Softball#9 -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

by Softball#9 teacher: David Springall

First loop de loop

Article posted October 7, 2009 at 08:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 127

I am in Darian Lake and going on the viper. There is a very long line. My legs are shaking and I am scared to death to go on my first loop de loop rollercoaster EVER!I get in the cart. While I am going up the hill I was thinking in my head, I'm going to be ok, I am going to be ok. When I started going, doing loop de loops and doing barrel rolls I thought to myself this is fun. I thought it was going to be more scary but it was fun. That was my ride on the viper. Have you ever been on the viper? If you have then was it scary?

Article posted October 7, 2009 at 08:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 127

Text Messaging

Article posted October 21, 2009 at 02:24 AM GMT0 • Reads 38

Did you know that texting while driving is bad? Many people that are driving & texting at the same time can put you in to car accident. Well I developed a different way of texting while driving.If you have someone in your car with you, then let them text. I mean if you have a child that is under 7 years of age and fools around, then don't let them text.Or wait till you get home to text.Do you text?

Article posted October 21, 2009 at 02:24 AM GMT0 • Reads 38

Favorite and lucky #

Article posted October 24, 2009 at 09:09 PM GMT0 • Reads 39

Lots of people have favorite and lucky numbers.It could be so high that some people don't even know it.How many favorite numbers do you have, and what are they?I have two.They are two and nine.If you have a lucky number or numbers, what

are they?Mine is nine.


Article posted October 24, 2009 at 09:09 PM GMT0 • Reads 39

My Favroite Song

Article posted November 6, 2009 at 12:24 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

I have lots of songs I like.But theres only one that is my favorite.It is No Surprise.It has been written by the band Daurtrey.Like I said, I have other songs that I like but I don't want to go through them all.What is your favorite song and by what band or person is it by.

Article posted November 6, 2009 at 12:24 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

Old Friends

Article posted November 7, 2009 at 01:50 AM GMT0 • Reads 43

I have lots of old friends.They are from Indiana, and Virgina.I kinda forget the people in Indiana but remember the people in Virgina.Lots of people in Virgina I know but only a couple people in Indiana.Do you have any old friends from different states or schools?

Article posted November 7, 2009 at 01:50 AM GMT0 • Reads 43


Article posted November 7, 2009 at 01:51 AM GMT0 • Reads 42

People move a lot.I have moved 4 times.I know how it feels to move.Deperesing.I have moved from Indiana to Connecut back to Indiana then Virgina(which I call my home town) and now NY.How many times have you moved?What were the states?

Article posted November 7, 2009 at 01:51 AM GMT0 • Reads 42

Favorite Candy

Article posted November 9, 2009 at 11:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

Hi it Softball#9 asking what is your favorite candy and why?Mine is a chocolate bar(dark chocolate).They are so rich and when melted, creamy.I like others like m&ms,kit-kats,snickers and many more but like chocolate bars the best.

Article posted November 9, 2009 at 11:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

My Pet

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 12:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

I have a golden retriever named Hogan.His coat color is gold and white.He is 10 years old just like me.He weighs around 70 lbs.His size I don't know. He cuddles up with me and my brother.He is very active and playful.My brother and I like playing tug a war with his red thing.When he looks out the window, he barks when someone or something passes our house.It is very annoying!!What is your type of dog do you have.If you have one, what is the name, what does it do in daily life, what are the colors,how old is it, and what is the size and weight of it.

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 12:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

Golden Reterivers

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 08:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 38

Golden Retrievers are so soft.They are very active and playful. They like to play fetch and tug-a-war, well at least my dog does. He is to old to play fetch but he can still play tug-a-war.Their height is between 21.5 to 24 inches.Their weight is between 55 to75 lbs.They are from Great Britain.They have droped ears and when people mention ice cubes or a treat after do something good his ears perk up.They are not I repeat not good watch dogs.They are friendly, great family pet, likes sports and activities.They also like BIG families. They are still working dogs for people that need them.

