Nick -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

2008-2009 Students

by Nick

teacher: Tom Ryan

Blog Entries

Nick-2008 Presidential Election

Article posted October 16, 2008 at 07:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 95

The most important issue in the upcoming presidential election is the Iraq War. I know Obama will take us out as soon as possible. I think we should stay in Iraq until we get what we went there for. We should stay there until Iraq decides to treat everyone nicely. If we pull out of Iraq all the troops who died would pretty much be dying for nothing.

I want John McCain to be the next President for the U.S. I want McCain because he has military experience. Also, Sara Palin (McCain`s running mate) is a governor. Governors have a lot of power. They have more power than Senators like Joe Biden.

Thanks for reading my Blog. Go McCain!!

Article posted October 16, 2008 at 07:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 95

Nick-The First Dog

Article posted January 16, 2009 at 03:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 46

I think the Obama's First Dog should be the Miniature Schnauzer. I think it should be the Schnauzer because Malia is allergic to dog fur and Schnauzers have hair. Another reason I think they should get the Schnauzer is that it likes to play and doesn't lose energy easily. The Schnauzer is also a very alert dog. The Schnauzer is also very intelligent. The dog is also a very good watchdog. They will also enjoy a good companionship with their owner. I think they should name it Scruffy.

Article posted January 16, 2009 at 03:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 46

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