A -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Our Students

We are a fifth grade class at The Lovett School in Atlanta, Georgia. "Blogging" is a new activity for us, but we plan to use our blog to offer literary suggestions to our friends and peers. We engage in a great deal of independent reading, and in the process, have come across a variety of what we consider to be excellent books. We are anxious to share our suggestions and insights with you. You'll find that we rate amazing, awesome, page-turners as "Five Star" books, and books that didn't exactly light our fire as "One Star" books. Although these reviews are only our opinions, we hope that our suggestions help you in future experiences with quality literature!

by A

teacher: Stephanie Bullock

Blog Entries


Article posted February 6, 2006 at 05:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 98

By Chistopher Paolini

This is a book about a boy named Eragon, who finds a strange blue stone. He takes it to his house and examines it, but has work to do and he just leaves it on his shelf. He doesn't know that this blue stone, that will later turn out to be a dragon egg, will cause him a lot of trouble. Evil creatures come and try to hunt him down, searching through the whole town, to try to find this shining sapphire stone that Eragon thought he could sell for money. The creatures burn down his house and murder his family. Eragon is heartbroken, but he finds that he can communicate with this dragon from the egg. Together with the old man named Brom and his dragon named Saphira, he goes to take down the evil Empire that killed his family and is looking for the last of the seven dragons. Will they succeed? Will Eragon's and Saphira's bond grow stronger…or weaker? Will they survive? Only you will find out.

I like this book because I like the fantasy genre. I like books that are full of cliffhangers that make you tense and surprises that pop up everywhere. This is a book that is very long, but worth reading. If you are a fantasy lover, you have to read this book. I would give this book five stars out of five stars.

Article posted February 6, 2006 at 05:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 98

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