A -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Our Students

We are a fifth grade class at The Lovett School in Atlanta, Georgia. "Blogging" is a new activity for us, but we plan to use our blog to offer literary suggestions to our friends and peers. We engage in a great deal of independent reading, and in the process, have come across a variety of what we consider to be excellent books. We are anxious to share our suggestions and insights with you. You'll find that we rate amazing, awesome, page-turners as "Five Star" books, and books that didn't exactly light our fire as "One Star" books. Although these reviews are only our opinions, we hope that our suggestions help you in future experiences with quality literature!

by A

teacher: Stephanie Bullock

Blog Entries

Wonder's Victory

Article posted February 6, 2006 at 05:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 100

By Joanna Campbell

Reviewed by Astrid

The book that I choose is "Wonder's Victory." This book is about a girl and her horse Wonder, and about how the character Ashley is trying to get Wonder to the winner's circle. Read the book to understand the hard times Ashley goes through just for Wonder. Ashley also shows Wonder's owner how smart and wonderful she is. Read the book to see if two unlikely contestants make it to the winner's circle and become famous. I give this book 5 stars!

Article posted February 6, 2006 at 05:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 100

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