If you have a dog, does it do that stuff?

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 08:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 38

Your Favorite Dog

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 11:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Hi.Its Softball#9 asking what is your favorite type of dog and why.It could be the most ugliest dog or the most cutest dog. I don't care what you choose. I like golden retrievers and Bernese mountain dog.Both are cute, active, and playful.Bernese are meant for this weather in NY.Goldens could go either way.

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 11:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Hating all Fruit

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 11:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

I know you are going to say I am weird and all because I hate fruit!! It is disgusting. But the problem is, I have not tried fruit in a long time.What kinds of fruit do you like?All of them?I don't like any.Not a single one.

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 11:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

what to be when grown up?

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 11:33 PM GMT0 • Reads 37

I always ask myself what am I going to be when I grow up.Well I have decided to be a pro softball player.I want to pitch for team USA.I want to be just like Jennie Finch.What do you want to be when you grow up?

Article posted November 10, 2009 at 11:33 PM GMT0 • Reads 37

Web Sites

Article posted November 14, 2009 at 04:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

I can't go on u tube, facebook or twitter.My parents say I can't because there is bad stuff on it.Isn't that just crazy!!Are you allowed to go on u tube, facebook and/or twitter.If you you do, then does your mom and/or dad limit what you watch and how you are on for, or do your parents just let you go on it?

Article posted November 14, 2009 at 04:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Kings Dominien

Article posted November 14, 2009 at 04:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 38

My favorite water/ride park is Kings Dominien.It had almost 100 rides and atteractions and almost 40 water rides.My favorite rollercoaster was a lazer game to shoot the ailens.The ride I wanted to go on but I was to short for was the Volcano.You do not sit down, you stand up.It does turns, flips and barell rolls.My favorite water/ride was the log flum.You go up, down and around in a log.At the end of the ride you get splashed with water from the force of the log and random people squirt you with coin ocupied water guns.It is super fun.It is in Virginia.

Article posted November 14, 2009 at 04:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 38

Favorite Memory

Article posted November 19, 2009 at 01:45 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

I have had lots of memorys but only that will stay in my mind for ever.It was when I went on the viper.It was my 1st loop-de-loop rollarcoaster ever.I just went on it over the summer.I felt scared at first but then it was nice and smooth and I was ok.What was your favorite memory?

Article posted November 19, 2009 at 01:45 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

Rosa Parks

Article posted December 2, 2009 at 06:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 47

Rosa Parks was an amazing, interesting and caring person.  She stood up for the black people so that they so they could have the rights like we do and cared about the future of America.  She also cared about the kids feelings.  Do you want to know why?  Well when she was younger ( not our age.  Probably late 60's early 70's) Rosa and other blacks could not sit or talk to whites. The whites took colored people ( black people) as slaves. One day Rosa was on a city bus and she wanted sit next to a white person even though she was not allowed.  She refused and she did anyway.  Then the police arrested Rosa and put her in jail.  Now the black and white have equal rights.

Article posted December 2, 2009 at 06:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 47


Article posted December 6, 2009 at 09:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

There are 32 NFL football teams.  There are very bad teams like the Detroit Lions and the Oakland Raiders.  There are some good teams like the New England Patriots and New York Giants and there are the 2 very good teams,  the Colts and Saints.  Now 2 out of there which are the Giants and Colts I don't like.  the Patriots are the team that I like.  The Patriots record is 7 and 5 because they lost to the Dolphins.  The Eagles beat the Falcons,  the Colts beat the Titans,  the Raiders beat the Steelers, the Saints beat the Redskins ( just barley.  in over time ) and the Giants beat the Cowboys.

