Anne K -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


Our Blog

by Anne K

teacher: Jody Falkenstern

Class Assignments
Haiku 10/08
Book Review 10/03
Blog Entries

How to Clean a Flute

Article posted September 29, 2009 at 10:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 106

Do you have a flute? Here is how to clean it. First,pick up a stick. Make sure it is made ot of wood. Next, take out the cloth .You will need two. One for the inside and one for the outside. After that,take out your flute. tie the cloth to the stick.take your flute apart and clean the inside. now clean the outside with the other piece of cloth.finally, you have a beautifully clean flute. Enjoy!

Article posted September 29, 2009 at 10:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 106

Article posted September 29, 2009 at 10:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 129

The Green Sea Turtle

By: Anne Keen


Specific Species  Name:

·       The Green Sea Turtle is also known as the Chelonia Mydas

Animal Clasification:

·       The Sea turtles class is reptilian

·       So they are cold blooded

Pysical Characteristics:

·       The male is the same size as the female

·       The leather back is the largest sea turtle alive

Eating Habits:

·       The adult sea turtles are herbivors(they eat only plants)

·       The baby turtles (from new hatched to 7 years old) are obnivors (they eat plants and animals) they feed on plants, plankton,jelly fish and fish eggs





Risk of Endangerment:

·       All the sea turtles are in risk of endangerment , so lets stop pollution and  killing sea turtles.

Description of Habitat:

·       They are usually found in warm tropical oceans all around the world.


Location Where Animal Can be Found:

·       They are located in the Atlantic ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, along the Argentinian coast, Mediterian Sea, and in the Indo –Pacific Ocean

text of your blog here!

Article posted September 29, 2009 at 10:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 129

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About the Blogger

I was born in Germany,Frankfort. Then I moved to Spain and to Florida. Now I live In Costa Rica and Have 10 dogs, 2 cats and 2 hamsters. I am 10 years old and my birthday is July 9, 1999. My favorite colors are lihgt blue and black. I like listening to pop music. My favorite band are The Beatles. My favorite animal is the monkey. My friends say I am funny but wierd.LOL! I love exploring the beach. My hobbys are: Dancing,(I am in the company,:-} ) campping, and sometimes swimming. So well, I have a new blog and well I will try to keep you updated with my life and school work. Enjoy!