needs more money to be able to run their own country and government. One candidate, Barack Obama, wants to pull the troops out of Iraq. I think that is the worst idea because Iraq will fall apart again and we would get bombed again like on 9/11 by the terrorists or Iran. My parents are Republican. We like John McCain. His idea is to stay in Iraq and I agree. We can't stop now after what we've done.

We have to end this war by winning it, not abandoning it. John McCain really does not want to lose the war.

Another issue is our economy. Our gas prices are very high. There is oil in Alaska but the Democrats don't want to go and get it. Our country is in trillions of dollars in debt. Stocks are going down like crazy. Tax payers pay a lot of money. Also older people are losing a lot of money. Barack Obama only cares about the middle class people. He should care about other people too. What about the higher and lower class people? Also Barack Obama wants to make new cars that run on different fuel due to global warming. I think that will just put America in debt more. I don't believe in global warming. John McCain should be our next president.

Those are the issues in the upcoming election.

Article posted October 15, 2008 at 05:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 92

Thomas-The First Dog

Article posted January 16, 2009 at 03:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

Many people know that our nation's next President, Barack Obama, is getting a new dog because he promised his daughters Malia and Sasha one since Obama won the election. Malia has allergy problems with dogs. So I think the Obamas should get a breed of dog called a Bichon Frise.

The Bichon Frise is a really good dog and good for allergies. So it's good for Malia. I think they should get this dog because it is very good with kids and is very sociable. Most of the time, the Obamas are very busy and don't have time to train dogs. The Bichon Frise can be trained very easily. It has a very good personality and a curious personality. It would have a high profiled life in the White House. The dog would work out perfectly in the White House.

In conclusion, the Bichon Frise is a very lovable dog and is perfect for the First Dog of the Obamas. I also think the name of the dog should be Louie if it is a boy.

Article posted January 16, 2009 at 03:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

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