Article posted December 6, 2009 at 09:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

Jennie Finch

Article posted December 9, 2009 at 02:56 AM GMT0 • Reads 39

Jennie Finch is an amazing softball player.  She has been to and in a lot of softball championships in the Olympics.  Some day I might go to the Olympics.  If you read my article what to be when grown up you will know why.  Go to to learn about Jennie Finch.  Then click at the top of the page where it says bio.  She went to the University of Arizona.  In the year 2003 she got selected to go to the olympics.  The year after that she went to her first olympic softball game which was in the year 2004.  the rest you can find out on the website.  Her # is 27

Article posted December 9, 2009 at 02:56 AM GMT0 • Reads 39


Article posted December 20, 2009 at 09:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Christmas is a great and special time of year for people that do not celebrate Hanuka or Kwanzaa.  On Christmas eve people that believe in Santa say that he delivers presents to all the good boys and girls in one night.  Do you believe in Santa and why?  I do and I do not.  I do not because reindeer can not fly and Santa can not deliver presents in one night.  How does he know which girls & boys are good or bad?  I do believe because Santa's and my moms hand writing has no comparison.  Then when the boys and girls wake up and look under the tree they see presents and in their stockings toys!  My motto for Christmas is that it is better to give than to receive.  It is also time to get with family and friends.  The people that go to church celebrate another holiday,  the birth of Jesus Christ our savior.  Those people go to church on Christmas eve in the afternoon or at night.  On Christmas day they go to church in the morning. 

Article posted December 20, 2009 at 09:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Lindsey Vonn

Article posted January 13, 2010 at 05:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Lindsey Vonn is a winter Olympic Alpine skier.  This year the Olympics are going to be held in Vancouver.  Vancouver is some where in British Columbia,  Canada.  In 2009,  she fell and she thought she broke her back.  So then she thought she would not be able to race in the 2010 Vancouver winter Olympics but she did not break her back.  If we did not have her than we would have no USA woman Alpine skier.                                                                                                                                                                    

             If you want to know more about her than look in the Time Magazine of 2009.

Article posted January 13, 2010 at 05:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

New Kid

Article posted January 14, 2010 at 11:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

We have a new kid coming to our school.  It is like our fifth new student this year.  He is a boy.  I hope he is nice.  He will be sitting at my table.  He comes from a school in Syracuse.  Now we are going to have 24 students.  There are now 12 boys and 12 girls.                                                                                                                                        

      dDo you think he is going to be nice?  Do you think he is going to be shy?

Article posted January 14, 2010 at 11:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

Joe Jonas

Article posted January 27, 2010 at 11:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

Joe Jonas is a singer in the band The Jonas Brothers.  They sing songs,  travel around to different places and other things.  He is my favorite.  He has two other brothers and their names are Nick and Kevin.  Kevin is already married and Nick is not.  There is something that is special about me.  Joe and I share a birthday.  Not that he knows that or anything but I do.  He is ten years older then me.

   Who is your favorite Jonas Brother (if you have one).

Article posted January 27, 2010 at 11:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 34


Article posted February 7, 2010 at 09:10 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

I love bubblegum.  I get gum for the taste of it.  I only get the mint, bubble and cinnamon because I do not like the fruity kind of gum.  There are all kinds of gum that you can choose from.  Trident Layers,  double bubble, 5, double mint, dentyne, orbit and so many more.  If you can think of any other kinds,  please tell me in your comment.  What is your favorite kind of gum and why?

Article posted February 7, 2010 at 09:10 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

Different place

Article posted February 7, 2010 at 09:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 38

If you had to live in a different state besides New York,  where would you live and why would you live there?  I would live in Virgina in a town called Glen Allen which is where I used to live. I would live there because in the summer time it is hot and in the winter it's cool (right now (today) it is cold with about 36 inches but when you are there,  anything can happen).  That is why I chose Virginia as the state I would live in if I could not live in New York.

Article posted February 7, 2010 at 09:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 38

Writing Piece

Article posted February 10, 2010 at 01:18 AM GMT0 • Reads 38


The story that I am typing in writing is called The Skeleton Dungeon.  The dream that I had was about a Skeleton factory not a Skeleton dungeon but I decided that I should change things up a bit and make it interesting.  So I change the characters  names a bit.  I put in all sorts of other things to make it interesting.  What piece are you writing about in writers workshop and why did you choose that piece?

