Sahil -- Blogmeister
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Mrs. Redito's Class

by Sahil

teacher: Neepa Redito

Blog Entries

Article posted January 27, 2009 at 10:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 61

Resolutions for this year

1. I want to get better at visual thinking games like Tangrams and Square by Square

Step 1. I will play visual thinking games every night.

Step 2. Once a week I will verse someone who is slightly better than me, so I feel pressured to do better.

2. I will finish more of the projects that I start.

Step 1. I will only start things that I know I can do.

Step 2. I will set a due dates on projects when I start.

Step 3. I will work on the project I am doing at least once a week.

Goals for this week

1. I will read and write with my grandma at least once a day.

Step 1. I will write it in my planner as homework.

Step 2. I will ask my mom to remind me every night.

Step 3. I will be patient no matter how long it takes.

Article posted January 27, 2009 at 10:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 61

Sahil Goals for 2009: update

Article posted February 3, 2009 at 01:35 AM GMT0 • Reads 95

I have done each of my goals partially. In Tangrams I have been practicing every night, but I have not been able to verse some body. As of my second goals I have not started any project lately, but I have been working on one long story that I have not been able to set a date on. I want to change my third goal ,about teaching my grandma, to make it more realistic. I forget to do it often and by the time my grandma reminds me it is to late. I have decided to make it once every other day, and daily whenever possible. Also I have put  a small reminder to teach my grandma on my T.V. Also, I have decided to teach my grandma for at least forty-five minutes every time I do.

Article posted February 3, 2009 at 01:35 AM GMT0 • Reads 95

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