K -- Blogmeister
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by K

teacher: Nichole Sorockyj

Blog Entries

My Multiple Intelligences

Article posted October 2, 2009 at 05:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 142

Hi!!! I am Katie! Nice to meet you all. In P5, we are learning about the BRAIN.Now,I am going to talk about my multiple intelligences. What is multiple intelligences? They are things that you are good at!!

I am Body kinesthetic

Because I like going on field trips, crafts and dancing.

I am a naturalist

Because I like making bird feeders, going on nature walks and reading outside.

I am Interpersonal

Because I like groupwork, sharing, being cooperative and learning.

I am musical

Because I like playing instruments and tapping out poetic rhythms.

Article posted October 2, 2009 at 05:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 142

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