                                                                                   (PLEASE COMMENT)

Article posted February 10, 2010 at 01:18 AM GMT0 • Reads 38

Winter Break

Article posted February 17, 2010 at 06:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 40

I went to my grandparents house for winter break.  My cousins came and on Monday they skied for their first time and did not know how to ski because they live in Cocoa Beach,  Florida and where they live they do not have any snow.  When I was going skiing, I went on the terrain park twice.  On the first time I did everything right, but on the second time I went over the wrong jump two fast and sprained my ankle.  It really hurt.  Then I skied for the rest of the day.  While they were here we played in the woods and in the snow,  went sledding,  played hide and go seek tackle and other things.  In the woods on Tuesday,  we were finding a place to live,  like if we were trapped in the woods.  Got pine cones,  bark and ferns to eat.  Then we had to find a place to live.  We needed to find a big one with lots of room.  So when we found one,  we stayed there and took a rest for a while.  Then we went out to the backyard of my grandparents house and had sledding races pretending to win $.  Since we all were together,  it did not matter who won.  Before we did that,  we went in the woods and went to a place and made a fire.  We roasted hot dogs first and then when we were done with them,  we had smore's.  When we were done with those,  we went over to a rock and we all tried to climb it while our hot cocoa water was getting boiled.  Then the parents called us over when the hot cocoa was ready.  Finally when we were done with our hot chocolate,  we headed back to the house and when we got there,  we did the house thing.  Then we went inside.  The next day,  which is Wednesday,  my cousins left and my brother,  mom,  grandparents,and I went sledding again.  On Thursday we went skiing.  We went in a lesson and guess who was with me,  my little evil bother.  We have never been in the same class together.  If you went skiing with us you could clearly see that I am way out of his level.  I mean he is good and all but I am better than he is.  In the lesson we went on the half pipe.  I have never gone on the half pipe before and if you haven't then you should go on it.  After our lessons we went inside, had lunch,  we went to ski with my mom and grandpa to free ski.  After we were done we packed up our thins and went home.  On Friday my dad came and we went sledding again but this time my dad went sledding with us.  Then we went inside, had some hot cocoa, our lunch and watched the winter olympics.  Then on Saturday we went ice skating.  For me it was my second time.  It had been 8 years since the last time I had been on skates.  I knew how to skate around on the ice but I thought that I was not going to be able to even stand up with the skates on the ice but I started to get the hang of it.  For my brother it was the first time he had ever been on ice skates.  My brother did really well to.  My dad told us that since we ski he thought that this was going to be easy.  On Sunday we went home.  On the way home we stooped at my Aunts house.  I would not say that she is my aunt because she was my moms roommate in college and I do not know what else to call her.  If you can think of some names, please tell me in your comment.  What did you do over your winter break?

Article posted February 17, 2010 at 06:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 40

Optical illusions

Article posted March 4, 2010 at 07:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Optical Illusions are just your eyes playing tricks on you.  Here is a nice one that is simple and easy. Here it is.  If you do not stare at the center black dot it seems to get bigger.  Dosen't it?  Yes or no.  Tell me in your comment.


Article posted March 4, 2010 at 07:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 36


Article posted March 7, 2010 at 02:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 35


There are many sports out in the open world.  Like softball, swimming, soccer, baseball, football, basketball and many other sports that people could play.  I play softball, I swim and I ski.  JMD10 is on my softball team.  We play for a traveling team called "Central Spirit".  I do not swim for a team like swimgirl does, but I do take lessons.  too.



     Do you have any hobbies?  If you do then what are they?  Are you on a team, take lessons or just do it for fun?  I take lessons and play for a team.




Article posted March 7, 2010 at 02:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 35


Article posted March 19, 2010 at 02:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

You can see by the word help, that something is wrong.  Well, somthing is wrong.  I am running out of ideas for the blog.  I curently have 30 (counting this one) and I can not  think of any more.  If you can think of some, please tell me.  I want you to stay intrested in my blogs.  This is not like JMD10s artical or The Hamburglers artical, I just need more help in some ideas.

Article posted March 19, 2010 at 02:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Being Rich!

Article posted March 26, 2010 at 07:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

If you were rich what would you have?!?!?!  I would have four pools, a mansion, four dogs, a spa and other things.  Being rich is kind of rare and when you are rich, you usually live in Los Angels, Calafornia.  Do you know anyone (and if you know anyone that is related to you, that does not count) that lives there.  Well, I partly know Joe Jonas because I read about him a lot him.  One thing I know about him is that his birthday is the same day as mine is.  We are also ten years a part from each other.  Here is a picure of thousands of dollers.

Don't you wish you would have all this much money!!!!!!

Article posted March 26, 2010 at 07:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Fantastic Frogs

Article posted March 29, 2010 at 06:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

      I was reading in the TFK, and I came across an article about frogs.  I thought that it would be neat if I wrote an article about the frogs.  Here it is.  In the article, it talked about the poisones frogs.  They are barely bigger than a quarter, but has a big name, terribilis or terrible one for the highly toxic poison on its gleaming skin.

     The frogs life cycle first starts with a jelly like egg that has no shell.  Most frogs lay their eggs in water.  In a few weeks, the eggs hatch, and tiny tadpols wriggle out.  Their bodys look like fish when they first hatch, and also have gills, just like fish.  They help them breath under water.  Then they keep on growing, and finally they go though a metamorphosis and turn into a frog.  It was very neat and cool to read.

      There is this frog called a Borneo frog that makes a noise that is at a higher pitch then human ear can even hear.  The sounds are ultrasonic.

      Did you like my artical?  I have another artical that I am going to write.  Hope you like the next one.

Article posted March 29, 2010 at 06:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 34


Article posted March 30, 2010 at 06:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

I have a few questions to ask you.  They are going to be about people and other things.  Here they are.


1. What team did Ted Williams play for?


2. What is the name of the most current presidant?


3. What is the pitchers name that got traded from the Milweukie Brewers to the NY Yankees?


4. In what year did the Syracuse Lacrosse team win the National Title?


5. How many World Series did the NY Yankees win?


6. What is the movie called that we are watching in Music class?

Article posted March 30, 2010 at 06:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

Answers to Artical Questions

Article posted March 30, 2010 at 06:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

These are the answers to the questioning artical.

1. Boston Red Sox.

2. Barrak Obama

3. C.C. Sabathia

4. 2008

5. 27

6. The Sound of Music

Article posted March 30, 2010 at 06:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

April Break

Article posted March 30, 2010 at 06:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

I was suppose to be going to Virginia over spring break but now I can not because I have a softball game scheduled.  I am mad because I can not go to Virginia but I am happy because I finally get to play softball which I have been waiting for all winter.  Where are you going over spring break?

Article posted March 30, 2010 at 06:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 41


Article posted April 8, 2010 at 05:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 40

Cakes can be chocolate,vanilla, strawberry and other different flavors.  I LOVE CAKE=http://!!! Cake is so good.  My favorite kind is marble cake.  There is marble cake, chocolate cake, cookie cake and many more.  Can you name some more.  What is your favorite kind of cake?

Article posted April 8, 2010 at 05:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 40


Article posted May 18, 2010 at 06:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 74

Here are the heviest land mammals in the world:

5. Water buffalo is up to 2600 lbs

4. Giraffe is up to 3000 lbs

3. Rhinoceros is up to 5000 lbs

2. Hippopotamus is up to 8800 lbs


1. Elephant up to 15000 lbs


True or false: Elephants are more than twice as heavy as girafes.

Article posted May 18, 2010 at 06:19 PM GMT0 • Reads 74

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